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I was dead to the world, asleep, until
I was hit by a thunder. This thunder,
I tell you my readers, is anything but
tranquil. Oh sorry, thunders are
usually violent, I knew that and
perhaps that's the reason I refer her
to thunder. You might not leave, or
even die, in peace until you
acknowledge her presence. She is
Muskaan Gupta, my cousin. She
invented a unique way of waking
people when she was in eighth
standard. Do you know who her
test partner was? Who else? It was me!
You might be wondering what the
protocol of her invention was.
Imagine you were sleeping like a pig
on your bed, drowned deep in your
dreamland. Then you, all of a
sudden, listen to a loud scream of
someone right in your ear. What
would your reaction be?
Similarly, I woke up with a start, my
heart's beat already ready to beat
Schumacher's racing speed. I knew
what might have caused it. So I
turned to my side to find Muskaan
smirking at me, pleased with herself.
I also knew it's a waste of
reprimanding her. So I dragged
myself to the washroom and was set
about getting ready.
It was already 11.30 am. It had been
three days that I came to Bangalore.
My mom, as usual leaves for college
daily at 10 and so does Riddhima. So
I was ordered by my aunt, Padma-
Muskaan's mom, to have my breakfast
and lunch at her house daily.
I got ready in half an hour, locked
the house properly and went to
aunt's house. As soon as I opened
the door, I found Muskaan sitting on
the floor with one of the hair serums
I had brought for her from Poland,
trying to read its catalogue. She had
given me a long list of things I was
supposed to purchase for her at
"Armaan, come have your breakfast." I
heard aunt's voice and moved to the
dining table. I glanced at the dishes
on the table. That's when I heard my
stomach growling.
I better have my lunch.
"Aunty, I'll have lunch directly." I
told her sheepishly while she smiled.
This had been my routine for the last
three days. I wake up around noon,
have lunch, have a chat with aunty
and uncle Shashank, if he's home,
then go back home, play some video
games and wait for mom to return. I
wanted to relax to my best when I
was her. Afterall I deserve it, after
working day and night for that
project back there, don't I?
"You better get married. Then your
wife will make sure you are up by 6
in the morning." Aunty remarked
sitting beside me at the dining table.
Ahah! I knew she would say
something like that. She and mom
had been plotting for the same
behind my back. I knew that. At
some point of time they even thought
of getting me married to Muskaan. I
found it absurd and told them the
same. We both grew up together,
almost like siblings. I always feel I
am an elder brother to her.
"Muskaan, why didn't you go to
college?" I asked, partly to divert the
topic and partly out of interest. First
case being I don't know what else to
do. Second case since Riddhima had
been to college. I knew that she and
Muskaan were in same class. So if
Riddhima attends the classes,
Muskaan was supposed to attend
them too.
"Because we don't have any class
scheduled today due to the
placements." She replied, still
absorbed, I guess, in the pros and
cons of her hair serum.
"Oh." I said. "But Riddhima attends
the classes."
"That's because she volunteered to
help." She said.
I finished with my lunch and sat
beside Muskaan on the floor, resting
my back against the sofa, switching
on the TV. I sat flipping the channels
for some time until I was bored and
switched it off.
"Muskaan, what about Riddhima's
family?" I asked out of blue. For the
last three days since I had seen her
PAN card, I sometimes found myself
wondering about that. I thought of
asking mom, but it somehow went off
my mind.
"Why do you ask that suddenly?" she
asked me back raising her brow.
Why can't she answer me once
without tossing back a question?
"Just like that. I happened to see her
PAN card. There is no last name. So I
was wondering." I admitted.
"Oh, didn't you see her father's name
then?" she asked again, putting the
bottle of serum aside. By then Padma
aunty also came and sat on the sofa.
I tried to recall. I didn't remember.
Her name caught my attention and I
guess I didn't have a look at other
"She doesn't have a family, Armaan."
aunt said. "She is an orphan."
"Yeah, she studies on scholarship
now. Even she did her graduation
with scholarship." Muskaan added.
"Oh." I said again. Somehow I
respected her as I heard that. I knew
the hardships one has to face being
an orphan and living in some
orphanage. Rahul told me about
them. And she being a girl, if she
surpassed them and was doing her
post graduation in a decent college, I
must admit she is worth the respect.
"Did you atleast talk to her?"
Muskaan asked me. "She is placed in
your company. She even did her
internship there."
"Yeah, a couple of times." I said.
That's true. In the last few days we
didn't talk much except for few
pleasantries and some stuff about
her electives when we were
discussing with my mom. She wasn't
comfortable with me, for some reason
unknown to me.
"She is a reserved person. She
doesn't mingle easily. It took me
almost an year to befriend her."
Muskaan said. "And she gets all
nervous when she is around men.
Inspite of her good score in the
entrance, she couldn't make it to
other colleges because of that. She
told me she was rejected in most of
the college admission procedures in
group activities."
"But now she is better and happy.
Isn't it Muski?" aunty asked. "In the
beginning she was so scared of
Shashank." She laughed softly. That
was no big wonder, I chuckled. Even I
am scared of uncle sometimes.
"Armaan, Ananya told that you are on
wary with her presence at home. Why
is that? If you are suspicious of her,
then don't be." Aunty said suddenly.
"Nothing like that aunty. I am
worried with mom getting too much
attached to her. I mean she knew her
only for the last two months. How
could she trust her so much? She
even leaves the money locker
unlocked now-a-days." I said in
random. Not that I am suspicious of
her, or maybe I am, but I don't
understand why everyone is inclined
towards her?
"Don't be jealous of Riddhima,
stupid." Muskaan smacked my head
lightly. "You are aunty's son."
Padma aunty laughed out loud at
that. "Riddhima is worth that trust
Armaan. She loves and respects Ananya
so much. I can see that. She takes
good care of her." She said smiling.
Well, I have been observing that too.
She makes sure that mom takes her
medicines regularly. She helps her in
the kitchen and with other works. I
don't mind that either, as long as she
doesn't hurt her. Everyone around
me seem to Riddhima. They had
known her for such a short span, only
a couple of months to be precise and
somehow, she had become a part of
their lives. I don't think it could be
possible that they were mistaken. So,
I assumed its better that I let it be.
I smiled at aunty. She patted my
shoulder and went to the dining
room. Muskaan followed her to have
their lunch. We then chatted for
some time as usual. Then uncle
joined us. I left for home around 4
I was waiting for mom and Riddhima
to return, as usual, lazing in the
living room. It was almost 5.30 pm.
They should have been here by 5. I
took my mobile and dialed mom's
number. It rang once, twice and
thrice. She didn't pick up. I tried
once again. It rang once again and
this time I heard the ring tone of her
mobile faintly. They must have been
in the corridor. I cut the call and
went to the main door to open it.
The sight infront of my eyes as I
opened the door and looked towards
the corridor stopped my breath. Mom
was leaning onto Padma aunty, her
eyes slightly closed and face pale,
and supported by Riddhima on the
other side. Our driver Raghu was
following them with mom's hand bag.
As soon as Muski (Muskaan) , who was rushing
behind them, spotted me she ran to
me and took my mobile from hands
and called Shanshank uncle.
What the hell was happening?
As they reached the door, I helped
mom inside and made her sit on the
sofa. Riddhima ran to the kitchen to
get water.
"Aunty, what happened?" I asked
Padma aunty who was checking
mom's pulse. When she didn't reply,
I stood up and went to Raghu who
was standing by the door worried.
"What happened Raghu?"
"I called dad. He is on the way."
Muskaan said at the same time. My
uncle, Shashank, was a general
surgeon. He and my dad were
classmates when they studied
medicine. Later they both, after
completing post graduation in
surgical treatment, established a
multi-specialty hospital here in
Bangalore with the help of their
other colleagues. After dad expired,
uncle took care of the entire hospital.
I lost my patience by the time he
opened his mouth. "I don't know sir.
Madam was fine till we reached the
parking area down. When she got
down from the car, she suddenly
fainted." He said.
"Aunty, what happened?" I asked,
almost yelled, freaking out. Mom was
a healthy person except for the low
blood pressure and she never fainted
before. I knew that at this age,
feeling giddy sometimes can be
critical. And with no one answering
me, I was going mad.
"Nothing Armaan, she is fine." Aunty
said after checking the pulse. She
was a doctor. But now withdrew from
practicing it. "It happens sometimes
when one is reduced with the dosage
of the medicines."
"What? Why was the dosage
reduced?" I asked restless sitting
beside mom. When I looked at her,
she opened her eyes and squeezed
my hand. She was shivering and I
guess I lost my mind then for I
lashed out everyone after the answer
I received.
"Riddhima enrolled aunty for one
week yoga classes a few weeks back.
She told us they asked aunty to
reduce the dosage." Muskaan replied
and I noticed Riddhima rush in with
water with something mixed in it.
"What? Who the hell is she to do
that? What would she do if
something happened to mom because
of that?" I yelled, my voice increasing
its level with every word I uttered. I
didn't know what I was speaking and
why I was yelling at her. Somehow
the soft corner that developed in my
heart for her due to my discussion in
the afternoon went out of the
window. All I knew was one thing;
Mom's not feeling well due to
something which was done by her.
"Armaan-" Muskaan tried to stop me
when I stood up.
"Don't you dare Muski." I glared at
her. At home everyone knew about
my temperament. If the fuse of my
brain was blown out, I would yell at
everything and everyone until I was
worn out. So no one dares to reply
me back when I was in such a state.
And so did Muski; she went and sat
beside mom scowling.
"And you-" I turned to Riddhima who
stood at the corner, probably scared
of me. But I didn't care. "You are a
paying guest, so behave like one.
Don't you dare interfere in our lives.
Stay in your limits." I roared and I
could see she was terrified when she
dropped the glass she was holding
and stepped back.
"I....I.. thought-" she tried to speak,
tears already filling her eyes.
"What? What the crap did you think?
Who asked you to-"
"Armaan" Uncle shouted at me. He
was the only one who could make me
shut my mouth. "Riddhima, go to
your room." He said, his voice soft
almost instantly. She didn't move as
I glared at her. "Go, please." He
repeated again and she ran upstairs
to her room.
This pissed me off. Even now, they
were supporting her. Uncle glared at
me once before going to mom. He
injected mom something, while aunty
got a glass of water and Muski went
to clean the floor dry off the water
Riddhima had spilled. Aunty helped
mom drink water and then went
upstairs to Riddhima's room.
"I am fine Armaan." Mom whispered
when I sat beside her. She probably
might have understood my outburst.
After dad's demise even the slightest
illness to her and I would go mad.
Probably it was due to the fear of
losing her. I somehow managed it
after dad but I am don't even want
to think of something happening to
"Don't try anything stupid, mom" I
glared at her softly. "Why did you
reduce the dosage?" asked I, giving
her a side hug, my agitated nerves
calming down slowly.
"Armaan, Riddhima informed me
beforehand about the yoga course. I
asked her to go on after talking to
the yoga teacher." Uncle said, still
angry with me. "Infact Ananya's BP
improved to normal after attending
the classes, with the reduced
dosages. Riddhima cares for her way
more than what you think she does."
Shit! What the hell did I do!
"I know you were worried. But you
shouldn't have yelled at her." Mom
said slowly looking at me, not
I knew, by the look of her, how much
damage I have caused. "I know." I
whispered. I really knew that as I
recalled her face when I had
screamed at her. Had it been any
other family member, I knew I
wouldn't have shouted at them. I
don't know, may be deep down I was
worried with this girl gaining
importance in our lives that
everything and everyone around me
revolved around her. That would have
triggered my temper. May be I was
insecure. I wished Rahul was here.
"Take care Ananya , You will be fit and
perfect by morning." Uncle told as he
got up.
"Why don't you continue with yoga
again?" aunty asked coming down. "I
am sure Riddhima would be glad, if
you do that." She added.
"I'll think about it." Mom replied.
"Didn't she want to come down?"
Aunty shrugged and smiled. "Take
care." She said and moved out with
"Bye aunty." Muski came out from the
"I'll be back." I told mom and
followed Muski. When she was about
to step out of the door, I stopped
her. "I am sorry Muski."
"You better be." She glared at me.
"Reserve that for Riddhima anyhow."
She added and left.
Later that night, Muski brought us
dinner. She placed it in three plates
and gave me two. I took them and
went to mom's room. I saw Muski
taking another plate for Riddhima.
She didn't step out of her room the
whole evening. I felt bad. Very bad
indeed. I knew I was wrong but
hesitated to apologize to her. The
reason being I don't even know why I
yelled at her in the first place. I was
so messed up.
"Padma aunty sent us dinner." I told
mom as I entered the room. She was
reading some novel. She was fine
after resting for two hours in the
We had our dinner in mom's room in
silence. I took the plate from mom
and headed out of the room to dump
them in the sink. But just then Muski
barged in to the room and took the
plates from me.
"Did she have dinner?" Mom asked
"She promised she would eat later."
She replied. "I am not sure about it.
Good night aunty."
"Good night Armaan." She turned to
me. I didn't expect that. "Talk to
Riddhima once. She was scared."
Scared? Of what? Me?
"Shall I apologize to her now?" I
asked mom, sitting on the bed beside
"Do you want to?"
"Yes." I said. She gestured me to
lean down. I lay down and placed my
head on her lap.
"Riddhima is an orphan Armaan." She
said caressing my hair.
"I know." I whispered, closing my
eyes. "Aunty told me."
"Before coming here, she lived in her
own shell. Even in the beginning, she
felt lonely and lost sometimes. I tried
to reach out for her. I knew she had
been yearning for some companion,
for some support, for love. She takes
time to open up to people due to the
troubles she faced in her past. Infact,
it took her a month to talk to me
comfortably. When I told her to trust
me, she hesitated but eventually did.
You know Armaan, I had always
craved for a girl child after you. I feel
as if I found one now." She smiled at
me as she said that. "Now she says I
am her gift after living lonely life for
twenty-four years. She is just a lost
child, Armaan, who is trying to find a
way out. She is learning to live her
"Do you know why everyone around
her loves her?" she asked me and I
opened my eyes. I shook my head
negatively. I didn't know that. That
was one question I always found
myself wondering about. "Because
she always does what one expects of
her. She just searches for happiness
in the smiles of others. Just offer her
little support and love, just a pinch,
and then she will love you forever."
She said smiling.
I sat up as I heard that. It only made
me feel guilty all the more. Her state
reminded me of what Rahul was when
I met him for the first time in high
school. Initially I thought he was
crazy for his behavior but later when
I came to know about him, I did like
him. I just offered him little support
and love back then. And the result,
he was my best buddy, who stood by
me whenever I needed him and when
I didn't need him. That changed his
view of life eventually.
"Talk to her once in the morning."
Mom said breaking my stupor. "Just
smile at her and she will welcome
you with both her arms stretched
"Sure mom." I said smiling. "Good
"Good night." She kissed my temple
and then I closed her door and went
back to my room.
As I sat on the bed thinking about
how to talk to Riddhima, I heard a
knock on the door. Mom never knocks
my door before entering.
Nevertheless, I said "Door is open
When the door opened slowly, I found
Riddhima standing on the other side.
She was in the same dress which she
wore in the morning. Her hair was
still in the pony and then I noticed
her eyes. Didn't I tell you how
expressive and beautiful her eyes
were? I guess I did. But right now,
they were just lifeless and red and
not to mention swollen. Since the
evening, I found myself muttering
this second time. What the hell did I
"Riddhima?" I stood up and took few
steps towards her. She was looking
scared. Of what? Of me? "Is anything
wrong?" I asked her and mentally
kicked myself. Ofcourse everything
was wrong.
"Can I come-I mean can I talk to
you?" her voice quivered.
"Yes. Ofcourse. Come in." I said
moving back so she could come in.
She hesitated but stepped in after a
"I.....I am sorry. I mean....I didn't
mean to hurt aunty." She said slowly,
fumbling with words, looking down.
It hit me hard. Very hard. "Riddhima
why are you sorry? I yelled at you for
no apparent reason." I said but she
didn't pay any attention to it. "I
should be sorry."
"No, you were right. I should stay in
my limits and I-"
"Riddhima?" I interrupted her. She
looked up at me, into my eyes.
"You won't ask me to vacate your
house. Will you?" she asked.
Oh my God! Was she scared of this?
"Riddhima, I-" I started immediately
but she cut me.
"I promise I will not interfere in
anything. Let me stay, please" She
I felt miserable. I didn't understand
how to assure her. In any other case
I would have preferred giving a hug
but I don't think she would allow me
for that. Hell, I could still see that
she was probably scared of me.
Taking a deep breath, I walked up to
her and placing my hand at her back
guided her to the bed to let her sit. I
gave her the bottle of water to drink
but she didn't.
"Drink, please." I said softly. Her jaws
were tight and clenched. I could see
her holding back her tears. When she
drank little, I kneeled down infront of
"Riddhima, you can stay here as long
as you want to. Nobody will ask you
to leave. Okay?" I asked her and she
nodded still looking down. Before I
could apologize to her, I should wipe
out the fear that was etched in her
brain. "Don't cry." I added almost in
a whisper.
She then looked up and I smiled
slightly. She wiped her tears and
tried to smile, but failed badly.
"I am sorry. I shouldn't have shouted
at you." I said. "I didn't mean any of
it. I was just worried, you know, for
mom." I felt good after I said that.
"I know." She said slowly. She then
smiled. Well technically it couldn't
be termed as a smile but I did notice
her lips curled up at the end. Then
an awkward silence prevailed in the
"I'll go." She said and I stood up and
stepped aside. When she reached the
door, I called for her.
"Riddhima?" she turned around
surprised. "Did you have dinner?" I
asked. And I am sure she didn't.
"No." she said. I expected she would
lie somehow. "I'll eat now."
"Don't bother with that now." I said
and moved out of the room. "Come
downstairs with me." She followed me
to the kitchen. Well I have brought
her to the kitchen, but what now? I
didn't even know the ABC of cooking.
"You know to prepare an omlette?" I
asked her. She looked at me confused
but nodded. "Good, make two of
them." I said giving her two eggs
that I took out from fridge.
In about fifteen minutes, she made
them and placed them in a plate and
offered me. I took the plate and
offered it back to her. "That's for
you." I told her. She hesitated as
usual. "Eat" I repeated not softly this
time. She flinched little but took the
plate and moved to the dining table.
I sat in silence and stared at her till
she completed two of them and
dumped the plate in the sink.
We then moved upstairs quietly.
When she was about to enter her
room, I asked "You will forgive me,
won't you?"
She smiled a genuine one with that
twinkle back in her eyes. "I already
did. Good night." She said and
disappeared into the room.
"Good night." I whispered into the
air and headed back to my room
Not only in others' lives, somehow, I
felt that Riddhima was going to
create a place for herself in my life
too. And this time I didn't hesitate to
accept her. Infact, I was glad for that,
for some reason unknown to me.

So, this is for today! i hope you'll will love it. Bye. Love. - Isha

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