The Beginning of an Era

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Washington DC, United States of America. 1789

He woke up suddenly from his bunk as he lit the candle that sat on the table next to him. The wax dripping slowly onto the surface then solidifying in the blink of an eye. He arose from the bed to check the time on the clock barely hanging onto the wall.

"3:45," he said quietly not trying to awake anyone. That's when he heard it. William had ran over to the window-sill to see what was happening. It was his father, Bartholomew, an ex slave owner who had been dragging a black, large bag to the empty barn. William was surprised to see his father working late at night. He went downstairs to see, and till this day he had wished he'd never done that

RushField High, California 2021 -- School --

"Anika, Over here!" Natalie shouted. Anika rushed over to see her best friend in a tight, red scarf. A raincoat and the new air forces from Jike, only the biggest shoe company in 2021. "Damn, I see you've dressed for the occasion" Anika giggles. "My mum practically shoved me out of the house, It's the first day of school and I did NOT want to leave," Natalie says.

"Have you seen the others, I texted them this morning but.. no reply" Anika-

They head over to the entrance where reception is. "No, and I don't want to." Natalie-. " You're Still not over what happened over the holidays?" "Come on! It was a joke, you need to relax a little" Anika-.

"Well it definitely wasn't a joke to me, Rosie totally did me dirty" Natalie scoffs while crossing her arms. "Yeah well--" Anika gets interrupted                                                                                  "Freshman of Rushfield High, would you please separate yourselves from the seniors, Thank you".                                                                                                                                                                 "We do not want a remake of last year"  Miss Walsh whispers to herself

Anika and Natalie scurry off to the far end of the hall only to find Gracie, Rosie, and Amy

"Hey, guys!" Anika says "What happened, where were you?"

" Sorry! Gracie wanted to get--" Rosie was interrupted " Look!" She says.                                                 

The gang turns around only to see Prince and Cerys walking towards Miss Walsh.

Cerys's short brown hair flowed in the wind like some kind of Goddess. Her plaid skirt and her white blouse, She wore no make-up and flats only. Then there was prince, The black boy who had transferred from Orydia High all the way from Orydia County.

"When did they get here," Natalie says angrily.

"They're in school? I thought after what happened over the holidays he'd be--" Amy was interrupted by Anika

"We don't mention anything that happened! Just erase it from your memory. What happened over the holidays was something we could all get in trouble for." Anika says sternly.

"Do you think he'll say anything?" -Amy

"No, but Cerys will, anyone up for a little Intimidation?" Natalie says whilst smirking

"Not intimidation." Anika says and pauses " Payback!"

" At Lunch, Meet me. Find out what she has 3rd period. We can pay her a little private visit" Natalie grabs her bag.

"Okay Freshman Group A and B please go with Mr. Harrison. C and D come with me!" Miss Walsh says.

"I've got Mr. Harrison in Group A with Natalie and Rosie. Anika, you're in C with Cerys, What do you have 3rd period?" Gracie says

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