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Sunayn's POV:

It was getting hard for me to see Nainika like this. She's very upset and crying mostly. I am trying to console her in the best way possible but all I could do was just listen to her while she explains her views.
After engagement she spent next two days with her friends Nidhu and Ranjith. They were the best people to spend time with. They went for shopping, movies, pub and what not. Ofcourse I tagged along but I gave them their time coz I don't want to look possessive. Nidhu's husband was with me. He's a nice guy. Talks less and listens more. Maybe that's why he is perfect for Nidhu. She is a chatterbox literally. Ranjith and nidhu are more like enemies. They have a deep bond and I am happy that Nainika has such care free and supportive friends.
Now that both of them went to their place and Nainika was left alone with me. She was going to office regularly but I can say she was struggling to keep a straight face with me.
The reason is I am leaving in next two days and she will not have anyone to spend time with. She will be alone again. She is crying every now and then reminding me that she will feel lonely once I leave but I cannot help that. I know I am going to miss her too but my duty is my priority.
It was evening when I went to her home. She was sitting on the couch and looking through a file seriously. She didn't even pay attention to me. I went in the kitchen directly and made coffee for both of us. I took them to her and she was still busy with her file. I nudged her but she dismissed me. She is still not aware of my presence and I smiled at her inattentiveness. She was flipping the papers but suddenly stopped and looked at me and shocked.
" When did you come Sunayn? I didn't even acknowledge you. I am so sorry " she was saying with pleading eyes and I gave her coffee. She was surprised but took it though.
" I came when you were deeply in conversation with your file " I said and chuckled.
" It's nothing. Just the financial department has sent me the records and I was going through it so if there are any errors. That's it " she shrugged.
" I am sorry though " she said with guilt.
" Not a problem. I actually love it when you do your work with so much dedication. I love your expression when you are deeply involved with something " I said looking at her.
" Only my expressions you love? Nothing more? " She quirked her brows and I just wanted to pinch her cute cheeks.
" Ofcourse. What's there more to love? Your expressions only I love " I said while clicking my tongue.
" You idiot... " She said and started chasing me with a pillow in her hand and I was running laughing like a maniac.
Then she settled after she was tired.
" Already tired huh! " I said and she raised her hands saying that she give up.
I went and sat beside her and she placed her head on my shoulder.
" I will stay here tonight " I declared.
" Don't you have luggage to pack? " She asked looking into my eyes.
" I already finished packing. I want to spend time with you. I will stay here tonight and tomorrow I will spend time with our family " I said and she blushed when I said our family.
" Do you have to go? " She asked again leaning her head on my shoulder.
" I think I already told you about everything " I said while leaning on her head and she held my hand.
" Yeah we discussed but cannot you just stay for another week " she asked hopefully playing with my fingers.
" Nainika even if I stay for another week I should leave after that. It doesn't make any difference. The sooner I go the sooner I will finish the work and come back again to our wedding on time. So I do not want to delay anymore " I explained her again to which she just hummed.
" Okay. We will watch movies " she said excitededly and I nodded.
We watched movies and she prepared dinner for us. She made pasta which was really delicious.
We kept talking in between while watching movies and I can see she was looking at time every now and then. I smiled looking at her cuteness.
After few hours I saw her. She dozzed off on my shoulder and I carried her in her room.
This is the first time I am carrying her and also seeing her room. Her room was something I did not explore till now. Everytime we would just hang out in the hall or in kitchen.
Her bedroom was simple. White and black combination. There was a huge photo of hers with her parents. Her childhood pics with her dad and also few with her cousin. She was really happy kid with her father. Her wardrobe consisted of mostly casual wears and office wears. Then in another section there were some traditional clothes too. I wonder if she ever wore them. She was deeply in sleep that she didn't observe me checking her things. In midst of all pictures there was mine as well. It was the picture when I was in college. I didn't knew she clicked me but it was adorable seeing my photo there.
I went back to living room and slept on sofa. It would have been more comfortable if she was in my arms but I brushed off the thought as I don't want to lose control.
" Good morning love " someone said near my ear and I smiled hearing her cute voice. I stretched myself and looked at her who was all ready to go to office.
" Your spare clothes, tooth brush and all I placed in my room. Go and fresh up I will make breakfast " she ordered and disappeared in kitchen. I freshed up and went to kitchen and saw her preparing sandwiches for us.
" Did aunty not come today? " I asked.
" She is not fine. I asked her to take leave for a few days. That's why I am doing these " she shrugged and handed me water bottle.
Then we settled and had our breakfast then coffee. To be honest I feel like I am already married to her. Waking up to her voice, freshening up while she makes my dress and everything ready, eating breakfast with her, everything felt like I am her husband. I blushed at my thoughts and she wiggled her brows. I shook my head and we finished eating.
She went off to office while I went back home.
" How's she now? " Asked mom as I sat on couch.
" Better I guess " I said remembering her.
" Come have breakfast " mom insisted and I shook my head.
" I already had with her " I said and mom smiled.
" She prepared breakfast? " Mom amused.
" She did and left to office as well " I replied.
" Okay then I will make all your favourite dishes for lunch " she said and I nodded.
I went back to room and checked all the luggage. I carefully took all the letters from the shelf and read them. I always feel happy reading them. I placed them in my bag.
I spent time with sunaina who took off from tuition for me. We both played different games and also gossiped about various things.
Next day I was waiting for Nainika to come. She said she has a very important meeting. She said she would postpone it but I understood it was important so I asked her to finish it and come directly to the station. She was disappointed but agreed later on.
" Sorry I am late. Traffic was too much " she said as soon as she saw me. She was breathing heavily and I can say she ran and came. I kept my hands on her shoulders and asked her to relax. She nodded and calmed down. I can see her eyes getting wet everytime she was talking about something. My train arrived and I can see her getting tensed looking at it.
" Hey look at me. You do not have to look at time everytime and think I am going to depart from here. Just relax and look at me okay. I am here with you at this moment " I said and she nodded looking at me.
" Sunny don't forget to eat those snacks which I packed for you " mom said and I hugged her.
" Umm Sunayn that.... " Nainika was stuttering and I did not understand what she was trying to say.
" What happened Nainika? Is everything alright? " I asked concerned and she nodded.
" I actually brought this for you " she said and handed me a box. I carefully opened it and found a gold chain with a pendent. I opened it and saw our both pictures on either sides. It was beautiful. No one would know that there are pictures in them.
" Di...did you like it? " She asked again.
" No. I love it " I said and placed it in my neck and she smiled broadly. Now this is what I was waiting for. Her smile.
" Take care Sunayn. I will miss you " she said and I can see tears slipping from her eyes.
" A soldier's wife should not cry. My strength lies in you. So be strong and make me strong " I said and held her hand tightly and she nodded with a smile.
I placed my luggage in my seat and once again bid everyone bye. I hugged everyone and I too had tears looking at everyone.
I hugged Nainika and kissed her forehead.
" I wish I could kiss your lips instead " I whispered to which she gasped and blushed immediately.
I sat in train and waved my hands at everyone. I can see tears slipping out of her eyes but she was still smiling at me.
I sighed heavily after an emotional goodbye. Last time when I departed I didn't feel my heart this much heavy. I was alright maybe but now I feel like I left apart of me there. I know I left my part with Nainika and I can imagine how much she was suffering internally.
On a bright side after six months I will be back to marry her. I am so happy and can't wait for that moment. Thinking about her I reached my destination and it was night.
Next morning I was on my duty and everyone congratulated me regarding my engagement. Most of the day was  spent with discussing about the various events happening in the borders.
There was even a meeting and to be honest it was very crucial meeting. There were various aspects about the security discussed in the meeting.
In night when I laid I thought about how I spent these years. Once when I was in duty there was an attack and it was sudden. We were not alert and due to it I got my elbow injured badly. It had stitches and it took me nearly a month to start using my elbow. I didn't tell this to my family coz I know they will be worried and asks me to come back which I will not.
There were many minor attacks which gave me injuries here and there but I assured not to display them in front of my family. I need to be strong then only they will be strong. A soldier should not fear for anything and I will be strength of my family and country.
Nainika and mom used to call me sometimes. I would talk for hours with Nainika about the happenings and she would be so excited whenever I would call her first. Mom and my family bobded well during this time. They would invite her for dinner and sometimes go out for shopping or temple and I felt really happy.
Days turned into weeks and months.
Mom asked me for the details of my return and I informed her about the same.
She said she would talk with the pandit and decide an auspicious day for the wedding and I agreed happily.
I can't wait to go to Nainika and marry her. My secret admirer.

Sorry guys I was busy for the last two days so I did not update.
With next chapter the book will end and thanks everyone for your support.
Bye..take care ..

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