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Please be advised that this book contains mature scenes and is for mature audiences. If you don't like that please find a book that is more to your tastes. I implore you to comment your opinion good or bad, but please refrain from commenting hurtful comments that would hurt yourself or others. I also ask that you do not take the time to write full length paragraphs about how inaccurate my story is on the military. I've done research, however I am no expert and the circumstances are purely fictional in all cases. I love when you all have debates, just not when they hurt others. 💋


- Foul language
- Sexual assault
- violence
- Death
- Illness
- Bullying
- Homophobia
- Anything remotely kinky
- Any further triggers will be mentioned at the beginning of the chapter

{ Please enjoy your read ! }


After some trouble at home Cole is sent to military training. There he's learning the basics of war and how to survive. Unbeknownst to him, this is his fathers home. Having grew up in a completely different world thanks to his mother, he's about to learn all about this new world he's never been exposed to.

After his mother's death his father is faced with the troubling task of raising a 17 year old all alone. Struggling with life and his own depressive state he reluctantly sends his son Cole away to military school hoping he'd shape up from the rebellious teen he'd become. Shaken, Cole is faced with grief and anger, after taking it out on a bully he's now been transferred to this new life away from home. He thought his life would plunge into the depths, but what if he finds something new to hold on to?

The commander is a stern young newly appointed man. He's anything but social, his colleagues fear him and no one has ever seen him radiate an ounce of emotion. Throw a moody emotional teen into the mix? Maybe this closed off commander will find more than he bargained for and show sides of himself HE hasn't even seen before.

Please continue to chapter 1! ⬇️

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