The First Night

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Disclaimer: Fnaf was made by Scott Cawthon and Fnia was made by Mairusu Paua. I don't own anything except original characters. Also this story does deal with mature themes, such as strong language, nudity, and sexual content/humor, you have been warned.

Like last time:
*This is Action*
'This is Thinking'
"This is Reading/Writing/Quoting"


Jenna walks away from Silver's Dancercise Cafe still confused on her conversation with the Silver animatronic, but her thoughts are cut short by Victoria.

Victoria: Leaving so soon? At least give some input on the attraction.

Jenna: Oh, no no, I was actually just coming to see you, Vicki. Is Em's job still available?

Victoria: Actually, yes. No one will take it after what happened to her.

Jenna: Well then apparently I need to reintroduce myself. Last name One, First name No.

Victoria: *she lets out a small giggles* I really appreciate it, follow my to the office, We have to go through protocol. I'm sure Silver told you how odd it might be.

Jenna: that was a warning she gave, yes. *she follows Victoria to the security office where she's given a form to fill out* "Name: Jenna Lillium, Preferred Name: Jenna, Age: 24, Eye Color: Blue-Gray, Hair Color: Auburn, Gender: Cisgender Female, Sexual Orientation: Straight as a Tree Branch" 'that felt less like I was filling out an application and more like I was describing myself to someone reading a book about me.'

Victoria: all good? *takes the form as Jenna hands it to her* good, good, ok I just have a few questions I need to ask you.

Jenna: Sure thing, hit me.

Victoria: ok, are you physically and mentally capable of working from Midnight to 6 a.m.?

Jenna: Well, I'm not Silvy, but sleep schedules can be adjusted, all in all I think I can take it.

Victoria: Love that mentality, ok, On a scale from 1 to 10, what are your self-defense capabilities?

Jenna: Hmm, I'd love to say a 10 now that I started Silver's workout stuff, but let's be really it's like a 3.

Victoria: *giggles* Hey, low numbers means greater improvement, and if all else you definitely have the charisma to talk out of a situation. How much do you eat in a 6 hour period?

Jenna: Ah yes, Silvy told me about the whole making food thing. Don't worry I don't eat nearly as much as Silver, I don't think I'll make anything really.

Victoria: if you say so, just don't starve yourself, if you're hungry, eat. Last one, What, to you, does it mean to be alive?

Jenna: that's a little odd, is it because "The animatronics are alive"? *laughs a little*

Victoria: heh, ok ok, something tells me you won't answer this question easily.

Jenna: no no, sorry, I just need to think, I never thought about it before?

Victoria: oh no no it's fine, I can ask you another time, Give you that time you need. Just grab a uniform and I can get your badge made.

Jenna: got it. *looks around and finds the uniforms* hm.

Victoria: Something the matter?

Jenna: Is it a problem if I alter a little?

Victoria: Alter? Oh Silver told me you taught her to sew, are you in fashion?

Jenna: A bit, I'm trying to get off the ground. I'm even studying programming just to make my own website.

Victoria: interesting. Hm, just don't go crazy ok? Keep most of the resemblance, it's called a Uniform for a reason. *hands her her new badge*

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