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" Yes she is the one. How should I tell you what happened Ani when I myself is not able to digest the thing which happened and I feel ashamed for believing such a disgusting person " she said with tears pooling in her eyes. I always felt that this was going to happen in near future but didn't knew it will happen this soon. I don't know how to console her coz I myself was feeling my heart breaking at the scene in front of me. I know I was supposed to warn her before about my assumptions but I was convincing myself that I was just thinking too much but now I feel guilty for not suggesting her beforehand.

" Hey you are fine and I know he is not someone who is worth your tears and I don't think you should take it to heart and cry like this " I tried to motivate her but I was at lack of words maybe. I don't want her to weep over a person who just took advantage of her and cheated on her.

" I know Ani but I couldn't do anything about it. I tho.. thought that I lo..loved him but finally I realized that I was just a mere entertainment to them " she hiccupped while saying and I hugged her to comfort her. This is the least I could do to calm her down. She kept telling me something but I was not getting anything coz I was caught up thinking about my own future if I lose Sunayn. Unknowingly few tears escaped my eyes and hugged her tightly even if that was possible.

" Okay now stop crying and tell me exactly what happened Nidhu. Please I am getting worried now. Let it all out and I think you will be fine after that. For me please " I said after pulling out from hug and she was fidgeting with her fingers and still tears were falling onto her lap.

I put my hand on her shoulder and wiped her tears and gave her water. She drank little and kept it aside and again kept looking down. After few minutes she went to washroom and I waited for her patiently. She came out after sometime and I found that she washed her face but her eyes are still red and cheeks puffy. She sat on bed with her head resting on headboard and took a deep breath.

" Okay. I will tell you from the start. I know you don't want to know about my love story coz you never asked me before but I think I should tell you " she laughed sarcastically though there was nothing funny about it but I know she was just trying to make it look more fantasized.

" You know you don't have to tell me if you don't feel like. If ever you wanted to tell I promise I don't judge " I said assuring her and kept my hand on her hand and she looked at me as if she was searching for something in my eyes. Then she shook her head suddenly and started speaking again.

" It all started when I was in my school. You know during school there will be this thing called crushes and first loves etc. So, I was also one of the girls who was crushing on Sandeep. He was too intelligent and was very kind. We used to talk sometimes but I couldn't say we were friends coz we were not really that close " she smiled saying that as if she was imagining about her school days. But I was more curios now coz if she had a crush on Sandeep why the hell did Sreedhar entered into the picture. I frowned.

" You know after school I went to college and there I met with Sreedhar. You know what was funny Vrinda did had crush on Sandeep from school. I think I told you that we know each other from school. So, during college Sreedhar was interested in me and Vrinda was always behind me asking me about him. I don't know why she was interested to know about him but then I thought that just she was curious. After my first year he proposed me and told me to take time. I was seriously not interested in him since starting but I don't know after proposing me he kept following me and giving me gifts and all. I too started having feelings for him but I didn't voice out loud coz I wanted to know if he was not faking or something. I liked how he used to take care of my simple needs and would never miss to tell me how important I am to him and how much he needs me in his life. Suddenly on my birthday he proposed me in front of everyone and surprised me by getting a huge cake and a video about me. I think there I was whipped. I accepted his proposal there and I was very happy that I got a very caring person to love me. But I didn't know Vrinda was jealous with me coz he was constantly giving me gifts and surprising me. She and me were not that best friends but I can say I know her but after Sreedhar proposed me she glued with me and became a friend. Even he became fond of her coz she was literally with me everywhere. I didn't mind coz he always assured that I was the one he ever needed. Even when I said I will be joining our college for graduation he too decided to join the same college as me. But surprisingly she too joined the same college as me and I thought I was getting my friend again even in graduation. Everything was going so well between us. I was so happy with him and I thought soon after college I will convince my parents about him so that they will not look for someone else for my marriage and all " she said and covered her face with her hands. I was really happy to hear her love story coz I was not a fan of love stories but hers was truly amazing if I remove Vrinda from there though. If everything was so well what happened between them and how he cheated her.

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