Chapter 33

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Rory and Agatha made their way up the steps from the dungeon with relative ease. Jak and Zachario carried John around the unconscious guard, Gronk, and stopped at the base of the narrow staircase.

"What now?" Zachario asked.

It was tough enough just to carry another person without going up the stairs in a single file. If they dragged the old man, then his legs would hit each of the steps. John had suffered enough but the priority was getting out of the castle. Especially, since the female guard would be back with the king himself.

"John," Jak spoke softly. "We need your help. You have to take a step."

Jak took the lead while supporting one of John's shoulders. He took a couple of steps and paused. "Come on John, you can do it."

Zachario shook his head as he looked up at Jak. But then, the old man lifted a foot and planted it on the first step. Jak and Zachario broke into wide grins as the seemingly comatose John responded to the encouragement. They took the steps slowly but John was able to carry some of his own weight. He never spoke or gave any indication that he was truly conscious besides the sickly stride.

The next part of the plan did not sit well with Jak. It took a long time, but when they reached the first corridor with arrow slits that showed the starry night sky, they stopped. Zachario took the full weight of John as Jak walked over to an opening and pulled the metal chain out from under his shirt.

"Salcareo," Jak said.

A white light poured from his body and guided the green light of the orb through the arrow slit and took shape on the castle wall. As it did, Jak searched for Agarilus' mind so he could ask the emerald dragon to cause a distraction on the opposite side of the castle. This should allow the rest of them to make it to the hidden passage without incident.

As the dragon's shape took form with his four muscular legs and two large, webbed wings, Jak felt his partner's mind and strength.

Agarilus! Jak spoke through their bond.

Not so loud, Agarilus responded.

We need your help. Can you create a distraction on the other side of the castle so we can escape?

A moment of silence passed as Jak felt Agarilus taking in his surroundings and sift through Jak's recent memories. The last bit of light formed the tips of the two horns on his head as the giant beast clung to the side of the stone building.

You should have spoken with me first, Agarilus said, not hiding his disappointment from Jak. I have no choice. Move quickly.

Agarilus released his hold on the castle and flew out of sight over the wall. A muffled roar could be heard through the stone walls.

"We should be able to make it now," Jak said as he turned to help carry John.

"Good," Rory said as she led them back down the hallway they came from earlier.

"You could show some appreciation," Jak snapped. "I don't see you offering your dragon as bait."

Rory didn't respond or glance back. However, Agatha turned as best she could to look at Jak with wonder. Her gaze made him realize how far he had come since she cared for him at her cabin. Zachario met Jak's eyes and gave a heavy nod, acknowledging the risk that the ancestral dragon was taking.

Jak's muscles burned as they climbed more staircases. John continued to respond when urged and carried some of his weight on the steps. More muffled roars carried through the castle walls and Jak pulled away from the mental connection he shared with Agarilus. Shame filled his heart because he didn't want to know what was happening outside.

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