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Third person's POV:

Nainika was in a hurry to finish her meeting as soon as possible coz she wanted to meet Sunayn.
Thankfully the meeting ended soon and wrapped up the remaining work.
When she entered her cabin she was surprised to see Sunayn there and he was suddenly alarmed looking at her. He composed himself immediately and slightly smiled.
" Oh I am so sorry. Were you waiting for me for a long time? " She asked and he looked at her with an unreadable expression. She narrowed her eyebrows not understanding so he cleared his throat before speaking.
" No no don't be sorry. I just came and when asked I was informed that you were in a meeting so I just sat here and you came in. That's it. No worries " he said and she relaxed while smiling.
" Okay but why suddenly you want to meet me? " She asked confusion evident in her eyes.
He was just looking into her eyes not even blinking his eyes and Nainika became conscious about herself. She started fidgeting with her fingers while he shook his head and replied.
" Umm.. we will leave right now. And about the reason behind meeting you, that you will know soon. Now come lets go " he said and got up. She nodded her head not able to understand the meaning behind his words and left with him.
" I came in my car. So we will go in it. Then what about your car? " He asked scratching his head. She couldn't stop her laugh when he did that.
" It's okay. I will say my driver to take my car home " to which he nodded and both of them sat in the car.
While driving he could see how she was going through her phone even though he can see how she was struggling to stay calm and composed. He smiled internally and started talking casually about her hobbies, business, friends etc.
He came to know few things while conversing with her. She has two besties. One Ranjith who is away for some office work and Nivedha aka nidhu who is in Delhi. He also got to know about her likes and dislikes too.
Meanwhile Nainika was happy to share her personal things with him. She always wanted to talk about everything with him and now talking about it is making her mesmerized.
She too tried to ask him about few things and he replied courteously. Both of them were busy talking about some or the other thing that they forgot about the destination they need to reach.
" Here we are " he said and stopped the car in front of a restaurant and she was confused.
" Why are we here? " she asked furrowing her brows and didn't know what to say.
" We are here to have lunch ofcourse. Don't you feel hungry? It's already lunch time " he said without any pause and she sighed heavily.
" I agree with what you are saying but you said you have something to do with me. I mean some work " she said but she knows where this is going.
" Yeah I said that but before that it's better if we eat and start with our work. And why someone will deny to have lunch with a handsome hunk like me? " He winked at her and she was shocked would be an understatement.
" And... You want us to have lu..lunch together. As in...a date? " She stammered looking at him wide-eyed and he chuckled.
He really wanted to go on a date with her but he already knows she is not someone who will say yes as soon as he asks for it so he have to just make it in another way around.
" Do you think just having lunch together will make it look like a date? " He came near her face who was already looking at him and she could feel his breath falling onto her face making her breath go wild.
She shook her head and he chuckled again at her expression. He got down and was holding her door open for her to get down but she was too shocked to understand. He wiggled his brows then she came out of her dreaming session and got down muttering 'sorry'.
Both of them ordered food and he immediately started digging into it while she was too shocked and kept staring at him.
" Am I that eatable than your food? " He asked out of blue still chewing his food.
" Wh..what? " She stammered and started eating. He smiled looking at her.
" Do not worry. Take your time. Eat slowly. There is no hurry. We still have whole afternoon and evening with us " he said to which she stilled in her movement to which he just laughed.
After that both of them started talking and mostly it was him who was talking while she was just answering him.
Then they entered into ice cream shop. She don't know why but this felt like a date to her. The way he paid the bill not allowing her to pay and taking her to ice cream shop after lunch. It almost felt like a date to her but she didn't voice out her thoughts and let it go with flow.
He was observing her closely and came to a conclusion that she doesn't talk much and always fears for the results of her talk so she keeps it minimal. He was confused as to how she maintains a big company when she has this insecurity.
'Is it with him she is insecure or is it with everyone?' he thought but soon left the thought. He only wanted to focus on her and know more about her and it is getting succeeded to some extent.
" Can I ask you something? " She asked him while eating ice cream to which he answered ' Anything '.
" Um.. why did you bring me along with you when you have so many other friends who could have accompanied you happily? I know I am a boring person. I don't get involved with others easily. Then why me? " She asked desperately. Tears were evident in her eyes which she hid carefully not allowing them to fall. But he was not blind to not observe them. He felt disappointed to see her like this.
" First of all you are not a boring person. From the time I spent with you I didn't feel anything but happiness within me. Why are you feeling that way? And as you said I could have come with anyone but with Tara's wedding everyone is busy and I don't have any other option and to be honest spending time with you felt really great. You are a good company to spend time with. I think we should spend more time together " he said genuinely placing his hand on her hand which was on the table. She was silent for some time and looked at his hand which was on hers. She took her hand away gently and smiled.
" Thank you " she whispered. Now there was no awkwardness between them and exited the shop.
" And it's time for shopping " he whisper yelled and she closed her mouth with her hand.
" I thought it was over " she said.
" What, our date? " He countered laughing.
" No I didn't mean like that " she was blushing now and she looked cute he thought.
" You were very eager to know why I needed your help right? " He asked and she nodded.
" Actually I was looking for a gift to Tara and you know me being a guy I couldn't find a decent one for her. So I thought about you " he said while scratching his neck this time and she couldn't help but smile at his innocence.
" About that, then I can easily help you with that. Come now " she said.
He dragged her into a jewellery shop and asked her to select anything which suits Tara. She nodded and searched for something elegant.
She went to the kangan(bangles)section and started looking there. She found a beautiful set of kangan and showed him. He was really amazed with her selection and nodded positively. He purchased it and both went near the car.
" Thank you so much Nainika. It was really kind of you. Without your help I don't think I could have gifted her anything at all " he said and she smiled.
Later he was about to drop her at home and leave when she said.
" Why don't you come inside and have some tea or coffee. It would be nice to have someone at home other than me ".
He was not sure what to say but nodded coz she helped him a lot today and he couldn't deny her. So he parked the car and went along with her inside.
Her home was a simple one. No luxurious walls, furniture or designs. Even though she is a CEO of one of the largest construction and designing companies she didn't design her own home. This says she is a very simple and homely person.
She soon freshed up and changed her clothes. When she was about to go outside she again stood in front of mirror and checked herself. She blushed when she thought about her self consciousness in front of him.
She soon came outside and said in a hurry " I will make coffee for the both of us. I am sorry if I made you wait for long " and went to kitchen not even sparing a glance who was staring at something intently.
When Sunayn was looking her house, he observed many things and wanted her to come out late so that he could explore more. When he was observing something he heard her calling out and immediately sat on sofa.
" Thanks for waiting and this is your coffee " she said and handed him the cup and placed a plate full of cookies. He took a few cookies and ate while sipping coffee. Even though he was sipping his mind was engrossed somewhere else.
" Umm.. are you alright Sunayn? You seem very silent suddenly? " She said to which he was shocked and looked at her. This is the first time she is calling his name and he just shook his head muttering ' nothing '. Then he left from there to his home.
" Where were you in the afternoon? I tried to call you but it was not reachable " his mother asked coming in front of him.
" I went out with a friend mom and do not worry I had lunch too " he said to which she sighed.
" Okay but tomorrow morning we are going to temple " she said surprising Sunayn.
" I arranged a Pooja for you as you were away for a long time. So no delays be ready at eight in the morning. All of us are going including your dad " she said not giving any chance for him to speak further. He nodded and had his dinner with everyone.
He was eating but his mind was stuck on certain someone and he couldn't keep his mind off her. He went to sleep after a little chat with his sister. She was talking about the new teacher who is being very nosy about personal stuff and she didn't like him very much.
He went to his room after that but was very uninterested in anything. He don't want to go to temple in morning but he cannot say no to his mother.
That night he kept thinking about the sudden changes his life took within few days. He never thought his life would turn upside down within a day.
But truth to be told he loved the time he spent with her and he so not wanted to undo it. He loved every moment with her. The way she blushed, her smile, her shocking expressions everything attracted him.
The most important thing is the clue he got when he went to her cabin and her home. He found few things which made him even more attracted towards her.
Next day he got up as instructed by his mother and went to temple. After Pooja they also went to his uncle's place and spent lovely time with the family.
Next day was Tara's wedding so he went to her home later to meet them and he was occupied with work.
He was exhausted today after everything so he went to bed early. He should also start his day early next morning so he plopped on bed.
' Hey! Hope I am not disturbing you at this time ' he texted Nainika.
Nainika was busy that day with work. She was going to wedding the next day so she made sure the work to be done within time. But she couldn't forget Sunayn for even a second. All she thinks is about him. She kept smiling about the 'date' yesterday. She wanted to call him so many times but resisted. Everytime her phone rang she thought it was him but he didn't call. It's the wedding tomorrow so she thought he would be definitely busy today. So she didn't call or text him. Her fingers itched everytime she touched her phone to call but she didn't. She don't want to look desperate.
When she was looking through a file in night she received a text and smiled immediately when she saw it.
After reading it she couldn't stop herself from replying.
' You are already doing it I guess.' she replied and waited for reply.
' oh I thought you will be busy but seems like you are free to text me 😉 he replied making her blush insanely.
Like that they started texting each other for time then bid byes as they will be meeting tomorrow however.

More than 2k words even today. I think I will stop here.
What do you think are the clues Sunayn got?
I thought of publishing yesterday itself but I was busy so I did it today...
Hope you like this one...
Please do comment my dear readers(silent readers).
Ok bye... Enjoy...

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