The New Partner

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Disclaimer: Fnaf was made by Scott Cawthon and Fnia was made by Mairusu Paua. I don't own anything except original characters.

Jenna was sitting in her room doodling dresses in her sketchbook and watching anime. She stays in a small apartment Silver helped her get, it reminds her of her. She suddenly gets a text from Victoria to come to the Pizzeria for a bit. She gets dressed In a tube top, short shorts, and a pink cardigan and makes her way there.

Jenna: hey Cheif, your text told me to meet you here?

Victoria: Oh, Jenna, hi, yes thank you for making it. I was gonna wait till tonight but I figured since she's here already, "why not"?

Jenna: who's here? *as she said that, a tall blonde girl walks up to the two of them.*

Victoria: Your new Partner, Jenna, this is Vanessa, Vanessa, this is Jenna. You two will be working together at night.

Jenna: nice to meet you Vanessa, I love your outfit

Vanessa: thanks, I like yours too, nice to meet you too. *Suddenly she clutches her head in pain and says under her breath* Shut up. Not now.

Jenna: Hey, you ok Vanny?

Vanessa: can you please not call me that, bad history with that nickname.

Jenna: Oh, sorry

Vanessa: It's ok, you didn't know. I'll be fine, just a headache.

Victoria: ok, shall we go on with the tour? *takes the two of them inside*

Jenna: Tour?

Victoria: yeah, I figured we could show her around and get to know her better, since she'll be working with you and reporting to me.

Jenna: Ohhh, Smart Cheif, ok, let's do it. *follows Victoria into the Pizzeria, while walking around Vanessa keeps rubbing her temples* you sure you're ok?

Vanessa: yeah, I appreciate the concern but it's just part of a condition I've lived with my whole life.

Jenna: ok, I understand, just making sure. Oh, Boss, did you look at the girls in P&S today?

Victoria: I meant to ask you about that, why were they there? I looked at them and they seemed fine. Nothing out of place, no reflexive problems, nothing.

Jenna: Springy, Freddie, and Rockstar Bonnie all had a weird glitchy moment, I d- *looks at Vanessa* -ecided to take them to Parts and Service so someone could look at them. *as they pass the stage Jenna gets scooped up in Freddie's arms*

Freddie: What's the rush dear?~ Why not stay a while and have a little fun?~ *Her eyes are a bright pink as apposed to her normal blue. She starts kissing Jenna's neck to weaken her and make her feel good. In the struggle of trying to get down Jenna accidentally gropes Freddie's Chest, which for some reason snaps her to normal as her eyes turn back blue*

Victoria: Freddie, what's gotten into you? You never get that handsy unless you get groped.

Freddie: I-I don't know, something in my head just told me I need to do it. *sets Jenna down*

Vanessa: um, w-weird, maybe it was some sort of glitch?

Victoria: You two may have a point. I'll run a diagnostic scan, I just need one of you two to print it out and check it.

Jenna: definitely fair, can do.

Victoria: Thanks, So Vanessa, I overheard you have a condition. Please be honest, are you ok to work a night shift.

Vanessa: *seems totally fine now, looks up and smiles* Oh I promise, I'll be perfectly fine to work tonight.

Victoria: Alright, if you say so, let's continue the tour. *they finish looking through the place and head back to their homes*

FNIA: Viral Impact Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora