Down the Rabbit Hole Part 1

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Disclaimer: Fnaf was made by Scott Cawthon and Fnia was made by Mairusu Paua. I don't own anything except original characters. Also this story does deal with mature themes, such as strong language, nudity, and sexual content/humor, you have been warned.


Phoebe loads the anti virus software onto a flash drive while Jenna gets herself ready for the night and tries desperately to keep herself calm.

Phoebe: Relax, statistically speaking even if one or two things goes wrong you'll have a 64.9% chance at success.

Jenna: you know phrases like "you got this" or "I believe in you" are still very acceptable. *hears a knock at the door* That's probably Livvy. *opens*

Olivia: Hey Jenjen, here you go. *hands her two pouches of purple goo and a vaccine syringe* Sorry the sample I got was only enough to make this, but ait least I was able to make two antiviral pouches. Just pop one in your mouth like a bursting Boba pearl and swallow. You should be able to resist and repel the virus.

Jenna: Thanks Livvy *takes them and the flash drive, she looks at the time and exhales* 11:53, I should get going, wish me luck.

Olivia: You got this. I believe in you. *Jenna glances at Phoebe after she says this, Phoebe simply gives a thumbs up* oh, by the way, those pouches last six hours after consumption, so no overtime.

Jenna heads out of her apartment building and stands outside Freddie's for a moment, slightly terrified. She knows someone isn't leaving that building the same way they walked in, Be it her or Vannie, this the end. She pops the first serum pouch in mouth and walks in.

This first thing she notices is a note under the phone, she picks it up and it reads "Ignore the calls, she sabotaged the recordings. -M", That's exactly what she does. When 12 am strikes Jenna hangs the phone up and plugs the flash into the office computer. However, a message still ends up playing.

Vannie: Clever girl, you're learning. Of course it helps when the manager gives you the answer. This Chase has been fun, but it's time I show you true freedom. Let's have some fun. *the phone hangs up*

Jenna: Oh Don't worry Vannie, I have plenty of fun lined up for you. *she starts the download on the computer and steps out of the office* 'Step 1, kill the breaker, take care of her army'

She starts to sneak her way through the hall and that's when she realized it. No one is out and about, the coast is entirely clear. She's suspicious of this but just as thinks it might be easy to beat Vannie she gets backstage to find the breaker locked and the lock electrified.

Vannie: Naughty girl, if you wanna play with the lights off just flip a switch and I'll come running.

Jenna: *secretly grabs the vaccine at the ready* To be fair, that's what I wanted to do, it's just the switch I wanted to flip turns off all the lights. I really just wanna shoot my Shot! *spins around to stick Vannie with the vaccine*

Vannie: *catches her hand inches from her neck, making Jenna look in fear, and takes the syringe from her hand* Smart girl, but I'm smarter. *flicks her wrist and shows she has the flash drive too* You really could've hidden this from me better. *smashes them both* Still wanna try and resist me?~

The girls' eyes light up red Vannie. Jenna realizes how hopeless the situation is and runs. Behind her she hears in Vannie's chilling voice "Bring Me Jenna Lillium". She ducks into a random room starts crying.

Jenna: I can't do this, I fucked up every part of the plan. I couldn't save the girls, I couldn't cure V.A.N.N.I.E., I can't even stand up to Vannie. I'm such a fucking failure. *she looks and realizes what room she ducked into: Silver's Dancercise Cafe.* I'm sorry Silver, guess I'm not as awesome as you thought I was.

She sits on the stage thinking about the week Silver had when she first started. She catches a glimpse backstage and notices several pictures, presumably to help motivate her before a show. Quite a few of them are of her and Jenna, with a few of her and the girls mixed in, especially Springy.

Jenna: *sigh* No. *gets up* Silvy looks up to me and the girls need their courageous, sexy, and humble hero. I just gotta think outside the box, even if I have to make it up as I go. Think. Think! *the lights flicker and Jenna notices the power go out in her building through a security app on her phone* 'Damnit John I know that stupid set up is what keep causing these-' *gasp and snaps her fingers* Outages. That's it. If I can't run it to 0 or shut it down I'll just cause a power outage, but how? *thinks for a minute* maybe? It's a long shot but it's all I got.

Silver: *starts to open the door to the Cafe, giving Jenna time to hide. She walks in and walks around looking for Jenna.* Where are you hon?~ I just wanna hang out like the old days. *walks into her dressing room*

Jenna: *slips out of the changing room and locks her in* Sorry Bae, but I don't wanna hurt you. I'll let you out when I can. *Rushes out and sees that Now they're on the patrol.* 'Just gotta get to the back room.' *she runs, ducking and jumping past the girls only to run face first into Freddie's Chest.*

Freddie: *takes a deep inhale and looks down at Jenna with a devious grin. She grabs Jenna and brings her to Vannie* I have her my love.

Vannie: Very good Freddie. *lifts Jenna chin and her in the eye, see her angry glare* This has been quite a ride darling,  but this is the end, just relax and accept it.

Vannie starts to kiss Jenna so hard she's not letting her breathe. Jenna tries to fight it but she gets weak fast. Vannie breaks the kisses and the last words Jenna hears before blacking our are...

Vannie: Are you having fun yet?~

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