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Third person's POV:

That day when Nainika didn't reach home Debashish was tensed and was pacing around the hall holding his head in his hands. He called her multiple times but there was no response from her. She even didn't reply to his texts or messages. He tried to call college but no one was lifting as it was about time for anyone to stay in college. He doesn't know if she is with any of her friends too. She never mentioned going to anyone so he was not understanding whom to call. He knew she has a friend but he was not sure where she stays or has her phone number.

" Do you know where she is gone or do you have any of her friends' numbers? " he asked the old maid who was also worried about her whereabouts. She would occasionally talk to her but she was never close to her to the extent where she would say about her visits to her friends' place.

" No beta I don't have any idea but I am worried we should inform Mr. Shahi. It's very late and I don't think we should hide this from them. They are the only people who could help us right now. Try to understand the severity of the situation and don't wait and see. We should call him as soon as possible " she said with concern. She was appointed by Mr. Shahi himself and was told to take good care of her. She made sure to do her best in fulfilling her duties. Whenever she found her sitting alone, she would try to communicate with her but Nainika never let her walls down and also been reserved.

" I don't think we should call them and it's not that late too. We will wait for some more time " he said but his fear was increasing. Somewhere, he was confident that she is just doing her work at her friends place and lost the track of time. They patiently waited for an hour or so and still there was no trance of her. So, he finally gave up waiting and called Mr. Shahi and explained him everything.

Mr. Shahi on other hand was shocked to take in the information about everything and soon left his house to search her. He called the college Principal and found that there was no way any student could stay long hours. He even inquired about her friends from her professor who was very appreciative about her smartness. He found that she particularly had no friends and he once found her talking to Ranjith who is supposed to be in her classes. He even took the contact number from him and called him immediately.

Ranjith did not lift his call as it was too late. After cursing several times for disturbing his sleep he lifted his call yawning. The words he heard on the other end made him lose his sleep completely.

" Hello Ranjith. I am sorry to disturb you at this hour but can you tell me when and where did you see Nainika today for the las time. Its very urgent and I want you to tell me soon " he said in one breath. Ranjith was trying to take in the information completely and answered him honestly about what happened in the evening. But the truth was he did not know the route she took and was kidnapped from there. Ranjith's sleep was completely ruined after what he heard. He had seen her, talked to her and also shopped with her and she is not home yet. He kept thinking about all the possibilities and he remembered that she was planning something for her brother's birthday. Maybe she was actually planning for his birthday. They are just worried for nothing he thought and slept.

On other side Mr. Shahi immediately called the police officer and started looking for her. He went to her home and found Debashish in almost tears who was trying to look strong. When he saw Mr. Shahi a sort of hope rose in him and was thankful that there was someone who will find her safe and home soon. He asked him various questions and came up with nothing. Then both went to the place where Nainika was last found and started looking everywhere in hopes of finding her somewhere but they couldn't. They searched for her in every possible place she could visit but she was nowhere. When it was morning Mr. Shahi made his way to the Police station and legally complained about her missing so that they can start looking for her. Debashish broke into tears when he found home empty after he returned and kneeled down holding his head in his hands.

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