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Sunayn's POV:

Travelling was very tiring. The whole journey I couldn't be more excited to enter the training campus. I know I sound like a kid who is excited for his gifts on his birthday but trust me the journey tested my patience. As soon as I got down, I took a cab to go to my destination and within no time I was standing in front of a huge building which looked very welcoming. I was not interested to know the intricate details of the building since I have much more important things to concentrate than this. I saw a person sitting there with a specific uniform who was inspecting the details of the men who were standing in a line and I understood that I should be going there as there was already a big banner on which 'Welcome to the Military Academy' was written. Soon my number came and I too handed my details and he in return gave me a form and I filled it.

After we handed our forms to him, we were told to go to specific rooms according to our form numbers and I was partnered with two people who were from different states. I settled my luggage in the room and the two members freshened up and it was my turn now.

After settling in completely we three entered into canteen where food was served to the trainees. We started eating and I got a bit acquainted with the both of them who seem to understand English as we don't know each other's languages. They are interesting guys sort of. They kept talking about the recent relationship they had and I was out of the convo as I was not in any. I just nodded my head here and there and my stomach was full.

Later in the evening we were informed that we will be introduced to a special officer who will be giving us training. We all got ready and were made to stand in a line in the huge ground. When I looked around, they were nearly thirty people in our batch. I prayed to God for a few seconds when I heard that the officer was arriving. We all stood straight and looked at him who might be in his late thirties but looked quite young. His looks were intimidating and I can say he can just make us piss with a simple look if anything goes wrong.

He removed his sun glasses and made eye contact with almost everyone and spoke out loud.

" I am Ravinder Singh and I am the special officer who will be giving you training for the military. So now without any late may I get to know your names quickly? " he said with authority and we all said our names accordingly and he simply nodded.

He instructed about the timings we will be trained and the rules and regulations which we need to follow and also the punishments which we receive if we don't follow his instructions. He said everything smoothly but from the way his eyes wandered around us I could say he could just chop our heads out in a go if we don't follow him. I must say he is a very powerful and inspirational figure in the academy. I would be grateful if I get to be under his training.

" Hey Sunayn. Are you not interested in girls really? We have discussed about so much but you did not say a word about any girl. What's the matter huh? " Siddesh asked raising his brows. I was not understanding what this guy is made of. I mean, till now our trainer said about much more important things going to happen here during our training and here he is still stuck with the fact that I did not give any details about my girlfriends. Seriously!! I just rolled my eyes at him.

" Look Siddhesh I am neither interested in girls nor I wanted to talk about them. We have a goal and you already know it. So just drop the topic bro " I said who shrugged his shoulders saying 'whatever'.

" Gaurav I better go and take some rest now coz I don't think I will be able to breath properly for the next few years maybe " the previous guy Siddhesh said and Gaurav sighed and nodded his head.

Siddhesh is a very cool guy. When I say cool, he is really outspoken and doesn't care about anyone or anything. He just needs to get what he wanted no matter if it is difficult to get or by begging even. You may wonder how I can say that by just meeting him for a day right? But let me tell you I am an observant. I need not to converse for hours to get to know someone. I can just talk to anyone for a minute or two and can guess what kind of person he/she could be. Maybe it's not right all the time but most of the time it's true.

Gaurav is another interesting guy. He shows interest in listening. Yeah, he is a good listener and also responds to them keenly. That is the reason maybe both Siddhesh and him got along. Siddhesh being laid back and him being a listener. Well, I think my soon-to-be friends are quite interesting characters and I think I am going to learn many things from them as well.

The next day we were woken too early and it was a tough task to wake Siddhesh. Gosh! He is a heavy sleeper man. Then when we went to the ground already our officer was waiting for us looking at his watch every now and then. Soon we were taken to jogging around and I must say it was the first time I felt my muscles aching and few were stopping here and there but as soon as we hear whistle sound we rushed again. I think I might have sweated liters in a few hours.

Training was not easy. It took our energy to large extent. We were provided with water but I did not know just in a few minutes I was feeling thirsty again. All thanks to the officer, he is a strict man. After morning training, we went to rooms again and freshened. Not to forget we have different tasks to complete after our chores. We finished and started doing our assigned work but my body was not in a condition where I could complete my work soon or keep my pace. I felt like every fiber in my body is screaming for some rest but I know if I don't start to train my body from now on then I will not be able to manage it.

I finished my assigned task but it was too late but I was satisfied that I could atleast complete it. I sighed in relief and took a quick shower. My stomach grumbled in hunger and I went towards canteen. I think these two partners did not finish work so I can eat on my own for now. I took an hour nap after eating but we all were asked to assemble again. Siddhesh cursed under his breath but nonetheless he followed.

After a two-hour assembly we went to rooms not before informing that our schedule will be rescheduled from tomorrow again where we need to train even in the evenings till night. We retired to rooms after dinner.

" I think that man is secretly planning to kill me? " said Siddhesh for which Gaurav looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders not knowing who.

" Why will someone try to kill you Sid? " Gaurav asked to which he looked at us narrowing his eyes.

" Are you serious you don't know him? And speaking frankly he is trying to kill most of all of our batch soon? " Sid said and we are still clueless regarding whom he was talking about.

" What are you trying to imply? " I asked curiously raising my brows to which he sighed heavily.

" Ravinder Singh " replied and I paled.

What is wrong with this guy? I scoffed internally.

We both just rolled our eyes and slept. To be frank I am not at all interested to hear his petty talks which are meaningless and absurd. I know we are future militants and we need a very strict and tough man to train us. Ravinder Singh is the best officer in my opinion and I am sure I will not find such a great trainer and inspirational figure. Siddesh is just being over dramatic here.

We were sleeping peacefully when we heard a huge alarm go off and I realized it is nothing but our time to wake up. I got up and entered into bathroom coz I know if I wait for a few more minutes, I will be late along with my mates considering Siddesh being very early riser. After 10 minutes when I came out, I saw Gaurav already ready to go to fresh and also trying to wake Sid from his dear dreamland. I signaled him to go and I would help him in waking Sid. He smiled in return and I woke him up with a lot of difficulty.

When me and Gaurav came outside almost everyone of our batch were outside waiting to be called by someone and Sid was still in bathroom. There was a whistle sound from the ground so we all jogged towards the source to find our trainer standing there in his jogging dress with a whistle in his neck hanging and also a big stick in his hand.

" Form two lines everyone. Now " he boomed and within seconds we were jogging into the woods along with other trainers. Yes, we have many trainers who would assist us in doing different tasks considering that they will be assigned by our special officer/trainer.

I was thankful that Siddesh was in time before we could jog or else, I am sure he could have face the wrath of the trainer. We jogged for nearly an hour and my legs were giving up making me pant in exhaustion. Not only me but also everyone's situation was the same. We were given break only for a minute and during that minute I was trying to gather all the stamina I could to restart the journey.

This journey is going to be the biggest and toughest journey of my life I thought closing my eyes.

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