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As soon as the door opened wide, I
moved forward, almost in haste, and
hugged mom tight. Oh, I so missed
her. At 27, I still hadn't very much
got used to stay away from her. I
would never confess that to her, but I
love her way too much. Of course why
not? She was my first crush. Dad
used to tease me saying that I had
planned to marry my mom when I
would grow up, right from my
childhood. May be that's one reason,
I didn't find my previous girlfriends
worth it. I guess I search for my mom
in them. Now when I said
girlfriend's', don't jump into
conclusions that I had innumerable
affairs. I was into two healthy
relationships before. But somehow
they didn't turn out as we, or rather
I, had expected.
Excited with her mere presence, I
hugged her tight only to smell
something of mint. The next second, I
felt her hair at her lower back, soft
and thick. Now that was strange!
Mom didn't have long hair back then.
Even in six months I don't think it
would have grown to that length. And
that's when it hit me.
I drew back abruptly as if she was
radio-active. What I saw was
someone, clad in a loose t-shirt and
military shorts, with her mouth full of
white foam, balancing her tooth
brush. Oh! So it was the smell of her
tooth paste. I could see that she was
visible mortified by the size of her
eyes ' wide and popped out. If not
for the tooth paste and brush in her
mouth, I was damn sure she would
have screamed her lungs out. Who
would not when you were attacked by
a monster, not that I am one, early
in the morning and that too when
you were probably brushing your
Embarrassed at startling her, I
opened my mouth to apologize only
to find her run back into my home at
her full pace. Confused, I moved in
and closed the door, not locking it as
I remembered that watchman would
bring my luggage. Throwing my
laptop bag on the couch, I moved to
the dining table to have some water,
my eyes searching for my mom and
that stranger. Our home, as usual,
was neat and spotless. That's how my
mom liked it. It is a medium sized
duplex three bed room flat, one
bedroom down stairs along with a
living room, dining room and kitchen
and two other bed rooms upstairs.
I heard my mom's voice after a
moment and looked at the stirs.
There I saw that stranger pulling my
mom by her arm eagerly. The only
difference being that the tooth brush
was now in her hand. My mom
located me and it took a couple of
nano seconds for her to realize my
presence. As soon as she did, her
face brightened with a smile. She
descended the steps quickly yet
deftly while I placed the bottle back
on the table. I smiled at her while
she came and pulled me into a
motherly hug- warm and soothing,
which I had been waiting for.
"I missed you mom." I said, drawing
back, while she kissed my temple
She smiled. "When did you come? All
of a sudden? Where is Rahul?" she
started with her usual questionnaire.
"I wasn't expecting you this week."
"I know." I admitted, happy. "I didn't
inform you so as to surprise you.
Rahul will be coming after three
days." And that face of hers when she
spotted me a minute back was a
sight that I would cherish forever. I
loved to see her happy.
Amidst our pleasantries, we
conveniently forgot about that
particular stranger of mine looking at
us strangely, while I returned it.
Following my gaze, my mom went and
stood beside that stranger smiling
widely. I took the bottle again and
waited for my mom to introduce me
to her, or vice versa. And where is my
mom's paying guest, or rather friend,
by the way?
"Armaan, she is Riddhima, my
friend." I almost spat the water at
her words. The first thought that
immediately came across my mind
was my hilarious imagination of my
mom's friend. And this is complete
contrast or even more. Standing
before me was a tall and lean girl, I
guess in her mid twenties, looking at
me weirdly. How could this girl be my
mom's friend? And her attire was
anything but feminine; a loose grey
t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up at
the end and military shorts which
were more like a pant.
Wait! Military shorts. Could this be
Those were my favourite pair of shorts
which I had bought when I went to
Ahmadabad to attend a conference.
How could she be wearing that? As I
glared at my mom mildly, she gave
me a nervous smile.
"Riddhima, he is Armaan, my son."
My mom said to her and then that
frown on the stranger's temple
disappeared and she gave me a small
I realized, I sulking at the loss of my
favourite shorts, forgot to smile back
when the frown on her temple
reappeared. Covering up for the loss
of my attention, I offered my hand for
a shake politely mumbling a 'hi'. She
raised her right hand up to meet
mine when she, and I, realized that
she was holding her toothbrush. She
held it with her left hand and then
rubbed her right palm against my
shorts, perhaps to clean her palm off
the tooth paste and then shook my
hand. Then she mumbled a 'bye' and
ran upstairs.
"Mom, how could you do that? That's
my favourite shorts." I said slowly,
gritting my teeth. That's true, I was
slightly angry. I don't like strangers
using my stuff, the only exception
being Rahul, be it even my unused
clothes. And that was barely a thing
girls would wear.
My mom gave me a smile shaking her
head, ruffling my hair, which I
generally don't like but it was laid
back due to the other thoughts. "Go
and sleep. I'll wake you up when the
breakfast is ready." I heard her and
then realized that I was sleepy.
Kissing her cheek, I moved upstairs to
my room to catch some sleep with a
part of my brain already thinking
about that stranger.
     There is a thin line between a dream
and reality. When you are absolutely
tired and sleeping like a pig, this line
ceases to exist. And so it took me a
couple of minutes to realize that
someone is shaking me off my sleep.
When I opened my eyes, half to their
usual size, I saw mom standing by my
"Please get up Armaan. We need a
small favour." My mom told me while
I sat up on the bed.
We? Means mom and that stranger?
I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision
and then glanced at the wall clock.
It's about 7 am. I had barely slept an
hour then. "Mom, please I want to
sleep." I drawled and then yawned
before falling on the bed again. I
couldn't catch a wink the entre night
due to the bus journey. Hence I
couldn't even open my eyes
"Please Armaan. Get up." My mom
shook me again.
"Okay. Fine." I got up again and sat
on bed, this time my eyes still closed.
"Why do you want me to get up so
early? I am on a vacation." I said,
yawning again.
"Armaan, there is a strike of city bus
drivers going on." She said. Oh, I am
thankful I didn't decide to come by
bus in the morning. I would have
waited unnecessarily for the bus.
But why is she telling that to me?
"Riddhima had her first campus
recruitment session today. Please
drop her at her college." So this is
the reason. I thought it's very
unlikely that my mom woke me up
from my sleep just a few minutes ago
for some work. She knew my love for
sleep. Had she been in that
stranger's place, she would have left
to college somehow. But why did she
wake me up now? "Raghu is on leave
today." She added.
Now I am the driver as Raghu, our
driver, was on leave. But driver for
her, the stranger? That didn't sound
good. I hadn't even talked to her
properly. Hell, I have just met her an
hour ago. And my mom is asking me,
her loving son who had travelled 11
hours to meet her, to drop her
somewhere by disturbing his dear
sleep? That's definitely strange.
Mumbling only-god-knows-what, I got
off the bed and made my way towards
the washroom only to be stopped by
her again.
Now what?
"You can brush your teeth later. She
has to report at the college by seven
thirty. So go." My mom literally
pulled me out of the room. I was
surprised. My mom, who doesn't even
bear with my entering out of my bed
room without brushing my teeth, is
all by herself saying this. Confused, I
moved towards my wardrobe but was
interrupted again. "No need to
change your dress. You are not
attending a marriage." She quipped
as she pushed me out of the room.
"Mom, please let me wear my track
suit." I pleaded which fell deaf ears.
I had changed into a sweat shirt and
a three fourth pant before dozing off.
I was in no way ready to embarrass
myself by going to some college in
this attire. I mean if there it's a
college there would be girls. The last
thing I wanted to do is become clown
infront of some girls. But I convinced
my mind saying that I would be in
the car, so no one would be able to
see me. Moreover it's not the college
where my mom is working or where I
had done my MBA from, both were
the same ofcourse. Or is it?
Drowned in my thoughts, I went
downstairs with my mom to stop
dead in my tracks. The stranger, or
what's her name, yeah Riddhima is
pacing to and forth in the living
room. It's not her pacing that caught
me off guard. It's her attire again.
She was dressed in a formal shirt and
trousers with a blazer, her hair tied
in a high pony tail. Of course it being
her campus interview she was to get
ready in that fashion. But it's not her
attire that shocked me. It's rather
mine. I looked down at myself. If I
accompany her like this, I would
surely appear like her driver. I
desperately wanted to change my
Riddhima seemed to have been busy
talking to someone over the phone
that she didn't notice us for a
minute. But when she did, she
stared at me surprised and then at
my mom something like she was
glaring. But was she doing that?
Shouldn't I be the one glaring at my
mom? So I did finally; for disturbing
my sleep and then not letting me to
change into something more decent.
"Come on Riddhima. Armaan agreed
to drop you." My mom said breaking
the weird silence.
Agreed? Did I have a chance?
Unwillingly I dragged myself to the
living room and grabbed the car keys
after sparing her a mild glare, though
I didn't know why. As I walked along
the corridor I could feel her following
me. Now don't get any wrong ideas! I
can only feel her behind me due to
the sound of her heels. That's when I
realized I was wearing my slippers.
But I am in no mood to change them
either. After entering the elevator, I
was about to close its door when my
mom came to us running.
"All the best Riddhima." My mom
hugged het and kissed her temple,
just as she used to kiss mine. She
then closed the door and waved us
"Which college?" I asked Riddhima
while moving out of our apartments'
"Institute of Systems and
Management." She said slowly looking
ahead. "Your college" She added as if
I didn't know that.
Great, everything is going wrong.
Now I can only wish that no one
spots me at the college. Ofcourse I
was a famous personality at the
college. One- due to my notorious
activities, along with Rahul, when I
had studied there. Two- being a son
of professor. Three- being their
campus recruiter last year. I had
come to my college as an alumni
member to take part in the campus
hiring session for my company last
Throughout the drive, I was silent as
so was she. I was thinking about the
events of the day; mostly about my
mom and this person sitting beside
me. My mom, as far as I had seen,
had become very much attached to
her friend. But the point that worried
me is, is this person worth
everything? Not that I am jealous,
which I might be recalling my mom's
good bye kiss to her, but after my
dad's demise I have become little
protective of my mom. I didn't want
her to go through any more heart
breaks. I know my mom doesn't trust
anyone easily. When she does, she
does that extremely that it would be
impossible for her to bear the pain if
it turns sour.
I looked at Riddhima from the corner
of my eyes. She was fidgeting with
her pen and file. I could understand
that she was nervous. That's just
natural. I experienced the same two
years ago. So I decided to make a
conversation to help her.
"So, which company are you
attending interview for?" I asked her.
This was an easy one.
"Global Insight Inc." she replied
checking her wrist watch for time.
"Aunty told me that the company is
good." She added.
"Oh." I nodded. "Yeah, it's a good
company. I work for it."
"I know." She said. Ofcourse I should
have known that. If my mom told her
about the company it meant that she
would have also told her about my
working there.
Again the silence prevailed. So I
switched the radio on, putting the
volume down so as not to disturb her
much. In twenty minutes, we reached
the college. I wondered if I could ask
her to get down at the main entrance
instead of going to the parking area. I
didn't want to meet anyone in my
bed clothes.
"I'll get down at the main entrance."
She said as if reading my mind.
My face would have revealed the
obvious. So I stopped the car at the
entrance and waited for her to get
down. Being nervous, she fumbled
with the door knob twice before
opening it. She tried to conceal it
but it was obvious in her every
action. She was tensed.
"Thank you so much." She said,
smiling politely, shutting the door as
I pulled the window pane down.
When I nodded she turned back to go
"Listen Riddhima." I called for her.
She turned around and waited for me
to speak something. Instead I
stepped out of the car and walked up
to her. "All the best." I added
offering my hand for a shake.
"Thanks." She smiled, genuinely this
time, shaking her hand with mine. I
have to admit that she has a
beautiful smile and very expressive
eyes to add to it which twinkled when
I wished her. I stared at her while
she faded away into the group of
students heading to the college. If
my mom liked her so much, she has
to be a good person. She appears to
be one, if we are not mistaken.
I drove back home making sure that no one noticed me.
    It was something around 10, I guess,
when I felt someone ruffling my hair
carefully. I came back home from
college after dropping Riddhima and
then jumped back into the bed at its
sight. When my sleepy brain
processed the touch, I knew it, it
being very familiar. I wonder
sometimes; though I hate my mom
ruffling my hair. I savor her doing
this when trying to wake me up. I
opened my heavy eyes and smiled at
her. She smiled back, her fingers still
in my hair.
"Have your breakfast soon. I am going
to the college. Come and lock the
door." She said, lovingly and then
withdrew her fingers back, standing
up to leave, expecting me to follow
her. But then something hit me.
"Mom? How are you going to the
college?" I asked her getting off the
bed. It was her who told me there
was a strike going on in the city and
that the driver is on leave. Then how
come she can go to college?
"Don't worry, I will take a cab." She
said casually, drawing the curtains
away to let the sunlight brighten my
"No mom, wait. I will drop you." I
told her immediately when she
turned to go back. If I can drop her
friend at the college, I can drop her
again too. Hell, I want to drop her.
She is my mom.
"I knew that. By the way I didn't call
the cab." My mom smiled and then I
felt as if she had winked at me. This
is my mom for you. She surpasses me
when it comes to getting her things
done sometimes.
"Mom" I drawled, smiling and shaking
my head while moving towards the
I took a quick shower and came
downstairs in 20 minutes. My mom
was already waiting at the main door,
sitting in a rocking chair, going
through some business magazine. I
knew I was hungry so I contemplated
whether to have breakfast. But I also
knew mom would get late to her
session if I had it. So thought
otherwise and headed straight to the
door after grabbing the car keys.
"Armaan, breakfast?" My mom would
never allow me step out of house
without eating on time. Be it
breakfast, lunch or dinner. But before
I could answer it, her cell rang.
"Hello." My mom spoke "Yeah
"Oh is it? Don't worry. We will get
that." I can only listen to the one
sided conversation. So I supposed
there was some problem with
Riddhima. I could clearly see the
tension etched on my mom's face-
her temple frowned. I still don't
understand how can my mom share
such an emotional bonding with that
girl? She is not even her age.
"Yeah I will ask Armaan to make sure
you receive that. All the best." I was
snapped out of my thoughts when I
heard my name. My mom cut the call
in hurry and ran upstairs; not to her
room but Riddhima's room.
"Mom relax." I offered her a bottle of
water as she came down panting
slightly. My mom developed low
blood pressure. She is under
medication for the past one year and
I guess it is under control now. So it
was important for her to relax from
the heavy breathing. "Why do you
keep on running as if you were in
some marathon?" I asked my tone
mixed with worry and irritation.
"Armaan, hurry. Let's go. Riddhima
forgot her PAN card and they are not
allowing her for the interview without
that." My mom said as we reached
the elevator. "Poor girl. She is so
tensed." She added.
I couldn't help but smile. This is
interesting. Throughout the drive, I
heard to my mom blabbering about
her friend. This is quite interesting.
This time, since I am coming to
college however, I thought of meeting
my colleagues who were undertaking
hiring process. I didn't dress up in
formal, neither am I in casuals. So
that's fine. I parked the car in my
mom's parking lot.
"I know mom. I'll give it to her." I
told her as soon as we stepped out of
the car, when she turned to me to
speak. "Go to class. You might get
late." I hugged her while she kissed
my temple, as usual.
She gave me the PAN card and left to
her block. I looked at the card. Her
name immediately caught my
attention. It's only mentioned as
Riddhima. No last name. I mean
usually PAN card contains the full
name of the person. It is used as
one's identity. I don't think she was
married as she was living with my
mom. Then if she is single, it should
mention her family name or her dad's
name. This is strange.
Still thinking, I made my way towards
the conference hall of the college for
I knew that's the place where the
hiring process takes place. I noticed
her pacing infront of the room, in the
corridor, which was now isolated, just
as I found her pacing in the morning.
I assumed that's how she managed
stress. I guessed everyone was inside
the hall.
After a moment, she spotted me and
her face brightened slightly. She
came running towards me, smiling
hesitantly. I handed her the PAN
card and she slipped it into the file
she was carrying.
"Thank you so much." She said after a
moment, relieved. If I am not wrong I
also noticed a thin layer of moisture
in her eyes, now that she was closer
to me. She was at the verge of tears.
"No problem." I smiled at her. "Now
rush in." I added pointing to the
hall. I could hear some
announcement being made inside.
She nodded, smiled again, and ran to
the door. But before she could enter,
she came back to me running again.
"I am so sorry Armaan, for bothering
you so much. I mean-"
She was sorry. I could see that. She
was also embarrassed. May be due to
the reason that in the short span of
a couple of hours, she had been
seeking help from a person she had
barely talked to. I wasn't quite
comfortable either.
"That's fine Riddhima." I nodded at
her, smiling, trying to ease her. She
was tensed beforehand due to the
interview and it doesn't help her any
if she was feeling low. "Come on.
Let's get you in." I guided her
towards the door, unintentionally
placing my hand at the small of her
back. And I felt her stiffen instantly.
It was just a friendly gesture on my
part, but she did feel uncomfortable.
I withdrew my hand the next moment
and she went to the hall, leaving me
in thought.
As I stared at her retreating back,
somewhere, a small part of my brain
did admire her figure. She was tall,
some where around 5 foot 7 inches,
reaching my chin. To be frank, this
morning, I did notice her, umm body
when I saw her in formal wear.
Earlier she was in a loose t-shirt and
a shorts, which I thought was hardly
feminine. But I had to accept she
does have a good figure and a pretty
face; expressive eyes, straight nose,
full lips, slender neck, not too broad
and not too frail shoulders, small
breasts, trim waist and long legs. And
did I mention that everything were
her natural ones, not a pinch of
Shit, what the hell was I thinking?
Oh come on, my readers, I am a guy.
We, sometimes, do check out the
figure of a girl. Sensible ones, like
me- no I am not boasting, do it
decently without any nasty
comments. That is healthy too, isn't
I decided to stay at the college till
evening, as the strike of the busses
still prevailed. And the college being
in the outskirts of the city, I was sure
the ladies would have a problem to
hire a cab. I met my colleagues, had
my breakfast and met few of the
professors who had taught me. Then
I came back to my colleagues and
helped them with the hiring.
   In the afternoon about 3, I sat in the
cafeteria in the campus munching on
my sandwich. I was bored. Mom will
not be free until 4 pm. She had
lectures to deliver till then. Even the
hiring process was wrapped up.
Thinking about hiring, I wondered
what Riddhima would have been
doing. Just then my cell rang,
startling me. Mom's name flashed on
the screen.
"Armaan? Had your lunch?" I knew
that would be my mom's first
question. I wondered why she didn't
try being nutritionist.
"Yeah mom. Just had sandwiches." I
said looking around the canteen for
any familiar face.
"Sandwiches? I prepared lunch for
you in the morning. It was in the
oven." She told me. "Armaan, are you
in the campus?" she asked suddenly.
"Yes mom. Waiting for you." I said as
a matter of fact. "Remember, the
strike is still on. So I stayed back to
take you home."
"Oh okay." She said and paused. I
assumed she was thinking about
something or someone? "Armaan, if
you don't mind, could you keep
company with Riddhima for some
time?" she asked skeptically. "Make
sure she had her lunch."
I was surprised at the level of
protectiveness my mom had towards
Riddhima. "Mom, she is in her own
college. She will have her friends to
take care of her." I said. I don't know
I was not quite comfortable with this
girl intruding our personal space. I
realized lately that my mom's words
started with her and ended with her.
"Armaan, Muskaan didn't attend the
interview today. Riddhima doesn't
have many friends. Please do that for
me." She said, almost pleading. So
she and Muskaan might be in the
same class and they might be
friends. And yeah Muskaan Gupta, my
cousin, is my uncle, Shashank Gupta's
"Fine mom. Leave me a message with
her mobile number. I'll call her." I
"She doesn't have a mobile. However
she said she would wait for me in the
main cafeteria." She said.
"Okay. I am in the cafeteria. I'll let
her call you when I meet her. Bye
mom." I said and cut the call.
Then I was on the mission- search
Riddhima. The cafeteria was of three
floors. I wasn't sure I will be able to
find her easily since I was in the
third floor. So I got up from the
table, paid the bill and moved
towards the ground floor. Its better I
stay at the entrance so that I can
spot her or vice versa.
After sometime, I found her coming
towards the cafeteria, alone. She was
lost in some thought, I supposed, as
she passed by me without
acknowledging me. I frowned at her.
She didn't look happy. I guess she
didn't make it to the company. I
watched her going to the corner table
and looking around the cafeteria. I
placed an order for rotis, the best in
the cafeteria and walked upto her.
"Hi Riddhima." I greeted her and
then she looked up at me surprised.
"Oh hi Armaan. You are still in the
campus?" she asked me.
"If I am standing her before you, it
means that I am still in the campus."
I quipped smiling. She was
embarrassed. "Can I sit here?" I
asked her. The only chair across her
is filled with her blazer, which she
removed now, and her file. My eyes,
somehow, darted across her chest, as
the top button of her shirt was open,
for a mere second before looking
"Oh yeah. Sure." She said and
frantically cleared the chair off her
"How was the interview?" I asked her
inorder to make some conversation. I
could see that she was nervous the
moment I came to her. She was a bit
relaxed before.
"It went fine." She said not looking
into my eyes. "I am in." she added
after a moment.
Is this girl for real, I wondered. She
had just grabbed an offer with a fat
package at a prestigious company and
she was saying that she was in with
absolutely no emotions. I was in
ninth heaven when I got my first
offer letter in my hand. And then I
immediately called for a huge
celebration with my friends. She,
definitely, is strange.
"Oh, well......congrats." I said and
then we shook our hands. And when
we did that I again felt her stiffen.
May be I hadn't noticed this in the
morning when I wished her good
luck. If this is her nature, then it was
a huge surprise for me as to how she
made it to this college clearing all
the interviews and other rounds. How
did she end up being hired by our
company when she wasn't even
comfortable talking to a random
"Thanks." she mumbled, still not
looking into my eyes.
Then the server arrived with the
order. He placed it on our table and
went away after collecting the money.
I pushed the plate of rotis towards
her and she stared at me confused.
This time she looked into my eyes.
"That's for you. Mom asked me to
make sure you have something for
lunch. I assume you haven't had
anything still." I said.
"No, I mean, I-" she stammered.
"Okay." She nodded and then started
eating. I tried to interpret her body
language while she was busy gulping
the roti. Being in the field of
managing people, I have learnt to
read the person's state of mind
through the gestures. She fumbled
with the glass of water, then the
plate, then with tearing the rotis. I
understood she wasn't used to
When she was done eating, I handed
her my mobile and asked her to call
mom. And the very next instant her
face broke into wide smile as she
called my mom's number.
"Aunty, I made it to the company."
she screamed in joy startling me. I
wondered if she had any multiple
personality disorder. I mean, few
minutes ago she told me that as if it
didn't matter to her and now she was
jumping in joy telling that to my
mom. I don't think I would ever be
able to understand the bond she and
my mom shared.
"Yeah. Okay aunty." She said and
paused "He is here." She added and
gave back the mobile.
"Yeah mom?" I spoke into the mobile.
"Armaan, I will be back in 20
minutes." She said. "Did she have
her lunch?" she asked curiously.
"Yeah, she just had rotis." Riddhima
looked up at me as I said that. "Why
don't you ask her yourself?" I said
slightly irritated, I don't know why.
"No that's fine. Now behave well with
her. Bye" she said and cut the call,
while I stared at it baffled.
Neither of us was ready for a general
conversation so I started talking to
her about general management,
finance, marketing strategies and
about her other electives. She talked
with keen interest which pleased me.
I mean, it's rather rare to find girls
taking very keenly about management
and finance.
The day was quite interesting till
then. I am not interested in making
it more than it already had been. So
I let it be and talked to her as if we
were two business clients. Putting an
end to our discussion, my mom came
back from her lectures and we gladly
left for home.
   In the night, after dinner, I went to
my mom's room casually and found
her sitting on the bed resting her
back against the bed post with her
legs stretched. She was reading some
novel that she didn't look up at me. I
went and lay down beside her with
my head in her lap. I so yearned for
this. There is something quite
unique about this. I don't know I
seek solace in mom's lap whenever I
was disturbed. Now I am disturbed
about the emotional bond my mom
shared with Riddhima. It would leave
her in a lot of pain when Riddhima
decided to move out of our home
when she gets her job.
Mom kept the book aside and
massaged my scalp as I closed my
"Mom, how did you meet Riddhima?"
I asked out of blue.
"Muskaan introduced me to her two
months ago. She was her classmate
and best friend. Riddhima had been
in search for an apartment to live
before that. So when you came up
with an idea of paying guest, I told
Muskaan the same and she brought
Riddhima to me." My mom told
smiling down at me. "Why do you ask
"No, it's just-" I shut my mouth when
Riddhima barged into the room. And
my eyes widened at the sight of her.
Unlike her previous bed clothes, she
was wearing a woolen gown that
reached upto her thighs, leaving a
large part of her long legs bare. I had
to admit, they were smooth and
flawless and not to forget quite
seducing. My eyes were fixed on her
or rather her legs for a second before
I looked away when I heard mom
"Oh Riddhima. Come in." Mom
invited her in when she hesitated
looking at me.
When she took two steps ahead, I
found myself looking at her body
again. And the next moment, she
followed the direction of my eyes and
her eyes popped out. The next
moment she ran out of the room
mumbling that she would be back.
"What happened to her?" My mom
spoke to herself.
"Why did she come in the firsthand?"
I asked her back.
"It's her place daily before
sleeping."She told me pointing at her
"Now that I am here, she had to
realize that's it's my place." I told
her sternly.
My mom laughed at me. "Why are
you suspicious of her?" she asked as
if reading my mind.
"I don't know. I don't trust her yet. I
just met her in the morning." I
defended myself.
"She is a good girl Armaan. You can
trust her. She loves me as much as
you do." She said calmly kissing my
temple. "And I love her too."
"I trust you if you say so." I replied.
Just then Riddhima came back into
the room. This time she put on a
sweat pant beneath her gown. I was
embarrassed. She might have caught
me staring at her. May be she
realized that her dress was way too
short to be standing infront of a guy.
I guess she forgot that I am home.
"I just came to say good night,
aunty." She mumbled her voice a
little above a whisper. She kissed my
mom's cheek and then moved towards
the door after my mom kissed her
"Good night Riddhima." I said on an
impulse. I don't know why I did that.
May be it was just to cover up my
stupid action before. She didn't look
at me. She whispered a good night
and ran out of the room.
"I guess she is scared of you." My
mom remarked laughing.
"I am sure she is." I said and got off
the bed. "Good night mom." I kissed
her cheek and left her room.
As I lay down on my bed, my mind
was still struck around the thoughts
of mom and that stranger. Well she
appears like a stranger to me who
somehow sneaked her way into our
lives. Unknowingly I drifted off to
sleep thinking about her, the

  So that's it for today! I hope you all guys will love it! Please vote. I'll catch you guys soon. Bye. Good night!  -Isha

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