645 15 1

I groaned and frowned when I heard
the shrill ring of something, close to
my ears. I tried to turn to my side,
but something seemed to hold me
down. Sleepy and disoriented, I
groped for the source of the noise,
stretching my arm towards the bed
side table, when my sleepy brain
somehow processed it to be my cell
"Yeah?" I drawled into the phone, my
eyes closed.
"Rahul here, are you awake?" I heard
his voice and sighed.
"Hmmm" was all I could manage.
"Shashank uncle, Padma aunty and
Ananya aunty came here last night." Hesaid worried.
"Hmmm" I repeated.
"Saale, wake up!! I am getting
engaged!!" That sure woke me up.
"You are what??" I almost shouted
and shut my mouth when Riddhima
stirred beside me. Not wanting to
disturb her sleep, as she was
exhausted last night due to her
ordeal, I spoke in a low voice. "You
are what?"
"Next month 19th!!" Rahul told, his
voice frantic.
"Wow!!" I couldn't help but exclaim
for I didn't know about this recent
development. "How come? No one
told me?"
"They didn't tell me either until last
night." Rahul scowled. "They decided
on the date and came down here to
tell me. Ananya aunty told me secretly
later that Muski was nagging uncle to
get us married for about a month.
Can you believe it! It's so
embarrassing." He complained.
I couldn't help but chuckle. That was
so Muski-ish. I could almost imagine
uncle sitting with his head in his
hands as Muski was rambling about
her getting married quickly.
"Poor thing! You left her with no
choice." I chuckled.
"Shut up! And you know what? Uncle
requested me to shift back to
Bangalore because Muski is now
taking care of the management at the
hospital. I am planning to talk about
it to Ankit today. I am sure he would
agree but that's not why I called you
for. I was wondering why not you
also apply for a transfer to Bangalore.
I mean it's almost more than two
years that we are in Hyderabad and
we are entitled to a transfer
request." He rambled on, about his
plans for both of us.
But then my focus was shifted from
the topic of discussion to Riddhima
when she stirred again and snuggled
closer to me, rubbing her nose
against my neck. And just like that I
was lost thinking about last night. It
was not a night that I would like to
recall, but then I couldn't help it.
Riddhima, after mumbling her heart
out, fell asleep, dead to the world, in
my arms. Her words left me staring
into the night with no focus. It was
so hard for me to digest her words. I
knew I told her that we won't let her
past create any tiffs in our present
and future but her words pinched
me all the same. Selfish I might
sound, but I didn't want her to love
that Sohail. I knew that she used
that past tense when she told me
that she loved him but then she also
said that she was scared to fall in
love again. And so my mind
frantically put in all those questions.
What if she couldn't love me the way
I love her? What if she was just
trying to love me and it would always
leave her trying but never
succeeding? What if she compares
me with him? What if.....?
All those 'ifs' left me so disturbed
and confused that I didn't know
when I drifted off to sleep. And I felt
that I had just closed my eyes when
Rahul's call snapped me awake.
"Armaan? Are you there?" I heard
Rahul trying to catch my attention
and shook my head. He was sharing
his good news and I was lost in my
so called problems.
"Yeah Yeah Rahul. Congrats bro!" I
wished him realizing I didn't even
congratulate him. "Finally the day
has come, thanks to Muski." I added.
"Um.. Thanks, I guess." He mumbled,
embarrassed. "And about the
transfer?" He asked.
"That sounds fine, Rahul. We'll talk
more when we come home tonight." I
"Fine. And yeah how is Riddhima?"
He asked.
"She is fine, still sleeping." I replied
and absentmindedly started
caressing her back.
"Did you guys have good fun?" He
asked, with a drawl.
"Yes Rahul. We had lots of fun" I
said, emphasizing on 'lots'. I smiled.
We did enjoy the first four days,
staying in bed and chatting
nonsense, making love, roaming
around the small towns, playing in
"Good, because aunty and I are going
to make her sit with us and ask the
detailed itinerary." He added with a
"Mom is staying back?" I asked,
"Yeah, she took a leave for three
days and staying till Sunday." He
added, equally happy. "Okay then,
we'll talk more when you return.
Take care, bye."
"Bye Rahul." I replied and cut the
I placed the phone aside on the bed
and slowly turned to my side after
shifting Riddhima's head to the
pillow. I was about to get up but
changed my mind when I saw
Riddhima's face and lay down to
stare at her. Sleeping, she appeared
so peaceful and happy, with no
worries or insecurities or whatsoever.
I mean, she is happy with me, I know
that but she appeared content and
calm that I couldn't help but stare
at her. Her lips were slightly parted
and she tucked her hands under her
face. Her nose was still slightly pink,
may be due to all the crying she did
last night. I caressed her soft cheek
slowly and placed a kiss there. All
the other things can go to hell! I am
in love with her and she is happy
with me. That was all that matters.
She might have loved someone
before me but for now and forever,
she is all mine and I am never going
to let her go. I am going to shower
her with all the love and happiness
that she wouldn't be left with a
choice but love me back. I am sure I
could make her fall for me, if I put
my interest in it. After all, I am a
charmer. At that thought, some of
the tension left my body and I felt
light-headed and determined. What
love does to one!
Smiling, I pulled her closer by her
waist and hugged her to me. But
when she opened her eyes slowly, I
rolled her to her back and leaned
onto her, supporting my body with
my elbows. She stared at me dazed
and I knew she wasn't fully awake.
But who cares! I gave her a grin
before placing my lips on hers. She
sure didn't expect that, I thought
when she lay still under me her lips
closed. When I nibbled on her lower
lip trying to gain her response, I felt
her responding. Her hands came
around my neck and her lips moved
against mine and parted, kissing me
back with all her ardor.
But then, like always my senses
betrayed me when she arched her
back and fisted my hair, moaning
into my mouth. I felt her tugging at
my shirt and I drew back, happy to
comply with her wish. I removed my
shirt and threw it aside on the bed
before covering her body with mine
and taking her lips again. She held
me tight; sometimes rubbing my
back, sometimes caressing my nape,
sometimes fisting my hair and
sometimes running her fingers in my
hair. Whatever she did, it was
enough to make me go mad with that
desire to take her completely. And so
even when I heard the bell ringing
at the background, I helped her
remove her top and trailed wet and
desperate kisses on her neck and
shoulders before moving down to her
"Armaan..." She gasped and pulled
my face back for a kiss when I softly
bit her bosom in my ardor. So I let
my lips engage hers and fondled her
with my palms and fingers. But just
when I was about to undo the string
of her track pants, she pushed my
face away and shook her head,
panting for breath and quivering
with need.
"Door...Bell..." She managed to utter
and that's when my ears processed
the continuous ringing of the bell.
Cursing whoever it was under my
breath, I covered her naked upper
body with the blanket when she
seemed incapable of doing it herself,
put on my shirt and went to answer
the door.
I was greeted with wide grinned
room service personnel holding the
trolley of our breakfast. When he
starting moving the trolley into the
room to serve us the breakfast, I
stopped him, gave him his daily tip
and brought in the trolley of food
myself. I found Riddhima in the
same position as I had left her and
chuckled proudly realizing that our
desires could render her dazed for
more than 5 minutes. But with her
on the bed with just a blanket
covering her almost naked body, face
completely red, hair completely
disarrayed. She was still slightly out
of breath and staring at me as if in
trance which made my body that had
calmed down come alive almost
instantaneously. I jumped onto the
bed the next moment and before I
could resume our incomplete
business, I heard Riddhima's
stomach grumbling at the sight of
hot samosas, sandwiches and green
tea. I chuckled at her when she
looked at me embarrassed.
"Let's have a shower and attack the
food." I told her and got up from the
bed. She started looking around for
her top that was missing now. I
found it on the floor beside the bed
and thought of giving it to her. But
then changed my mind and looped
her into my arms.
She shrieked and wrapped her arms
around my neck when I picked her
up. She gasped at her nudity and
turned into me hiding her bare body
from my eyes when I let the blanket
fall off her and walked to the
I put her down in the shower stall
and was about to go and fetch my
shaving kit when she held me by the
collar of my shirt and turned me
around. She just looked straight into
my eyes. I raised my brow when she
remained silent and she shook her
head with a smile. But before I could
return her smile, she pulled me
down and placed a short kiss on my
"Thank you." She whispered and
smiled again.
And with that smile of hers and
moist eyes, I understood why she was
thanking me. I realized suddenly
that it was her way of letting me
know that she was fine now and in
equation with whatever that has
happened. Though my mind hinted
at me to talk to her and resolve the
Sohail issue for once, I dropped it
after a moment of thought. If she
had made peace with whatever that
had happened, I didn't want to spoil
it for her.
"That sure isn't the way to thank me,
Riddhima." I whispered pulling her
closer to me by her waist, until we
were fused together. The fact that
she was standing in the shower stall
with me with only her track pants on
didn't go unnoticed by me either. I
shuddered wondering where we
would end up if I kissed her again.
But who cares! I took her lips in
mine, yet again, and just as we were
deepening the kiss, we were
interrupted again. I groaned when I
realized it was the intercom phone
this time. You got to be kidding me!
It's our last day of at honeymoon and
the world is bent on interrupting us!
I reluctantly let go of her and went
to answer the call.
"Yes?" I shouted into the phone,
rather rudely, angry at being
"Armaan, Sohail here." He sounded
hesitant. "I tried calling on your
mobile, but you were not picking it."
He added.
"Oh we were in the washroom, so
didn't hear the ringing." I said as a
matter of fact and then wished I
hadn't said that as there was silence
on the phone.
"I just called to check- I mean ask- if
Riddhima is fine. I mean she was
crying yesterday, so I was just slightly
worried." He said. "I know you would
take care of her and I shouldn't ask
it, but I couldn't help it."
I closed my eyes and sighed when I
heard the concern and desperateness
in his voice. "Yeah, she is fine. She
was just scared when she didn't find
me in the room when she woke up."
I said.
"Oh okay." He said and paused again.
"I am leaving for Kolkata for a
conference in an hour." He said
"I was wondering if I could meet
Riddhima once." He said. "Only if
she is willing, that is." He added
"Can I call you in 5 minutes?" I
asked, looking back at the washroom
"Sure. Thanks." He said and cut the
When I went to the washroom,
Riddhima finished her bath and was
standing infront of the mirror
brushing her teeth. I took a deep
breath and opened my mouth.
"It's Sohail. He is leaving in an hour.
He wants to meet you." I said calmly.
She stopped brushing when she
heard my words and looked up at
me. "Will you be there, with me?" He
"Ofcourse Riddhima. I will always be
there." I said and hugged her after
she had washed her mouth. "I'll ask
him to join us for breakfast?" I asked.
She nodded her head and I smiled.
I then called Sohail and asked him to
join us in 15 minutes. He sounded
happy when I told him that she
agreed to meet him. But I
desperately prayed that this was the
last time we were meeting him.
And so after 35 minutes, I was
standing, leaning against the pillar
in my room, watching Sohail and
Riddhima stare at everything but
each other in silence. For the last
half an hour I had done all the
talking until my throat started
aching and my patience worn out.
Sohail kept checking his watch once
in a while and I knew he had to
leave soon; but he still hesitated to
initiate a conversation with
Riddhima, who sat like a doll. She
was even worse; not even glancing in
his direction. I wondered if my
presence was making them awkward,
so decided to leave them alone for
few minutes and got up to leave. But
both of them gave me worried looks
when I stood up that I had to
pretend as if I was stretching my legs
and stand by the pillar. Finally I
sighed, exasperated.
And then Sohail stood up, his
shoulders slumped in defeat. He
checked his watch once again and
looked at Riddhima, who was staring
at the floor as if the carpet has the
most amazing design that she
couldn't avert her gaze from it. He
then looked at me and I noticed the
defeated look in his eyes too. I
stepped forward to do something but
stopped short when I heard him
"Riddhi, I-" He started only to shut
his mouth and clear his throat when
she looked up at him. I wondered if
she was surprised that he finally
started speaking or took an exception
to his way of addressing her. But
either way, her one look made him
falter. And I couldn't help but feel
"Mrs. Mallik," I closed my eyes and
sighed when he spoke "I know you
wouldn't want to meet me, but then
I couldn't leave without speaking to
you. I tried to track your
whereabouts but the people at your
orphanage never let me reach you.
All I wanted was to apologize for the
heartbreak I caused you." He paused
to take a deep breath, before
continuing. "I know I made a stupid
decision for both of us but I am glad
that you now have a good life. I am
also aware of the fact that you are
right if you detest my presence but I
have always lo-" He paused again to
change his words "I have always
respected you, Ridd - Mrs. Mallik. I
just wanted to let you know that I
am not a bad guy. I just made a bad
move and I am still regretting it." He
sighed when she still didn't speak
anything. "I- I couldn't leave; not
without explaining myself to you,
because even after all these years,
you were the only woman who came
close to my heart. I am so sorry that
I created a mess out of our lives. I
just want you to think of me as a
closed chapter in your life, not as a
depressed phase that you abhor to
think about. I am sorry that I
stepped into your life, again, and
caused you pain. I promise that I
will make sure that out paths never
cross again if that's what you want."
As I stood still trying to take in all
the words he had said, he shook my
hand, smiled at me and left the
I shook Riddhima softly when she sat
still staring at the open door. "His
intention wasn't to hurt me when he
left me, was it?" She asked, as a tear
slipped out of her left eye.
"You know the answer yourself,
Riddhima." I said softly, wiping the
tear away.
"Why did you want me to meet him?"
She asked.
"Because I knew that he is a good
person, Riddhima. I went to talk to
him last night. That was the reason
why I wasn't in the room when you
woke up. He left you because he
cared too much for you that he
decided you were best off without
him or his family. Moreover, if not for
his decision, I wouldn't have had you
in my life, would I?"
She shook her head and sagged
against me, silent tears escaping her
eyes. "I should have talked to him."
She said slowly.
"It's still not late." I whispered.
"Come," I pulled her to her feet and
walked her towards the corridor.
I noticed Sohail waiting near the
elevator, four rooms away. He was
about to step into the elevator when
I shouted his name. He stopped
midway and turned back to us,
surprised. I nudged Riddhima to get
her moving and then she started
slowly walking to him. She stopped
suddenly, turned back to me and
smiled. When I returned her smile
she turned around and all but ran
into Sohail, who promptly held her in
his arms for a moment before
stepping back. I couldn't hear what
they were speaking but whatever she
said made him smile. It also made
her blush and look back at me. He
smiled at me while I nodded. Though
I wanted to pull her back to me
when I watched him hugging her
again, but I stood where I was,
reminding myself of my
determination to win her love. When
he waved back at me and left, she
ran back to me.
"Happy?" I asked her softly, walking
into the room. When she nodded, I
hugged her to me and kissed the top
of her head. Promptly, I then heard
the grumbling sound from her
stomach, yet again.
"It seems like your tummy is cursing
us." I chuckled and led her back to
our room, both of us smiling by the
time we returned to our room.
"Aunty!!!" Riddhima shrieked and ran
to mom, dropping the bag, she was
holding, at the door. Mom was not
any less, I chuckled and shook my
head when she shouted her name
and hugged her tight. I laughed out
when Rahul came running out of his
room due to the commotion. Though
confused at first, he was relieved
when he spotted me at the door and
came to hug me.
"How was your trip?" He asked with a
"Great!" I winked back and then after
a thought added, "And eventful."
Though he raised his brow at me, he
didn't question me further.
"Armaan, you have gained more
weight." Mom pulled me into a hug.
"You look good now."
"Finally, you remembered you have a
son." I pouted and kissed her cheek.
"Even if she does, I am sure you
would be right there to remind her
of that." Rahul added, hugging
Riddhima. Mom laughed and she and
Riddhima went to out bedroom while
Rahul and I followed them with our
"You didn't tell me aunty was here!"
It was more of an accusation than a
question from Riddhima. "And that
Rahul and Muski are getting
"It was called a surprise Riddhima, if
you didn't know." I chuckled and
pecked her lips before taking my
towel and walking towards the
washroom. Before closing the door, I
found a slightly pink Riddhima who
looked everywhere but at the
audience in the room who were
highly amused by my display of
affection. The moment after I kissed
her infront of everyone, I myself was
surprised. But strangely enough, I
wasn't uncomfortable and I realized
that my love reached a stage where
it was beyond physical and mental
reactions; and mere magic. It was
something deeper and stronger. And
beyond everything that was
momentary. I couldn't help but sigh
"Looks like your trip did wonders to
Armaan, isn't it?" Rahul drawled the
moment I stepped out of the
washroom. He was sprawled at the
end of the bed while mom and
Riddhima sat with their backs against
the bed post. It appeared she was
showing mom our photographs from
the trip in my laptop. Riddhima just
turned a shade deeper than what
adorned her cheeks at his comment
and mom smiled. I just pulled the
bean bag closer to the bed and sat
on it, enjoying the cozy ambiance of
our bedroom.
"How come you came early from the
office?" I asked Rahul.
"To keep aunty company. You know I
am her godson." He declared as a
matter of fact proudly and I was
caught off guard at the confidence I
heard in his voice. Never before had
Rahul been so open about his
relationship with us. He always shied
away whenever he felt he was
intruding our personal space. But
whatever had happened in my
absence I was happy for him, for he
seemed as if he made peace with
"Oh, but I thought you were my
brother." Riddhima chirped in before
I could comment.
"Yeah, I am your god-brother too."
He added, as if consoling her.
"Godson is fine, but godbrother
Rahul? I don't think that word even
exists." I asked, feigning shock.
"Yeah, whatever!" He muttered,
slightly embarrassed and I decided
not to push him further or scare him
off his acceptance of his relationship
with us.
"What is this place?" Mom asked
pointing at a photograph. I was
about to get up to have a look at it
when Riddhima answered.
"It is the orphanage in Shimla.
That's where I lived all my life before
coming to Bangalore." She said
That sure caught Rahul attention too
and three of them dug their face in
the laptops watching the
photographs while I sat munching on
the leftover chips in the packet
which we bought in the flight. Then
Riddhima started explaining about
what all we had done on the trip
minus our love-making.
"And then we met Sohail too?" I
stopped chewing on the chips when
I heard her words and turned to
them putting the packet aside.
"Which Sohail? Our ex-colleague
Sohail Goswani?" Rahul asked turning
to me.
"No, Sohail Sharma, my-" she took a
pause, "my previous husband."
"Oh!" Rahul muttered recognition
and then silence fell over as Rahul
and mom glanced at Riddhima and
me warily.
"Yeah we just met him unexpectedly
in Shimla. He came to attend some
conference and stayed in the same
hotel as us." I volunteered the
information when they didn't ask
further but kept glancing back and
forth at us.
"And?" Rahul probed finally while
mom sat silently watching me
"And what? We talked to him and
then invited him for the breakfast
with us." I said, sitting beside
Riddhima on the bed, draping my
hand around her shoulder. "He is a
good guy mom, just made a bad
move. He is regretting it even now."
I added.
"And he told me that he would be
coming to Hyderabad. So I asked him
to come for dinner when he comes
here." Riddhima spoke and I was
surprised at this bit of information.
My reaction would have been clearly
evident on my face for Riddhima held
my hand and looked at me carefully.
"I thought it was okay." She said
"Ofcourse, it is." I smiled; my lips
tight. She was relieved, Rahul was
impassive and mom appeared to be
deep in thought.
"I'll go and start preparing dinner,
then." Riddhima announced and
made her way towards the kitchen.
"Armaan, are you sure you are okay
with what Riddhima said?" Mom
asked me after a moment.
"Yes mom. Why do you doubt it?" I
asked trying to not let my discomfort
"Because that's not who you are."
Rahul declared softly.
I shifted my position and lay down
with my head in mom's lap. I sighed.
"I don't know mom. I thought I was
at peace with Riddhima's past life,
but with Sohail's sudden appearance,
I am not sure anymore. Sohail is a
great guy and I know his intentions
are good but I couldn't wipe off this
sudden panic that grips me at his
mention. May be his being a good
guy is the problem itself." I trailed
off smoothly.
"Why is that a problem?" Rahul
asked, his voice genuinely curious.
"Because sometimes, I feel that
Riddhima is not yet ready to let go
off him." I replied. "And I don't want
Riddhima to turn towards me as an
"You are in love with her, aren't
you?" Came mom's amused question.
"Oh, you have no idea how much
mom!" I uttered and buried my face
in her saree.
"It's okay if you are uncomfortable
him, Armaan. It is natural. But you
shouldn't let Riddhima develop false
hopes about you maintaining decent
relationship with him." Mom said,
ruffling my hair.
"But she is just so happy meeting
him again, mom. She tries to hide it
but she couldn't."
"That's because, he was the only one
she considered her family before us.
She told me that he was the first one
who respected her, admired her,
helped her deal with things she
couldn't by herself. He was the first
one who let her dream, Armaan. She
will always have that soft spot for
him inspite of the misery he put her
through." She explained.
I realized what the main problem
was, I was jealous of Sohail for being
the many firsts in her life that I
wished to be. I sighed heavily. "I
understand that mom. That's the
reason why I want to be perfect
infront of her." I mumbled.
"Why?" Mom asked, her voice
reflecting confusion.
Because I want her to love me as
much as the way I love her. Instead,
I tried to divert the topic. "You are
the best mom ever, do you know
Mom laughed at that and Rahul
smiled. "That's the reason why I wish
I was born to you, aunty." He added,
looking at mom, his voice heavy.
Mom patted my shoulder telling me
to get off her. She motioned for
Rahul to come close to her and
kissed his forehead, brushing his
hair back. "Even if you are still not
comfortable to accept the fact, you
should know that you are my son
Rahul, not just a godson. I love you
as much as I love Armaan. Even
Aman always considered you his
elder son. At one point when you
were a kid, we even considered
adopting you formally but let it go
when we realized how sensitive you
were about that topic." She wiped
the tear that spilled from his eye
and kissed him again.
"Moreover now that Muski is marrying
you, you will officially be my
brother." I said cheerfully trying to
clear the lump that suddenly formed
in my throat. "Now let us go to the
living room before Riddhima comes
and says that she also wished she
was born to you. Because of all the
things I am sure of, the first one is
that I don't want Riddhima to be my
sister ever." I said hurriedly
shuddering at that fact. I heard
mom's and Rahul chuckles behind
me and smiled.
That's it for today! Hope you guys loved the chapter! Bye. Thank You. -Isha

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