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I cursed the traffic for the
umpteenth time in the last few
minutes. I didn't understand why
the traffic was at its peak today. It
was as if, all of a sudden, the
number of automobiles in Hyderabad
was doubled. Or maybe it was my
eagerness to get back home, a thin
voice in my mind whispered. I
couldn't admit it wasn't true after
In the last two weeks, Riddhima had
completely changed my life style for
good. I always wondered how guys
transformed themselves into homely
husbands after their marriage. But
when it happened to me, I couldn't
even recall how it had happened.
But I wasn't complaining. Infact I
was glad. Because that brought
Riddhima a lot more closer to me on
an emotional stand. The hesitation
that I used to find in her when she
wanted to talk to me reduced very
much and I could feel her much more
comfortable with me around her. But
she was still mysterious.
A desperate tug at my trousers broke
my chain of thoughts. As I looked
down I found a little girl looking at
me expectantly, putting forward a
bunch of roses. This was a routine
near the traffic signals, but I never
paid any attention to those flowers
back then. But as I glanced at those
fresh flowers, I couldn't help but
think about Riddhima's smile. Yes, I
was the one who thought she was a
miser when it comes to spending a
smile but lately, I have been finding
her smiling more often. And when
she smiles, her eyes automatically
twinkle, making it utterly impossible
for me to look away. The more I
watched her smile, I realized, the
more I wanted her to smile.
"Bhaiyya, please take one. Only 10
Rs." The girl pleaded me.
I don't know whether it was the
earnestness in that little girl's voice
or my thoughts about Riddhima that
made me buy the whole bunch of
roses placing a 100 Rs. note in the
girl's tiny fist.
Rahul reached home the same time
as me. And he grinned at me when
he spotted the roses in my hand. For
once, I couldn't find any comment to
get back at him. So I just looked
away. I rang the bell as I waited for
Riddhima to open the door while
Rahul was answering some call on
his mobile.
And after a couple of moments, the
door was opened by her and as soon
as she looked at me, her face lit up
with that smile of hers. But before
she could let us in, I put forward the
roses. And her face clearly depicted
the surprise she has received.
"For me?" She asked, gawking at the
I chuckled at her reaction. "Yes." I
grinned down at her and she
clutched the roses in her small
hands almost instantly. She looked at
them and then at me for a couple of
times and I wondered what was going
on in her mind.
But putting an end to my confusion,
she sort of took me by complete
surprise when she threw her hands
around my neck and hugged me
tight. "Thank you so much. I loved
them." She said, her voice cheerful.
And before I could steady myself
from the surprise, she almost bowled
me clean, placing her warm lips on
my cheek just above my jawline
giving me a soft lingering kiss.
That was quite unexpected from
Riddhima, taking into account her
shyness whenever I made little
intimate advances towards her.
Though they were just restricted to
me giving her gentle pecks on her
cheek, or sometimes her neck I was
amused at the way she lowered her
eyelids or closed her eyes, not to
mention her slightly quivering form
and quick breaths, at the slightest
contact between our skins. That was
something new to me, as all my life I
was used to women who looked head
on into my eyes when I kissed them
or had sex with them. And I guess
this was one attribute of Riddhima
that pulled me towards her strongly.
I never had any presumptions of
what I had wanted in a woman; but
within a few days of my life with
Riddhima, I found out that every
action, or reaction, of hers towards
our physical intimacy excites me, not
to forget turns me on.
As I wrapped my arms around her,
returning her warm embrace, I
couldn't help the words my brain
had thrown at me. "Rahul, turn
around." And Riddhima went stiff in
my arms.
"uh-I'll better go to my room." He
mumbled clearly embarrassed at
what he had witnessed and hurried
into his room.
When I let Riddhima part away, with
my arms still around her, I wasn't
surprised to find her face all red. I
would have been surprised if she
hadn't turned red with
embarrassment. "I wish I could get
the same welcome every day." I
whispered in her ear and winked
when she raised her eyes to meet
mine. I stepped in and closed the
door behind me, without releasing
her off my hold. Nor did she try to
move away.
"You should have told me that Rahul
was there." She murmured slowly and
I thought she was pouting, her voice
complaining. "I wouldn't be able to
look at Rahul in his eyes."
"I wasn't thinking straight then." I
admitted. "Was it for the flowers or
something else that made you so
happy?" I asked her guiding her
towards our bedroom.
Her head shot up at once. "Aunty
called me to tell that she and
Shashank uncle's family were coming
here tomorrow for the reception
party." That clearly diverted her
mind off the earlier embarrassment.
"That's great." I smiled at her
excitement in meeting mom and
others. "So your saree is ready for
the party?" I questioned. We had
gone shopping the last weekend to
buy new clothes. Though she said,
she had too many new sarees and
doesn't need a new one for the
party; I pulled her along and bought
a saree for her and a suit to myself
and Rahul. We hunted down the
house of the tailor our new maid had
suggested to her and she gave her
blouse for stitching.
She nodded at me and took my lunch
bag, before moving towards the
kitchen. Ever since she was done
with the grocery shopping two weeks
ago, she packed lunch for Rahul and
me daily in two small lunch bags she
had bought for us. At office, everyone
pulled my leg when they spotted a
lunch bag hanging from my
shoulders. I had to admit that her
culinary skills were awesome so much
that her cooking was able to
drastically increase my appetite for
When I went to the dining table
after having a shower, I noticed
Rahul and Riddhima sitting
awkwardly at the table and chuckled.
It was rare to see both of them quite
when they were together. And much
to my entertainment, they didn't
speak to each other while having
dinner and nor did they look at each
When she joined me in the bed to
retire for the day, I pulled her closer
with a familiarity that my limbs have
gotten used to. "Let it go, Riddhima.
You are making it more awkward for
Rahul." I told her softly.
She turned to me and looked into my
eyes. "I have never been more
embarrassed in my life." She
whispered slowly.
I smiled. "It's okay. I guess, he will
get used to it in a couple of days." I
watched her gape at me and
chuckled. She turned on her side again, her
back touching my chest. "I never
knew you were naughty." I heard her
voice. She must have been blushing
hard as she said that. "I was so
afraid of your anger initially." She
added after a moment of silence.
"Are you now?" I asked. I know I had
scared the hell out of her in the
initial days when I met her.
Unfortunately, she had been at the
receiving end of my anger for a
couple of times.
"No." She whispered and I was glad
at her answer for I knew she said the
"Are you feeling sleepy?" I
whispered. I really hoped she wasn't
because my spirits were high with
that soft kiss of hers and I wanted to
take it a little ahead. She nodded
her head negatively and I let my
palm brush along the length of her
arm before entwining her fingers.
And almost immediately I felt goose
bumps on her skin.
When she didn't recoil back, I placed
my lips on her neck and left few
feather light kisses gauging her
reaction. I heard her breath coming
quick and I knew she was enjoying it,
when I heard her deep sigh. I let my
hand slide inside her night shirt and
heard her gasp aloud when I
touched her bare skin. It was so soft
and warm that tempted me to go
ahead and check the softness of her
other treasures.
"Tell me if you want me to stop." I
whispered again, this time letting my
lips touch her earlobe. I didn't want
to impose our physical intimacy on
her and for some reason, I wanted to
take it slow with her. In response,
she tilted her head providing me
with a better access and I knew her
answer. I caressed her waist
sensually while placing kisses behind
her ear before moving down back to
her neck. This time, I let my lips
linger on her skin letting the
moment sink into both of us. I made
sure not to move my hand that was
inside her shirt raise up and stuck to
her waist, which was way too hard.
Slowly I turned her around and
lifting my head up, gazed down at
her. I couldn't see the color that
adorned her cheeks due to the faint
light from the bed lamp but I knew
they would have already turned to a
deep shade of red. She had her eyes
closed and I felt her gripping the
sleeve of my T-shirt tight in one of
her fists.
A sudden wave of tenderness took
over me as I continued looking at
her. She was vulnerable and way too
precious, I realized at the moment. I
saw her lips trembling slightly, may
be in anticipation or apprehension.
Oh! She was beautiful; so damn
beautiful, I couldn't help but sigh.
With my hand still stroking her waist,
I bent down and placed my lips on
her forehead. She might have been
surprised, or maybe not, for she
opened her eyes and looked at me.
Her eyes held a glint of wariness and
I knew this wasn't the moment.
I kissed her nose and smiled down at
her. "Good night, Riddhima." I
whispered gently into her ear and
rested my head back on the pillow,
but didn't withdraw my hand from
inside her shirt. Neither did she
point it out.
She smiled and moved closer in my
embrace. She slid down a bit and
rested her face under my chin,
against my chest. "Good night." She
whispered and surprised me again by
placing a soft kiss just above the hem
of my T-shirt.
As I closed my eyes, in the
tranquility of the night, I knew that
we were another step ahead in our
relationship though nothing much
transpired between us.
"Riddhima, the menu is done. We
have-" My words broke off when I
found mom signaling at me not to
shout. I smiled at the sight infront
on me. Riddhima was sleeping on
the bed with her head in mom's lap
with mom stroking her head.
Ever since mom, Padma aunty, Muski
and Shashank Uncle had come here
in the morning, she was on her toes.
Though I insisted that I would order
for breakfast from some hotel, she
woke up early in the morning and
prepared breakfast for everyone. And
same is the case with the lunch. She
prepared three varieties of dishes
apart from biryani. And everyone was
all praises for her. After lunch when
aunty and uncle rested in the
guest room, Riddhima and mom sat
in our bed room. I knew they wanted
to talk. So giving them their space, I
left for the conference room I had
booked for the evening party, taking
Muski and Rahul along with me, to
supervise the last minute
I went and sat beside mom on the
bed. She smiled at me. "How are
you?" She simply asked. But I knew
the hidden question behind her
"I am happy mom. Very happy." I
smiled at her.
"Riddhima is happy too." She said. "I
have never seen her this happy
before." And I felt good. Though I
knew that myself, it felt good to hear
it from mom. She continued, "She
was telling about your shopping trip
last weekend before she dozed off.
She showed me the saree you bought
for her. "I am happy for you." She
patted my cheek lovingly.
"Didn't she tell you about how she
cleaned the house in one day?" I
asked her smiling. "Seriously mom, I
never knew that she was a
cleanliness freak." I added.
"She is not as freak as I am." Mom
chuckled at me. But her face turned
serious the next moment. "Mostly,
she might have done that to please
I was surprised at her perception.
"May be." I remembered her face,
eagerly waiting for my reaction when
I returned in the evening. "She is so
different mom." I couldn't help but
"I am glad you realized that." She
said, smiling. She slowly placed
Riddhima's head on the pillow and
kissed her forehead, before turning
to me. "Sleep for some time. It'll be
very late in the night. I'll go and rest
in Rahul's room." She kissed me and
left the room.
I changed into comfortable clothes
and lay down beside her on the bed.
She lay on her stomach, with her
hands folded at her waist and her
face turned to the other side. Her
free hair was spread out like satin
ribbons on the pillow. I wondered
how it would be to run my fingers in
them. Soft and fragile. Just like her
skin. Out of habit, I placed my arm
around her waist and the next
moment she turned to me and
snuggled closer. As I stared down at
her I found her lips slightly parted. I
closed my eyes immediately lest I
gave in to my desire to merge my lips
with hers to fill in the gap.
I slowly drifted awake when I felt
something soft on my face. Out of the
crevice in my slightly parted eyes, I
noticed Riddhima staring at me, as if
in awe. I closed my eyes shut and
waited to feel what she does. And
the soft brush of something
continued on my face. It didn't take
me any longer to realize that the soft
something was Riddhima's fingers. I
felt her hesitation as she ran her
fingers along the length of my cheek
bone. Then they traced the path up
my forehead and I felt her pushing
my hair back from my forehead. I
held my breath and with all my
senses alert, anticipated her next
move. But for few moments I felt
nothing. Not even her fingers. As
disappointment washed over me, I
got ready to open my eyes to see if
she had left, only to feel something
on my forehead. And it was warm
and moist. Softer as if it were her
lips. LIPS!! The realization made my
heart skip few beats and I couldn't
help the smile that tugged my lips.
Her lips lingered for a few moments
and I put up a straight face when my
skin lost the contact of hers. I knew
she would shy away from me if she
comes to know that I had been
awake. So I lay still and let her have
her moment. A moment later I felt
the mattress moving and realized
she was leaving. I opened my eyes
and stared at her retreating figure as
she disappeared into the washroom.
And I smiled to my heart's content.
She emerged out of the washroom 20
minutes later, her wet hair wrapped
in a towel and her body fresh from
the shower. She smiled at me before
placing her new saree carefully on
the bed. I looked at the clock which
said 6 pm. We had one more hour
before we left for the hall. She
looked at me and I got her cue.
"I'll go and have a shower." I said
getting up from the bed and moving
towards the washroom.
When I stepped out of the washroom,
in just shorts, I found her almost
ready with her dark red saree
perfectly draped around her thin
body. She was standing infront of the
dressing table I had bought for her
last week, drying her hair.
When she sensed my presence, she
turned around to face me. "How do I
look?" She asked, but quickly averted
her gaze and turned around as she
took in my attire.
Was she fishing for my compliments,
I wondered as I stood right behind
her, looking into the mirror before
us. I stepped closer and she tried to
move away but I stopped her just.
"You are so beautiful." I didn't
intend but my voice came out as a
husky rasp, surprising myself more
than her. Her damp hair touched my
chest when I moved in further closer
and an involuntary sigh left my lips
when I put one of my hands around
her waist to hold her in place. "and
tempting enough."
I watched as her eyes drifted close
slowly when I pushed her hair to one
of her shoulders. This made her bare
back graze against my chest instead
of her hair, making me sexually
charged. I dropped my head and
nuzzled her neck. Gently nipping at
her earlobe, I took her hand in my
right hand while my left one was
busy caressing her waist under her
saree. I lifted her hand up to my lips
and while kissing, her fingers caught
my attention. Mentally making a note
in my head to remember what I had
noticed, I left her hand and let my
lips find her sweet spot behind her
ear. She shivered slightly and I
gladly obliged when she leaned back
on me putting all her weight on
mine. My lips trailed down to her
nape, leaving wet kisses on her skin
before pushing her blouse on the
shoulder slightly aside as it
restricted my access. I heard her low
moan and murmur my name when I
nibbled her skin.
Without warning, I turned her
around and stared down at her face
as I lifted her chin up with my
finger. I lowered my face until I
could feel her shallow breath on my
lips. I was sure she felt mine. She
didn't open her eyes but I felt her
fingers poking into my skin on my
back. I almost placed my lips on hers
when I heard. "Armaan, the vehicle
arrived!!" A fist slammed the door
"Make it fast!!"
She jumped like a guilty adolescent
when she heard uncle's voice and
slid away from my arms. "Don't
bother with making your hair. Leave
it open." I managed to say before
she fled off from the room.
I looked at my image in the mirror
and was surprised to find my face
slightly red. Grinning to myself like a
fool, I took my suit and set about to
get ready.
She didn't enter the room while I
got ready. I knew she wouldn't,
taking into account her history of
shyness. But I had something else in
my brain. I didn't find her in the
living room either where mom, aunty,
uncle and Rahul were waiting for me.
She might be with Muski, I thought
and tried peeping into the guest
room whose door was open. But I
couldn't grab a sight of her.
"Muski is doing her make-up." Mom
said, smiling when I turned back to
them, making everyone chuckle.
"Mom, I have a small work. You all go
to the hall and take Riddhima along
with you, Rahul knows the route. I'll
be there in half an hour." I told
them and mom stood up from the
sofa, so did the others.
"Something wrong, Armaan?" Uncle
asked worried.
"No, uncle. I just got a call from the
office. They need my signature on
important documents. So I need to
go there for half an hour. I'll be back
to the hall soon." I told them, as
convincingly as I could. But Rahul
frowned at my words. I looked at him
and signaled him to take care of
everything while I left home.
When I am done with my work, I
realized that I forgot my mobile at
home. I checked my watch. It was
already 7.30 pm. Every one might
have been waiting for me, I thought
as I quickly sat on the bike and rode
back to the hall. But the traffic was
heavy owing to the prime time of the
weekend. And midway I came to
know that one of the roads that led
the way to the hall was closed. And I
had to take the other road which
meant it would take another half an
hour to reach the hall. I tried
locating any booth for public
telephones but found none in that
locality. And I realized I would get
more late if I started searching for
the telephone. Cursing under my
breath, I took another road and sped
towards the hall. However fast I rode,
it took me good 40 minutes to reach
the hall.
Rahul ran up to me with relief when
I entered the hall. "What took you so
long? Everyone was tensed." He
pulled me into a quick hug. "Go and
meet Riddhima. She is in the room,
crying." He propelled me to the
room. My friends greeted me warmly
as I passed them. I smiled at them
and ran to the room where Riddhima
Everyone sighed in relief when I
entered the room. As soon as
Riddhima spotted me, she ran into
my arms and I realized she had been
crying her eyes out. Others left the
room when I nodded at them and I
hugged her tight, rubbing her back
trying to calm her. I was slightly
worried when she cried bitterly in my
"What happened Riddhima?" I tried
to part away to look at her, but she
clung to me desperately. "I was stuck
in the traffic." I tried to make her
understand that my getting late
wasn't intentional. I wondered what
had caused her emotional
breakdown, now that everything was
going fine between us. "Now stop
crying, Riddhima." I parted her
gently away and saw that she was in
hiccups. I walked her to the water
filter in the room and made her
drink water.
"Where did you go?" she asked in her
broken voice. "Aunty told that you
went to the office and would come
here directly but your colleagues,
when they reached here, told us you
didn't reach the office. You even
forgot your mobile." She managed
between her sniffs.
"I-I had some urgent work, Riddhima.
I promise it won't happen again." I
wiped her tears.
"I don't trust my fate Armaan. I tend
to lose everything when I am happy
for some time. I was so scared when
you didn't reach. Many thoughts that
something might have happened to
you almost choked me to death." She
said, her eyes boring into mine.
"Oh, Riddhima. I am so sorry." I
hugged her again. This was the first
time, she talked to me about her
insecurities and I realized it would
take some time and a lot of her effort
to surpass them. But for now, all I
could do was assure her of my
presence in her life and that I
wouldn't leave her. "I don't know
about your fate but don't worry, you
won't be able to get rid of me that
easily." I told her, trying to lift her
mood. And she tried to smile at my
attempt, parting away.
"I am sorry, let's go." She said after a
"Are you sure? We could stay for
some time if you want." I said,
holding her hands in mine.
"I am fine." She said, now smiling
slightly. "Your friends have been
waiting for a long time."
"Okay, but first go and wash your
face." I told her softly. "I'll send
Muksi to fix your smudged make up."
She nodded at me and made her way
towards the washroom. I waited to
see if she would notice the change
in her fingers. But, I guessed, she
was preoccupied when she didn't. I
turned around to leave the room;
and go and send Muski to help her.
Just as I was about to step outside,
Riddhima dashed out of the
washroom, putting her left hand up.
"You bought me a ring?" she asked,
slightly breathless. I nodded,
smiling. "Is that why you went away?"
"I don't know why it didn't occur to
me earlier. I just noticed today that
you don't have a ring on your left
hand." I shrugged. That was true. We
didn't have any ceremony before our
wedding so we could exchange the
rings. Neither did we have a leisurely
wedding. After the wedding too, it
didn't occur to me. I don't know if
she has realized it or not. But
somehow today, I noticed the
difference. "Did you like it?" I asked
her when I found her looking at her
ring intently. It was a simple
platinum wedding band with a small
diamond embarked in its body in the
middle. Very well aware of her taste,
I knew she wouldn't like it if it was
pompous. So I took my time in
choosing the right one.
"Huh?" She raised her eyes to meet
mine. "It's beautiful, thank you." She
whispered and within no time her
eyes filled again.
I sighed, waking up to her. "If you
cry every time, people might think
that I am a very bad husband."
She wiped her tears and shook her
head. "But I don't have anything to
give you." She mumbled; and I
smiled. Of all the things, she was
thinking about that!
"That's fine. I'll ask you when I want
one." I told her.
"If you are done with your romance,
can I come in?" Muski knocked at the
door before entering. "You are
starving your friends. Go and meet
them. I'll bring Riddhima in 10
minutes." She spoke before she
pushed me out of the room.
When I went to meet the guests, I
realized that Rahul had kept them
preoccupied for the last one hour. I
met half of them when I heard, Muski
calling for me. I turned around and
noticed Riddhima standing beside
her, smiling at me shyly. There
wasn't much of her make up left on
her face, but she appeared fresh and
happy. I walked up to her and
extended my hand for her. She
placed her hand in mine and I
guided her towards my colleagues
first. She greeted everyone with a
bright smile as I introduced her to
everyone. Not even once, did her
smile leave her face.
After meeting everyone, my
colleagues insisted me for a dance
with her. She was highly hesitant.
Nevertheless, I pulled her closer as
the incharge of the hall played music
for us. I twirled her in and out of my
arms, guiding her accordingly. And
boy, she was light and very graceful
on her feet! After she was past her
initial hesitance, she giggled like a
kid when we danced amidst the
cheering and applause of everyone.
We danced, laughed and then went
for dinner with all my friends when
we were tired. All through the party,
from one corner of my eyes, I noticed
mom smiling at us contently and
from that smile of hers I knew she
was proud of her choice.
It was past 12 in the midnight when
we reached home. And we entered
laughing at some joke Muski had
cracked in the vehicle. Rahul quickly
made the arrangements for everyone
to sleep. Aunty and uncle took the
guest room, he guided mom and
Muski to his room and he made his
bed on the extendable Singapore
sofa in the living room.
Riddhima was still giggling about the
joke when we entered our bed room
and it felt good watching her. I
removed my suit and tie and placed
them on the table beside the bed as
she went to the dressing table and
started removing her jewellery.
"I never knew you had so many
friends." She said, after some time.
For some reason, I felt she was
comparing her life to mine. It was
such a contrast. I was always
surrounded with people around me
while she led quite different one. I
walked behind her when she moved
towards the wardrobe.
"You need something, Armaan?" She
asked turning around.
"No, I was just thinking to continue
with what we had left incomplete
before the party." I told her, moving
closer to her,
She frowned for a moment, trying to
recall what I was referring to and
then her cheeks changed color and I
knew she got a clue as to what I was
speaking. She looked here and there,
but not at me as I backed her gently
to the wardrobe.
Slowly, I ran my fingers along the
length of her neck and collar bone as
she closed her eyes. I caressed her
cheek with my thumb as I slowly
angled her face upwards with my
other fingers resting against her
nape. My gaze flew down to her lips.
With that shining gloss on her lips
they looked even more delicious to
feast upon. I watched her as her
breath came quick and shallow,
which was not so new when I was
this close to her. And I was surprised
to find my heart pacing at a mad
speed. I waited to see if she would
hesitate but rather found her pulling
me closer with my shirt at the sides
of my waist tightly clasped in her
I blew air gently on her lips and she
parted her lips ever so slightly. I
dropped my head and my lips came
down to hers, perfectly fitting in the
space between hers. She trembled
when I pressed them together and
wave of electricity shot through my
spine as I nibbled at her bottom lip
slowly. With one of my hand
sprawled across the small of her back
and the other in her hair, I pulled
her closer as I moved our lips
together. She was subtle and sweet
and much more tempting. She didn't
part her lips and neither did I probe
her for that.
Women in my previous life had told
me many times that I was a
wonderful kisser, but for some
reason, I found myself eager to
please her in a way that was foreign
to me. Though I did the needful, my
heart craved for something else. And
my subconscious mind eventually
realized what I had been waiting for.
Her response. She didn't move away
but neither did she kiss me back.
She just kept our lips in contact but
that's not what my heart had
I drew back and looked down at her.
She was breathing heavily. I touched
her lips with my thumb and found
them moist. "Kiss me back,
Riddhima!" I almost pleaded in a
desperate whisper in her ear. And as
I spoke I also realized that I was
Gulping as much air as I could
manage, I captured her lips again
but didn't go further. Though I knew
I was running out of my self-control,
I waited patiently for her. She took
her time, but eventually obliged to
my words. I pulled her closer almost
fusing our bodies into one when I
felt her sucking at my lip. Though
this wasn't anything fierce, it was
able to shake my world for a moment.
Not able to refrain myself any longer,
I probed her lips apart and she did
but her action was a bit hesitant as
if she was still pondering about it.
But I felt strangely excited with her
I touched the tip of her tongue with
mine and the rest was magical. I took
my time exploring her and she
responded back gradually with equal
fervor. Her arms raised and she
wrapped them around my shoulders
as I pusher her against the
wardrobe. We were so close that her
breasts brushed against my chest
fogging my mind. And at the very
moment, I realized that I would
never get enough of her. God, she is
so sweet!!! Her hesitance, shyness,
innocence- everything and anything
made me want more of her. And I
wished I could have this forever.
That's it! I hope you all loved the chapter! Bye. - Isha

And then she said it!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu