Chapter 7

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All the mindcrackers had left the site of the monument to continue with their business or get some sleep but Vechs and I had stayed late. He led me behind the U in my name and dug up a few blocks of dirt and there was a staircase. 

"What's this?" I ask, looking strait at Vechs.

"Well," he began, scratching the back of his neck, "it was originally my idea, so I couldn't allow to be entirely cute."

I laughed since I new where this was going, he stepped down a couple stairs and reached out his arm. I grabbed his hand and he helped me down the first step, then when I stepped down, he pulled my arm, causing me to fall hard on my face. I was ready to yell at him, but I saw the amusement on his face and the sound of his evil laughter filled my ears, realizing that I should have expected it, Vechs is never that gentlemen-like. I brushed some dust off of my dress and continued further down into the staircase. Vechs spead off in front of me to the bottom of the stairs and waited. I decided to take my time heading down the stairs just to get on his nerves, but sadly I made it down before Vechs could complain. 

"Welcome," he said, pulling a large lever, opening a large iron door,"to the dungeon."

Inside, it looked very of one of Vechs' super hostile worlds 'Waking Up'.  In the middle, there was a large lava pool and in the center, stone rose up from the center and branched out, supporting a flat-topped boulder. In order to reach the boulder, there was a bridge and halfway through the bridge broke in half, leaving a one block wide gap.

"I hate you so much right now," I said looking at Vechs after noticing the gap.

He laughed, knowing what I was talking about. "Oh Relly," he sighed, "this is about learning to get over this fear." He guided me over to the gap, he jumped over it, then turned towards me. "Now it's your turn."

I jumped, cleared the gap with ease, I really wasn't afraid of the gaps whenever I was alone, but being around other people make me hesitate while jumping, often causing me to fall. He moved his head in a way that signaled me to jump back across, then to him again. I did, no hesitation or problem, but Vechs insisted that I should continue and prevented me from going anywhere if I tried to stop. I was getting a bit annoyed that I wasn't thinking anymore and jumped to early, my heels hit the edge of the block and I fell forwards through the gap. Vechs reached down quickly and snatched my hand, holding me up and keeping me from falling in lava and losing everything. 

"What did I ever do to be stuck with someone like you?" he complained jokingly and lifted me up through the gap and safely onto the bridge. I rolled my eyes at him and continued forward to the boulder. 

Vechs pulled out a rug, two chairs, and a couch, along with different tools. We spent who knows how long down there playing different games, talking, and the occasional nap. It was only when I had received and emergency inter-world message from Farmer Steve calling to the Mianite server.

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