Girl's Night

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Disclaimer: Fnaf was made by Scott Cawthon and Fnia was made by Mairusu Paua. I don't own anything except original characters. Also this story does deal with mature themes, such as strong language, nudity, and sexual content/humor, you have been warned.


Jenna is at her desk looking over the analysis, looking to find any information she can on what happened last night. So far the only thing she found is the codename for the virus going around and a small piece of potentially interesting information.

Jenna: "Freddie has a trigger in both her left and right breast. Sudden pressure, such as Griping or Impact, will send a signal to her cpu processer is in need of an intimate encounter and enhance her personality and drive to aid such need" 'Huh, that doesn't add up. When I groped her on accident yesterday she settled down and got less horny.' *she highlights that bit of info and continues to study the analysis for anything else.*

Friend: *sends Jenna a text* "Heyyy Boo, we still on for Girl's Night? Or are you too busy again?"

Jenna: *texts back* "Hey Becca, sorry for ghosting you guys so much lately. Yeah, I could sure as hell use it" *She thinks for a moment and gets an idea* "Mind if I bring my coworkers, we both got real shaken up, work shit."

Becca: "Hells Yeah, more bodies makes more fun. See ya later Jenjen, I'll text you the meet up spot later" *she stops replying, Jenna dials the number Vanessa gave her and calls*

Vanessa: *picks up mid jog* You've got Vanessa.

Jenna: Nessa, hey, it's Jen. You doing ok?

Vanessa: As ok as I normally am, Just on my daily jog. How are you holding up?

Jenna: I'm fine, I was able to avoid an onslaught from the girls, there's a virus going around with them and you kinda disappeared.

Vanessa: oh so that's what's going on, I saw the girls were a little "frisky", not that I would've minded. *giggles* uh, yeah, I was able to stay safe, just shaken up.

Jenna: I wanted to see if you wanted to tag along with me for girls night. My friends are a bit much but it my be good to get out and about.

Vanessa: oh, uh, sorry, I'm not much of an outgoer. You have fun though.

Jenna: I'd feel a lot better if you came. We both had a hard night got really screwed with, I just wanna help ease it.

Vanessa: Sorry Jenna, I'm gonna be staying home, see you tomorrow night. *about to hang up*

Jenna: It's under Victoria's order! ...

Vanessa: ... What'd she say?

Jenna: she was worried about both of us so she told me to take you out, clear our heads, calm our nerves.

Vanessa: *sigh* Alright, if Victoria said so I don't have much of a choice. But Don't expect me to drink a lot, maybe one or two, I'm not very strong with alcohol.

Jenna: Thanks, I'll come pick you up when I know more, just need your address.

Vanessa: sure thing, *texts Jenna her address* see you later then?

Jenna: Yeah, I'll see you when I pick you up. *hangs up* 'Hope she's not too mad when she finds out I lied about Vicki.' *she takes some time to practice her coding and even tinkering. After a few hours she gets the text from Becca with the address where everyone's meeting and drive over to Vanessa's house to pick her up*

Vanessa: *hops in* You look nice. *buckles up* where are we going?

Jenna: Thanks, you too. The address is in a text from Becca, mind pluging it into the GPS?

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