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I opened my eyes to the sound of the
banging on the door. Blinking my
eyes to adjust my vision, I groped for
my mobile. But in that process, I
realized my left hand seemed to be
held down by some weight.
Disoriented and frustrated with the
knocks that were still persistent at
the door, I fetched the mobile and
saw the time. It was 4.30 am!!
Groaning, I closed my eyes again
ignoring the sound at the door. I
pulled the bed sheet closer to my
face with my right hand. Inspite of
the summer, the room turned chilly
due to the AC. Feeling cold, I
snuggled into the mattresses. I
heard someone calling my name. The
voice seemed to come from the other
side of the door. I wished one could
shut the ears just like the eyes.
"I am not gonna wake up till 10." I
yelled at the door and turned to my
side pulling something that blocked
my movement, closer. I had barely
slept in the last 48 hours. And it was
the same 2.30 in the early morning
when I finally dozed off. It had been
just two hours that I closed my eyes,
my sleepy brain calculated.
And that calculation resulted in one
more realization. I was married
yesterday!! Hell, Riddhima was
supposed to be sleeping beside me!!!
I forced my eyes open with a jerk. I
craned my neck and looked around,
trying to take in the surroundings
that I was in. I was in my room,
sleeping on my bed. Then where was
Riddhima? I wondered as the bed
beside me seemed to be empty. I
turned towards the wash room. The
door was open.
And then my eyes widened with the
sudden realization. I yanked the bed
sheet away from my body, looked
down and gasped. A sleeping
Riddhima clung to me, like a child
monkey clings to its mother, with her
face buried in the side of my neck.
Our bodies were fused together, with
her hand around my waist and my
leg around her thighs.
I jerked back on an impulse and
stared at her completely stupefied.
The first thought that came to my
brain was whether I suffocated her to
death as she appeared still without
any moment. I let my eyes move
further down and then noticed the
even movement of her chest. I
sighed and closed my eyes for a
moment. Remembering the events of
the last night, I opened my eyes and
looked at her. My eyes widened, yet
again, when my eyes took an account
of the rumpled form of her saree.
Her saree seemed to be pushed
upwards away from her chest and
her waist was almost bare sending
my heart racing at a jet speed.
It was not her crumpled saree that
quickened my pulses. It was rather
her bareness flashing in golden
yellow light of the bed lamp. The
sight was quite appealing and
equally awkward. For the first few
moments I didn't understand how to
react. Yes, she is my wife and I was
just granted with a license to look at
her. But it being Riddhima, I felt
weirdly strange. As much as my
ethical brain warned me to back off,
my heart desired to touch her. Many
a times in the last few days, I had
dreamt of her erotically. Well, she is
beautiful, with a perfect figure but I
never felt this strong physical pull
towards any other female and it
slightly scared me.
For simple instance, the mere fact
that she lay beside me with her
clothes slightly out of place made my
senses go foggy. These elevated
feelings -so strong and so sensitive-
should mean something. Sighing, I
fell back on the bed; with my left
hand still under Riddhima's body
and my senses still reeling under the
aftermaths of having a slight peek at
Riddhima's private beauty-the
beauty which would be only mine.
But not now, my mind added.
Regaining myself, I tried to pull my
hand from under her body. But she
frowned deeply from the movement.
"Tch, aunty. Five more minutes." She
mumbled with a frown and tugged at
my T-shirt pulling it closer to her.
Her bangles made the most amazing
sound that suddenly turned out to
be one of my most favorite tunes.
I chuckled at her words. So she still
thinks mom was trying to wake her
up?! This could be interesting, I
thought, when she opens her eyes to
the surroundings she was in. I was
sure she would be embarrassed to
the core realizing the state she was
in. Hell, she should have woken up
when our bodies were pressed
together five minutes ago. Well, she
might be enjoying my warmth for she
moved closer when I tried the versa.
I knew she would never admit that
even if she enjoyed. She and her
theory of silence!!
My initial awkwardness all forgotten,
I wanted to check something else,
with my naughty side in full gear.
But before that I pulled the bed
sheet closer to her body as I realized
she might be feeling cold. I moved
closer to her and brushed her cheek
with my knuckles. Her skin was so
soft, just as I had imagined it to be.
With the barest touch of my fingers I
caressed her cheek before moving
down to her jaw line and then her
neck. The frown on her forehead
disappeared almost instantly and I
found her smiling in her sleep. I
grinned down at her. Her body does
enjoy my caress. I was not the only
one facing such strong physical need,
I thought devilishly.
With a quick peck on her cheek, I
slid off the bed to answer the knock
at the door that I had conveniently
ignored for the last few minutes.
"What happened? Why can't you let
me sleep for few hours?" I frowned at
Muski who was standing at my door
in her night clothes, yawning. But
she just stared at me for a moment,
then her eyes widened and then she
ran away giggling.
"Aunty called you downstairs." She
shouted from the end of the
Scratching my head and then
rubbing my eyes, I came downstairs
and bumped into a half asleep Rahul
on my way. He smiled at me with his
eyes half open for a moment and
then her grinned showing his 32
teeth. He turned back and went to
the living room, where my uncles
seemed to be sleeping. Frowning, I
walked towards the kitchen. Mom
and Sudha aunty were already
working on the breakfast.
"You are awake?" Mom sighed and
came to the dining room when she
spotted me. "Where is Riddh-" She
turned towards me and her mouth
remained open for a second before
she looked away with a weird silence.
"Go and ask Riddhima to come down
immediately. She has to light the
lamp before we leave for Indore."
She told me, but never looked at me.
It was strange the way mom avoided
looking into my eyes, which was rare.
"Oh yeah. I forgot." I muttered
remembering that we have to leave
for omkareshwar temple near Indore.
We had the tickets booked for 9 am
flight. And I found Sudha aunty
smiling at me weirdly. What was so
strange about me? I wondered
checking my clothes. They seemed
When I opened my mouth to say
something to mom, Sudha aunty
pulled me aside. "From now on,
check your face in the mirror once
before stepping out of your bedroom.
Now go and ask your wife to come
down quickly." She whispered into
my ear and shooed me away.
Frowning, I rushed back to my room
to find out what was wrong with my
face that mom felt awkward with me.
Entering the room, I found Riddhima
still sleeping hugging herself. I
locked the door and switched the ac
off. When I looked at myself in the
mirror I couldn't help but gape at
my image. I then understood what
the reason behind mom's
awkwardness was and why was
everyone smiling at me strangely. The
left side of my neck and the jaw line
was covered with sindoor and so was
the hem of my T-shirt.
Looking closely, I found Riddhima's
bindi sticked to my neck as well. I
mentally kicked myself for not having
a look at myself in the mirror before
stepping out. But how was I to know
that something of this sort would
happen!!I turned around and
noticed smudged sindoor on
Riddhima's forehead. Blushing to
myself, I shuddered thinking what
everyone might be thinking about my
appearance. It was so embarrassing
the way Muski and Rahul looked at
me. And then mom! I don't think I
would be able to look at her eyes.
I switched the light on and sat back
on the bed, near Riddhima's gazing
at her. She squeezed her eyes and
tossed for a few moments on the
bed. She then slowly opened her
eyes and looked at me. I smiled at
her and she returned the smile back.
She sat up on the bed, yawning.
With her mangalsutras hanging
around her neck and right shoulder,
hair messed up full of flower petals,
sindoor smudged on forehead, saree
out of place and a sleepy face- I felt
at home. I have read in some books
that men would be turned off when
they find their women in such an
unkempt form but I felt quite the
opposite. She appeared perfect as a
woman- my wife.
As I sat staring at her, her eyes
widened after a couple of moments
when her sleepy brain process our
attires. She quickly adjusted her
saree to place and started searching
around the bed frantically for
something. I moved closer to her and
she stopped; staring at me with me
big eyes. I pulled her mangalsutras
to her front and smiled at her.
"Your jewellery is on the table
beside." I said pointing at the table.
"I removed them after you slept last
"I am sorry. I didn't know when I fell
asleep. I was tired and fee-" She
started with her apologies and
excuses; her eyes lowered out of
"Why are you sorry? Did you have
any other plans for the night?" I
interrupted her and winked at her
when she looked at me startled.
"No no. I mean-I-" She fumbled with
her words turning to a shade of pink.
I laughed at her. "Mom asked you to
come downstairs quickly." I told her.
"Oh! Did aunty say something?" She
"No, they were just laughing at me."
I told her as a matter of fact.
"Why?" She asked surprised.
I turned to the other side and
showed her my neck and T-shirt that
she failed to notice till now.
"Because of this." I grinned at her.
She turned to a deeper shade of red
and ran to the washroom after
grabbing a towel from her wardrobe
while I fell on the bed, flat on my
back and stared at the fan with a
stupid smile on my face.
While Riddhima took her shower in
the washroom in my bedroom,
ironically I went to hers-the guest
room to get ready, to save time. By
the time I came back to my room
after showering, she was struggling
with her heavy dark brown saree,
with her wet and messy hair tied up,
all her jewellery sitting on the bed
with just a mangalsutra made of
yellow threads around her neck.
"You are still not ready?" I asked,
looking at the state she was in. As
soon as she spotted me entering the
room, she turned around holding her
undone saree at her waist. But that
resulted in her almost bare back
exposed to me. It took me a moment
and a deep breath to control my eyes
from getting glued to the sight.
"I- I am almost done." She replied
with her head bowed down, her full
concentration on the frills of her
saree. "Can you please call aunty or
Muski?" She asked, her voice tired
face exasperated.
"Why? Is something wrong?" I
questioned walking up to her.
"I need help with the saree." She
replied, turning around to face me.
She appeared upset, eyes covered
with a thin layer of water.
"What happened Riddhima?" I asked
worried. Everything was perfect
before half an hour when I left the
room. "Are you not feeling well? Are
you in pain?"
She shook her head negatively and
her eyes filled fast. "I am messing up
everything. I dozed off in the couch
last night amidst the pooja and then
here. I woke up late in the morning
though aunty already told me to be
ready by 5. That ear ring broke when
I was trying to put it on and now I
am not getting the frills right." She
whispered without taking a breath.
"Is that why you are crying?" I asked
bewildered. And I thought something
was seriously wrong!
"I am sorry." She sniffed, still
clutching on to her saree.
Smiling at her thoughts, I wiped the
tear that escaped her eye. "You fell
asleep because you weren't feeling
well yesterday. That's fine. We had
barely slept last night. So don't
worry that you were late. I don't
think anyone would have a problem
with that. I'll ask mom to get you
some other ear rings. Okay?" I
replied to her, softly. "Now I'll help
you with the saree. So relax."
"You- you shouldn't do that." She
jumped back when I knelt infront of
her to help with those frills of her
saree. That was not very new for me.
Many a times, I had helped mom
with that.
"Why? I used to help mom when I
stayed here." I simply stated.
"That- that's different. You shouldn't
kneel infront of me." She replied
with an urgency in her voice, looking
at the door. "Get up Armaan,
Shaking my head at her, I reached
for the frills and set them straight.
She reluctantly let me do it with her
eyes stuck to the door lest anyone
would enter. In the process,
unintentionally my eyes caught a
slight portion of her bare waist. I
couldn't help my eyes darting to the
sight every few moments while she
got her saree right. But then after a
few moments she pulled her saree
down covering her waist and I knew
she caught me staring at her. Very
awkwardly I got to my feet and left
the room. I didn't dare look at her
for I knew she would be embarrassed
and so was at being caught.
Coming downstairs, I sent mom to
help Riddhima with her ear ring.
Muski winked at me when I met her
in the living room, Rahul just grinned
with my two aunties and uncles
smiling at me. I kind of understood
what they were smiling at and turned
red around my collar. I avoided their
gazes and buried my head in the
news paper.
"What happened to your eyes
Riddhima? They appear red."
Shashank uncle noticed it and asked
her when mom and Riddhima came
downstairs to the living room.
"Nothing uncle. Might be due to lack
of sleep." She replied smiling.
"Why? Didn't Armaan let you sleep
last night?" Padma aunty quipped
with a smirk. I choked on my breath
and Riddhima's eyes popped out of
their sockets. Even mom was
struggling to refrain herself from
"I-I'll go-I'll get tea." Riddhima
stammered and fled to the kitchen
while I stared at everyone
"I forgot my mobile upstairs." I got
up and ran upstairs while I heard
everyone's laughter echoing from the
living room. Inspite of the
embarrassments, I found myself
enjoying each and every bit of it.
After a quick and light breakfast we
reached the airport at 8.15 to take
the 9 am flight to Indore. Riddhima
changed into a chudidar after a
quick pooja at home. She appeared
apprehensive while boarding the
flight and then I came to know that
it was her first time flying. During
the take off, she clutched on to my
hand tight, with her eyes shut and
chanting something while I simply
stared at her amused. But soon after
that, we both dozed off during the
three and half hour journey.
It was noon by the time we reached
Indore. We hired two innovas at
Indore to take us to the temple. And
by road it took another two hours to
reach the small guest house near to
the place of temple. We took three
rooms- one for me and Riddhima, one
for the ladies and the other for the
gents. It was awkward enough when
Sudha aunty gave me the keys of our
room and told us to get ready fast
when the others were sharing rooms.
As an unspoken agreement, I
changed my clothes in the washroom
while Riddhima in the room. This
time I didn't offer to help her with
her saree neither did she struggle
with it. By the time we got ready,
Shanshank uncle and Raghu uncle
hired a Pandit to perform the pooja
for us. The Pandit instructed us to
perform the pooja without having
food. So while everyone had their
lunch, Riddhima and I had two
glasses of fruit juices each, hoping
that would keep us alive till the end
of the pooja.
We visited the temple and got the
darshan of the god in the afternoon.
It being summer and May, we started
sweating the moment we stepped
out of the temple. The Pandit
arranged for the Pooja in a small
mandap near the river. He made us
chant few mantras and then we
performed a hawan. It was four in
the evening when it was done. Then
the Pandit asked Riddhima and me
to take a dip in the holy water of the
confluence of the rivers Narmada and
Kaveri. The water was slightly cold
and it was a bliss staying in the
water on a sunny day.
By the time we reached the guest
house, everyone was worried again
because Riddhima was running fever
yet again. Rahul bought lunch for us.
I had some food, but Riddhima
refused it saying she didn't feel like
eating. Padma aunty made her drink
coconut water and Shashnak uncle
gave her another tablet for the
temperature. We cancelled the flight
tickets we booked for the night flight
worried of Riddhima's health as she
looked pale and booked them for the
next day morning.
Late in the evening, everyone went to
visit the other small temples the
Pandit had told us, but I stayed back
with Riddhima in the room. She ate
the idlis Rahul had bought for her
and took another tablet Shashank
uncle had given her. By 8 in the
night, her temperature was under
control and blood seemed to
reappear on her skin. She sat with
her back rested against the bed post
and I lay on the bed beside her.
Suddenly it appeared like ages I had
a proper conversation with Riddhima.
Last one week had been quite hectic
leaving with us little chance to
spend some time alone. And I have
to leave for Hyderabad by tomorrow
midnight flight. I had booked ticket
for Riddhima but didn't ask her if
she would like to come with me
immediately. She might have wanted
to stay for a few days with mom
before relocating. And with her not
in her good health I wondered if
mom would let her come with me; as
in Hyderabad no one would be there
to take care of her as Rahul and I
would be busier at the office after a
10 day leave. As the thought crossed
my mind, I quickly sat up on the bed
and looked at her.
"Riddhima, I have to leave for
Hyderabad tomorrow midnight." I
told her and watched her face fall
instantly. I was right. She wanted to
stay here for a little longer. "But
don't worry, you can stay here with
mom for few more days. I'll come to
take you after a week or two, when
you are back to your good health,
She just stared at me for a few
seconds and then lowered her eyes
before nodding. My heart sank at her
response. Somewhere I had hoped
she would say that she wanted to
come with me. It might sound filmy
but I didn't want to leave her and
go. I knew I would miss her. May be
she would miss me too. But then I
couldn't let her come with me half
heartedly when a greater part of her
wanted to say a proper good bye to
mom, her friends and Muski. I looked
at her and found her fidgeting with
her fingers.
"You want to say something,
Riddhima?" I asked her after a
moment. Please say you want to
come with me.
"I-" She opened my mouth but then
shut it quickly. "No nothing." She
added in a small voice and my hope
And this awkward silence prevailed in
the room for the next few minutes,
before she broke it with an
unexpected question.
"Are you happy Armaan?" She asked.
"Huh?" I looked at her surprised at
the sudden question.
"Marrying me, are you happy?" She
repeated again, with a blank
expression on her face.
I moved closer and sat beside her.
"What do you think, am I?" I asked
her, taking her hand in mine.
She lowered her eyes and started
playing with my fingers like a cute
little girl. "You appear to be happy."
She replied.
"Riddhima" I called for her softly and
she looked up into my eyes. "You are
a wonderful woman and I am very
happy to have you in my life." I
spoke slowly stressing on every word.
"And I mean it." I added with a
She smiled at me and placed her
head on my shoulder taking me by
surprise. "I am happy too." She
I eased one of my hands from hers
and snaked it around her shoulder.
When she didn't part away I let it
slide down to her waist and pulled
her closer gently. She continued
playing with my fingers and I
realized that now I am a content
man, with serene warmth taking over
my heart. She turned to me and
looked up, her eyes meeting mine. I
found the same warmth reflecting in
her eyes. I lowered my face and
touched my lips to her forehead
softly. I let my lips linger there for a
few moments so as to give and take
as much as that warmth I could.
When I drew back and looked down
at her, she had her eyes closed. She
opened them slowly and smiled at
me; and I found everything in just
that smile of hers.
A sudden knock on the door of the
room broke our trance and she
lowered her eyes shyly, her cheeks
already flushed. With a quick peck on
cheek and a gentle squeeze of her
body, I left her and went to answer
the door.
Riddhima appeared kind of lost ever
since we had returned back from
Indore this morning. Sometimes, she
just stared at me or into space with a
blank face. Late in the morning, I
helped her in moving her things to
my room. She spoke to me or to mom
only if needed. She seemed to be
preoccupied in some thought. I tried
making conversation with her during
lunch but she just replied in mono
syllables. At first, I thought she
might be tired; but by evening I
knew something was wrong. So I just
waited for the time to come when I
could make her let it out; as all
through the day, someone or the
other was around us.
"Armaan?" Mom called me in the
evening when I was working on my
laptop in the living room. Sudha
aunty and Raghu uncle had left after
a late lunch and finally I had time to
check my mails. Riddhima was with
Muski in our room.
"Yes mom?" I raised my head from
the screen.
"Can we talk for some time? In my
room?" She asked me. From the tone
of hers, I knew it was something
"Sure." I nodded smiling. I put the
laptop aside and followed mom to
her room. She closed the door when
I stepped in and I was surprised to
find Rahul sitting there. "Hey Rahul."
I smiled at him but he put up a fake
"Rahul was saying that he was
shifting to some new place from the
flat you were sharing now at
Hyderabad." Mom told me sitting on
the bed.
I looked up at Rahul, shocked. "When
did this happen? Rahul?"
"I thought of telling you when we go
back. I am planning on renting
another flat." He said.
"You are married, Armaan. You need
privacy. Riddhima needs some
privacy." He replied.
"It's a three bed room flat Rahul.
Moreover Riddhima accepted you as
her brother. She wouldn't feel
uncomfortable." I said calmly. I knew
he hates living alone. And I also
knew what he was trying to say. But I
didn't want him to push himself
away from me now that Riddhima
entered my life. He might have grown
stronger over the years, but he is as
vulnerable as Riddhima is. I didn't
want him to go through any of the
trauma he had endured in his past.
"You don't understand, Armaan." He
shook his head. "Riddhima doesn't-"
He was interrupted by Riddhima
herself, who dashed in with a tray of
coffee cups. But she stopped in her
tracks when she noticed our serious
faces. "I am sorry. I should have
knocked" she added quickly.
"You need not knock Riddhima. If I
am not wrong, you are my wife,
right?" I took the tray from her hand
and placed it on the table beside.
She nodded her head shyly. I made
her sit on the couch infront of the
bed and sat beside her.
She looked at me, Rahul and mom.
"Is something wrong?" She asked.
"You know that Rahul and I live in
the same flat at Hyderabad, right?" I
asked her ignoring her question.
"Yes, aunty told me about it." She
"Good. And it's a three bed room
flat." I added.
"Armaan-" Rahul tried to interrupt
me but I ignored him and continued.
"So we were just talking to the rental
agent to find a new place for us." I
told her, watching her face for her
"Why a new place? I mean, why can't
we stay with Rahul?" She asked
immediately. "I-I mean- only if Rahul
doesn't have any problem. I mean-"
She stammered looking at Rahul and
"You wouldn't have any problem if
we stay together?" Rahul asked,
"I never had a family before. I would
always prefer as many people as I
could find, staying with me." She
replied in a small voice and turned
to look at me. I understood the
depth of her words and gave her a
side hug, smiling.
"Oh, thank you so much Riddhima!"
Rahul exclaimed elated. She looked
at him confused. I shook my head
when she turned to me. We then
heard Muski's voice yelling for
Riddhima. She quickly stood up and
ran to our room while Rahul and I
Mom, who was a silent spectator of
the event smiled at us. "So are you
all done with packing?" She asked us,
serving us the cups. "Ask Riddhima
to take only her new clothes." She
"But mom, Riddhima isn't coming
with us to Hyderabad." I told her,
"Didn't she tell you?"
"What do you mean that she's not
coming with you?" She asked,
astonished. Rahul stared at me
"I mean, she wanted to stay with you
for few days before relocating. So I
told her I would come and take her
after a week or two." I said, sipping
my coffee.
"Huh?" Mom was surprised for some
reason. "I didn't know about this.
Are you sure of this?"
"Yes mom. Moreover she is not in
her perfect health. So I thought she
might want to stay here for some
time." I added.
"Are you just assuming it or did you
talk to Riddhima about it?" Rahul
asked, frowning.
"I talked to her yesterday night." I
told them. "She said she wanted to
stay back." I, myself wondered what I
had spoken. I mean, Riddhima didn't
tell me that she wanted to stay back.
But her actions meant that way. Did
I miss something? I felt myself
asking that as I left the room.
While Riddhima packed my bag, I sat
on the bed and observed her
carefully. Something was wrong with
her. She fumbled with my clothes
while placing them in the bag, then
with the zip of the bag and then
with the door of the wardrobe. Infact
she had been clumsily fumbling with
literally everything. She almost
dropped the dish while at dinner
and she ate very little food.
I went closer to Riddhima when I
found her struggling with the zip of
the bag. I closed it for her and
turned her towards me.
"What's wrong Riddhima?" I asked
her softly.
She didn't look into my eyes.
"Nothing, Armaan. I am fine. I'll go
"You are not yourself today. Do you
want to say something to me?" I cut
her midsentence and probed her
This time, she did look into my eyes
and I was amazed to find a whirl
wind of emotions in them, most of
which I couldn't understand. But she
kept on looking into my eyes
pointedly as if searching for
something, asking for something. I
had seen her eyes like this before
somewhere but I couldn't recall
"Can you manage with the take aways
every day at Hyderabad?" She asked,
after a moment.
It took me a couple of moments to
make sense of what she had asked. I
thought it was going to be something
serious.Where did these take aways
come from, in the way? "Yeah,
sometimes I wish I could have home
food. But I am used to them now." I
said but she looked at me
"And then the laundry? It might be
difficult" She mumbled.
I wondered where the conversation
was leading to. "I have been staying
there for almost two years Riddhima.
I can manage." I told her. She
sounded exactly like mom, asking
those questions. "However it's only
for a week or two, right? Then you
will be there with me." I added,
She just nodded and looked away,
something like defeated. I checked
the wall clock for time. It's 10.30 pm.
Our flight is at 12.30 am. So Rahul
said we should leave by 11 pm. I still
had 30 minutes before I left. And by
the time, I wanted to know what was
bothering Riddhima. I had asked her
several times, but couldn't come to
the tail of it.
"I'll go and see if Rahul needs
anything." She said and left the
I sat on the bed and replayed the
entire conversation. What's with the
laundry and take aways anyway, I
wondered to myself. And then her
eyes! There was something in them-
vulnerability, some need, a little
hesitation and something more.
Sighing, I lay flat on the bed and
closed my eyes. The sight of
Riddhima's eyes flashed infront of my
eyes and I realized the similarity of
the myriad of the emotions in them.
Her eyes held the same depth and
feelings that I had seen when she
came to meet me at the airport when
I left her the last time.
I sat up with a start on the bed.
Does that mean that she doesn't
want me to leave? Or maybe she
wanted to come along with me? Hell,
that might be the reason why she
was talking all carp about take aways
and laundry. She wanted me to take
her along with me. She wanted me to
ask her if she wanted to come with
me. But I did ask her, didn't I? And
on the spur of moment, I realized I
didn't. I didn't give her a choice; I
just told her. But couldn't she say
that she wanted to come? For the
umpteenth time, I found myself
asking the same question.
Why doesn't she say anything?
I looked up when I heard the sound
of the door. "Rahul is ready, talking
to aunty in the living room."
Riddhima told me.
"Riddhima, will you come with me to
Hyderabad now?" I asked her when
she made her way towards the
She turned around and stared at me
frozen. "You will take me?" She asked
with her eyes big and eons of hope
in them. Did she think that I don't
want her to come? Only if she knew
how much I wanted the opposite!
I nodded my head and her eyes
twinkled immediately. And I knew I
was right in my analysis about our
previous conversation.
"Yes!" She replied breathlessly, tears
filling her eyes. "I will come with
I walked up to her and held her
hands in mine. "Is that why you were
upset since morning? You thought I
wouldn't want to take you now?" She
didn't reply; just looked at me. And I
got my answer. "Oh Riddhima, you
should have told me. I thought you
wanted to stay here with mom for
some days." I pulled her closer
holding her wrists.
"I didn't know that I could tell you
that. I thought you would be upset."
She spoke hesitantly.
"Riddhima, your happiness will be
one of my priorities always. So tell
me if you want something from me,
okay?" I asked her.
When she nodded, I closed the
distance between us and hugged
her. I felt her hands on my back
holding me tight. It was the first
time that she held me without any
hesitation and it made my heart leap
in joy. I pulled her closer and let my
hands move across her back and
waist. No sooner had I done that
than my fingers came in contact with
her skin at her side waist; thanks to
her saree. I didn't know what
overtook me; I pressed her waist
closer to my body and nuzzled her
neck, pushing her hair aside with my
nose. I wanted something; and I had
no clue what that something was.
I heard her gasp and opened my
eyes. It was then I realized that I
had closed my eyes. When did I do
that? And I felt something near my
lips too. Realizing that it was the
skin of her neck, I released her from
my hold. Had I been kissing her? I
had no idea. Her body and that
feminine perfume of hers always do
something to me. She looked away
when I looked down at her. Her face
was in a deep shade of pink.
"umm- pack your clothes. I'll go and
talk to mom and Rahul." I told her,
awkwardly, and rushed out of the
And my readers, did you know what
happened when I told mom that I
am taking Riddhima along? It was
her vidai. Can you believe a mother-
in-law vidaing her daughter-in-law?
Well, you have to; because that's
what happened at my home. Even
Padma aunty and Shashank uncle
joined mom. Muskaan was a handful
for Rahul and I wondered what I had
to do when I say mom and Padma
aunty shedding tears holding
Riddhima close.
Mom pulled me aside after a
moment. "Don't hurt her. She is very
sensitive.And give her some space, in
getting comfortable with you." She
added. "Don't push her. Do you
understand what I am saying?"
I turned red with her question.
"Mom, I-I'll take good care of
Riddhima." I told her, not knowing
what else to say. God, I felt like I
was talking to my mother-in-law not
mom. And if mom was referring to
our physical relationship, which I was
sure of, I wasn't comfortable with
"I knew you would." She spoke, her
voice muffled and hugged me.
And then it was quite a task
consoling Riddhima. I strictly warned
them not to accompany us to the
airport. I was sure we would miss the
flight if they came. And Riddhima
was still sniffing when we boarded
the flight. I chuckled looking at her.
"You are crying because you are
leaving your mother-in-law behind!
How funny does that sound?" I
quipped and Rahul smacked me,
while she just sniffed more.
"Oh, don't cry Riddhima. I promise
we'll come to mom every month." I
told her hugging her from the side."
Deep down I knew what mom meant
to her and vice versa.
Riddhima drew away when the air
hostess cleared her throat. She gave
us the blankets and before leaving
wished us. "Have a happy honey
moon, Mr. & Mrs. Mallik."
"Uh-Thank you." I replied awkwardly,
Riddhima looked away blushing and
Rahul winked at me.
Later, I closed my eyes with a
content sigh, entwining my fingers
with Riddhima's, awaiting a new day
with a new beginning.
I think that was good!! Please vote! Bye. Good Night. Take Care. -Isha

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