16. Real dad

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After finishing their ice cream, they all made their way to Ricky's apartment. It was a small, but nice complex that was mostly being rented out by students of NYU, as it's location was walking distance from campus. Ricky lived on the top floor and since there only three it would've been easy to climb the stairs, but Xavier and Alex wanted to take the elevator.

The moment they walked into Ricky's apartment, the smell of something absolutely delicious caught Nini's attention and her gaze dated toward the kitchen.

The three children took their boots and made a beeline for the living room wanting to play some more while the adults sorted out dinner.

Nini shrugged off her and hung it over a chair at the kitchen table, "It smells really good!"

"Thanks, it's my mom's recipe. Italian tortellini, you just put everything in the crockpot in the morning and there you go, instant meal when you get home," he informed her as he made his way into the kitchen.

"I don't own one of those but my friend Carlos says they're pretty useful," Nini said as she watched him rid Ellie of her harness so that she bolted for the kids. Xavier gasped when the brown labrador went straight for him, demanding hugs and kisses.

The noise levels seemed to rise with the added excitement that was caused by Ellie, so Nini moved a little closer to Ricky.

"They are when you've got a full day of classes and can't be bothered to slave in the kitchen for hours when you get home," Ricky said as he rounded the counter and checked on the pasta.

Nini noticed how easily he moved around without the use of his guide dog or cane. She figured he must know the apartment like the back of his hand, making it a lot easier for him to go from one place to the next without any obstacles getting in his way.

It was interesting though; watching him move around now, she wouldn't have been able to tell that he can't see.

"Anything I can do to help?" she asked.

Ricky instructed the girl on where to find utensils and glasses, so she helped set the table for five people while he filled plated with food. Despite the ice cream they had only an hour earlier, Nini had to admit she was pretty hungry too after walking around all day.

After dinner, Nini offered to help with dishes while the kids went back to play in the living room with the dog.

When Ricky made a move for the dish cloth hanging neatly over the faucet, Nini stopped him. "You did the washing last time, it's my turn now."

"Don't worry about it, I can do it," Ricky argued.

Nini just started at home as he added dish soap into the hot water that was now filling the sink. He was completely unrelenting, his mouth set in a stubborn line.

Nini huffed, "You're impossible."

Ricky just grinned back at her, cheekily.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever you can get your hands all gross and wrinkly, I don't care." She was trying really hard to keep herself from smiling, but Ricky was laughing now and it was impossible not to join in. "Where are your tea towels?"

Ricky pointed behind him to his left, at a set of drawers, "In the second last drawer over there."

Nini passed by him, crouched down and grabbed a ruby red towels from the pile in the drawer before returning to Ricky's side. He'd already started with some of the plates so she picked one up starting to dry them.

"The kids look like they're having fun," she commented as she leant back on the bench looking at them.

"Yeah, Xavier and Alex are getting along really well," Ricky agreed, passing her another plate.

"Is Alex starting preschool in September?"

"Yeah, I think so. You can ask my sister about it if you'd like. She'll be here to pick the kids up at eleven after her catering gig," Ricky answered.

"Oh, she's a caterer?" Nini asked.

"Lauren? Yeah, she owns a little restaurant with her best friend. They started offering catering two years ago and it's been a big hit. They get so busy during wedding season, you have no idea," he chuckled.

"That's so cool! What does your other sister do?"

"Riley? She teaches dance."

"Is Riley the one who's having a birthday next Friday?" Nini asked, feeling like she was getting a little annoying with all her questions now. She almost felt guilty for it, especially since she completely turned the topic around when he asked about her family earlier.

"No, that's Lauren, Alex and Maya's mom," Ricky corrected her.

They talked a little as they did the dishes together, mostly about their plans for spring break and all of the homework they were both getting slammed with this time of year.

It was almost eight when they were finished. Nini wiped down the table and counters while Ricky microwaved some popcorn for the kids to munch on while they all watched Soul.

Nini was shocked when Xavier settled himself right in the crook of Ricky's arm when he sat down on the couch. She could tell he was surprised too, but he didn't seem to mind. He wrapped his arm around the little boy and the other draped over the couch above Nini's head. By the end of the movie, she had her head on his shoulder and he had his arm around her too.

When Nini got back to her apartment later that night, she could feel the exhaustion of the day weighing heavily on her. Her legs were burning from all the walking and she could feel her eyes drooping. She sat Xavier down on his little stool in the entryway to remove his coat and shoes.

"Are you ready for bed, little man?" Nini asked, picking him up again and hauling him into his bedroom to change him into his Harry Potter pyjamas. Given he was half asleep, it was like trying to undress a doll and then dress it back up again.

"Mama," Xavier murmured sleepily as Nini tucked him into bed.

"Yeah, baby?" she replied.

"Are you gonna be Ricky's girlfwiend?"

Nini sighed, crouching down in front of the crib so the pat she was eye level with him. "Would it be okay with you if I was?"

Xavier nodded, closing his eyes, "I think it'd be pwetty cool. It'd be kind of wike having a dad."

Nini frowned, "You do have a dad."

"But he's not a weal dad, not wike Alex's dad. Alex's dad is always doing things with him and dad doesn't do things with me," the toddler pouts.

Nini's heart broke as she heard her son speak of Scott, knowing full well that he was speaking the truth. She didn't saying anything more on the matter, instead giving Xavier a caress on the cheek and kissing the top of his head.

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