Secrets Unleashed.

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Ordyia County -- CALIFORNIA - 2021

A man walks around the streets of Orydia, giving everyone a death stare at whoever looks at him. His footsteps wake up everyone near him or give them chills. This man was bad to the bone. He had a way about him that terrified anyone who dared to look him directly in the eye. He could ruin your day with just one look and end your life in another.

"William!?" Taylor called out. The man turned around only to see his best friend looking completely gorgeous. 

"To what do I owe the pleasure," William said taking her all in.

"You asked me to come out here all the way to the Pier Hotel William let's stop the theatrics and get on with it," Taylor replied.

"So...How are you and the girls coming along?" 

"They know nothing. Completely clueless."


"What are you planning William!? This isn't the 1800s anymore, you can't play these games!"

"We had a deal, Taylor!"

"I've been alive for too long William, it's an unbalance of nature. I just want to find peace."

"You want to die. Yes. Yes. You've told me this before."

"Live up to your promises William"

"I'll use my magic to put you at rest. And you make sure The Chosen-One doesn't suspect a thing. We've been on this case for years but this time is different."

"That's you're relative William!? I still down understand how you could be so foul!"

"Family business Taylor. Just do what I ask of you and your wretched self will be forever gone,"

There's a pause.

"What happened William, We were best of friends and now--"

"Now I grew up. Became an adult with real realm troubles."

Taylor turns around and begins to walk away from orydia to Rushfield.

"Forgive me, girls." She says to herself.

"This will all be over. I swear it." She says as she looks at the newspaper exposing the girls' magic.

RushField, California 2021 -- Rosies' House --

They all sit on the couch at Rosies' empty house. Everyone but Rosie

"She'll be here," Anika reassures everyone.

They all wait about 5 minutes until Rosie comes bursting through the front door, bringing in all the cold.

"Sorry guys, I swear a man literally hauled me across the street. It was crazy. People are rebelling. Lucky he didn't know I was the one with powers." Rosie said as she quickly puts her coat on the peg and goes to sit down with some iced tea. "He probably would have killed me on the spot then rejoiced."

"Everyone knows. The school is shut down. Most schools in rushfield. No, all schools in Rushfield."

"Thanks, Real comforting" Anika says.

"It's true. It's chaos out there. Hospitals everywhere are permanently closed and ----" Rosie was interrupted.

"So where is your mom?"

"Here. She's been here all this time." Rosie says. Mrs. Campfields walks down the stairs cautiously and carefully, pale in the face.

"We thought this was place was empty, wait were you hiding from us?" Anika says.

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