Follow the White Rabbit

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Disclaimer: Fnaf was made by Scott Cawthon and Fnia was made by Mairusu Paua. I don't own anything except original characters. Also, this story does deal with mature themes, such as strong language, nudity, and sexual content/humor, you have been warned.


Jenna was working on sewing some new clothing to start up her fashion line. After a few hours of work, she decided to take a break. She makes herself a sandwich and puts on a sitcom. As she sits and relaxes before work she studies her coding and programming lessons for her website.

Jenna: 'Ok, one hour of coding Training then a nap before work' *finishes eating her sandwich rather quickly and gets a text from Phoebe.*

Phoebe: "Hey Jenna, you're still looking for a roommate, yes? I've been kicked out of my own house and need a new place to live. I'll take Silver's old room but I promise not to mess with anything important in there. Please get back to me about this ASAP."

Jenna: 'there's no shot I can afford the rent without a roommate, and Phoebe seems decent. At the very least we can talk about Silver.' *she grabs her phone and texts Phoebe back* "Hey Phebs, I'm honestly really glad you hit me up. Yeah, I'd love to have you as a roommate. How soon can you move in?"

Phoebe: "I can be there in a few hours, just send me the address and apartment number, I have to get my stuff all together and over there, not to mention I need a key."

Jenna: "sure thing, just a sec." *She sends Phoebe the details she needs* "as for the key I keep a spare taped to the letter flap on the door, use that one, it was Silver's. I'm gonna be busy for an hour and take a nap before work, if you need me, wake me up, see you later."

Jenna silences her phone and works on her coding lessons before crashing on the couch to sleep. She's awakened at around 10pm by Phoebe moving in the last of her stuff.

Phoebe: Oh, did I wake you? I'm sorry.

Jenna: Nah nah, it's cool Phebs, I should be up about now anyway. Do you need any help?

Phoebe: Actually this is the last box. I'm just about done with all the moving in.

Jenna: Shit I'm sorry, you could've woken me up, I coulda helped.

Phoebe: no no, it's fine, really. I don't own a lot of stuff so it's truly alright. Anything you have to do before work?

Jenna: Honestly just shower and get ready. We can talk more tomorrow ok?

Phoebe: ok, see you tomorrow.

Jenna hops in the shower and gets herself ready for work. After she's done she heads to a 24 hour Cafe for a latte and a donut to perk up and heads to the Pizzeria. As she pulls in she notices a silver car parked in the parking lot.

Jenna: 'Vanessa's car? I thought she was off tonight.' *she calls Vanessa, no answer* 'That's probably not good, I'll do some searching tonight, hope she's ok.' *parks and walks in, she scopes to make sure none of the corrupted girls are on the prowl and makes her way to the office.* 'looks like boss man left a message.' *clocks in and hits play*

Mairusu: Hello Jenna, I have a few tasks I need you to get done. I tried to keep it light since it's just you here tonight. First and Foremost, I read over the report you gave on Freddie, it looks like there's a virus going around the girls. I'm making your main objective containing and reversing that virus, take what time you need but the sooner the better. As for specifically tonight, the Soft drink fountains in the dining area and in Mangle's Cove need to be refilled, You'll find the syrups in the kitchen. Also, the prize counter in the arcade needs to be restocked and rearranged. Good luck tonight. *end of message*

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