Chapter 31

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The warm fire crackled as everyone sat in silence. Rune had refused lodging for Jak, Rory, and Zachario but agreed to camp out with them that night. The wolf pack stuck around as well, at Rory's request, after the confrontation with the lesser dragons, which Jak was still recovering from. His shoulder and chest ached each time he moved. He was not the only one bandaged up. Both Rory and Zachario had numerous injuries on their arms and legs. Thankfully, none were life threatening.

Rune provided enough dried meat for everyone to sate their hunger for one night. Jak nibbled at the food but craved sleep. However, each time Jak closed his eyes, the lesser dragons were back and scrambling to get a bite out of him. If the wolves had not shown up when they did, then Jak would not be sitting around the fire and Agarilus would be trapped in the Dragon Stone forever. The others didn't seem keen on talking about it anymore than Jak.

Now that the battle fever dissipated, Jak's anger with Rory disappeared as well. One question plagued Jak's mind; should he abandon the idea of rescuing the old couple? It wouldn't be easy but Jak could set things right. They sacrificed themselves to save his life and Jak could do no less. Even if it meant the World Gate closed on him.

"How would I get into the castle?" Jak asked, breaking the silence.

"Are you kidding?" Zachario said.

"I need to get into the castle and preferably back out again," Jak said to Rory, while ignoring Zachario. "How would I do that?"

"You don't!" Zachario answered. "That was a good riddle. How about this one..."

"There are secret passageways," Rory answered.

"Really?" Jak asked as he sat straighter, which agitated his chest and shoulder.

"Rory!" Zachario said. "Don't feed into this."

"He's going in whether we help or not," Rory kept her eyes on Jak when she spoke.

"What's this 'we'?" Zachario asked. "Do you have a micro dragon in your pocket or something?"

"That's okay, Rio," Jak said, turning his attention to his friend. "I don't expect you guys to go with me." He paused for a moment and then said, "Not after today."

Zachario and Roy had almost lost their lives because of Jak. If he didn't need to find a way home, then they would still be safe in the Village of Ede.

"You know that in risking your life like this, you're dishonoring the sacrifice they made to keep you safe," Rory pointed out.

Jak had thought of that and was almost persuaded.


"She has a point, kid," Rune finally joined in the conversation.

"I know what they did for me," Jak said, looking down. Then he looked back at Rory, his resolution absolute, "I was ignorant and helpless back then. I've learned a lot."

"You're still ignorant if you plan on breaking into the castle," Rory said. "Though, I suppose not as helpless as when you first showed up at the village."

"Was that a compliment?" Jak asked with a disbelieving voice. "Will you help me?"

"I can't let you go alone and die. So, yes."

"Gee, thanks," Jak said sarcastically. Then added genuinely, "Thank you."

"I can't promise your way home will still be there," Rune said.

In planning the rescue operation and pulling it off, the World Gate might close. There was no way on Kaolin or Earth that Jak could leave knowing what he knew about the old couple. Before learning about their imprisonment, he could have fooled himself that they got away and were living in another secluded part of the mountains.

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