Emotional Tech Support

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Disclaimer: Fnaf was made by Scott Cawthon and Fnia was made by Mairusu Paua. I don't own anything except original characters. Also this story does deal with mature themes, such as strong language, nudity, and sexual content/humor, you have been warned.


Jenna: *breathing heavily, trying her hardest not to freak out while Phoebe* What do I do? What do I do?! What Can I do? I can't deal with Vannie on my own. What if I get captured? What if I get infected? Apparently that can happen! I can't do this, I can't!

Phoebe: *holds Jenna's shoulders* Hey, look at me, relax. You can't solve a problem you're stressing over. I'm here, I'll help you figure this out, but first you need to calm down.

Jenna: *takes a few deep breaths to steady her breathing* ok, *exhale* ok, you're right, I can't think rationally if I'm freaking out. But you understand why I am though, right?

Phoebe: Oh certainly, I've never seen a situation like this one before. But if we talk through it and look at the information we have we can find a solution. Silver was always talking about how smart you are.

Jenna: She was? She said I was smart?

Phoebe: Absolutely, and I've seen how right she is. You just don't try to do anything with it. What with how much you just go out on the town.

Jenna: *stops and smiles that her old friend thought so highly of her, and that new friend does think that way, then she puts on a determined look and looks back to Phoebe* we have to go somewhere, it may not be safe to talk so close to Freddie's.

Phoebe: *gives a nod, still seeing a hint of fear in Jenna's eyes* let's go get lunch, grab the files and my laptop and we can work while we eat.

Jenna: good call, food is good, food's a good idea. *she grabs the files and info about Vannie as well as her and Phoebe's laptop bags before meeting Phoebe at the car, phoebe drives to an Internet diner she knows about and walks in with Jenna*

Server: Hello, Welcome to Spider Web, Just you two?

Phoebe: Yes

Server: Right this way *walks them to a table and hands them menus* someone will be right back to take your order.

Jenna: Thanks. *waits for him to walk away* Ok, where should we start?

Phoebe: I feel the best option is revert the effect on the animatronics.

Jenna: Really? Shouldn't we deal with Vannie first? Save the girls when she can't infect them.

Phoebe: as smart as that is, it looks like it takes some time for the virus to take effect, if you can cure faster than she can infect the army is in your favor as opposed to hers.

Jenna: ok, good call, how do we do that?

Phoebe: I'm not sure, *looking through Freddie's maintenance report* on the technological side, looks like VANNIE is overdriving the arousal Enhancement settings, almost maxed out on Freddie and it's probably the Same for the others.

Jenna: Oh, I didn't realize I brought that.

Phoebe: It may have information we need, so it's good you did.

Waitress: do you know what you'd like?

Phoebe: Split a jumbo chicken basket? I'll do cherry cola to drink.

Jenna: Sure. *looks up at the waitress* we'll do a jumbo chicken basket and two cherry colas, please. *catches a glance at her chest*

Waitress: coming right up. *she walks off*

Jenna: lemme see that report. *Phoebe hands her the maintenance report, she looks it over and gets an Idea* it says that grabbing Freddie's Chest makes her hornier. But when I did it by accident she's seemed to have calmed down.

Phoebe: What are you thinking? Some sort of Overflow Loop?

Jenna: Has to be. The Arousal gets overloaded, forcing a reset and nullifying all other aspects of the virus. Essentially evicting it and "curing" Freddie.

Phoebe: ok, assuming that's indeed the case, which I will admit makes sense and seems plausible, do you know a way to initiate that sort of Overload in All the animatronics?

Jenna: *thinks for a moment before getting an idea* the power. *Phoebe shows a confused look* Silver told me the girls have a nighttime security mode. If the power goes out they become "feral" as she put it. They get stronger and faster, gain new abilities they can't access without the security mode, and most importantly, become savagely horny. Meaning-

Phoebe: Meaning it would raise the Arousal Enhancement setting. If the power goes out that security mode could overload it. Normally I'd say it's a stretch but with the given information I'd say the stretch is this not working.

Jenna: And I think Vanessa knows that. She's tried almost everything to catch me aside from doing it herself, and killing the power. I just have to find a way to kill the power fast. I have two options, and I don't like either. Either I use what I have to run down the power naturally, or I run backstage, where Vannie set up camp, and flip the breaker.

Phoebe: you have to consider she's just toying with you, but if in either case she'll be doing everything she can to prevent a power outage. Your best option is to go for the breaker, less reversible. But what if the animatronics still come after you once the power goes.

Jenna: I'll worry about what happens after the outage when it happens. For now, let's move on to how to deal with Vannie.

Phoebe: *rolls her eyes at her saying that* the most logical option would probably be take care of one form first, then the other will die out more easily. Taking care of both at once might be tricky.

Jenna: ok, let's start with biological, it'd be bad if I got infected before I cured the virus.

Phoebe: Oh no worries there, I have an anti-viral serum in the works as we speak.

Jenna: how did you manage that?

Phoebe: Olivia studies chemistry and pharmaceuticals. I was able to convince her to make it, I can probably have her make a vaccine too.

Jenna: ok but don't you need a biological sample of the virus to make it? When would you have gotten it?

Phoebe: Oh, I figured you engaged with the animatronics when you got the digital Sample so I took the liberty of swabbing your mouth while you slept, should I not have?

Jenna: ... you know, I should be mad, but that was pretty smart so I'm gonna let it slide this time. Ok, that makes half the job, now let's take the time we have here to write an Anti-Virus to run against the technological side.

Phoebe: A kill code would be faster.

Jenna: I'm not running that risk, not with putting the girls in danger.

Phoebe: Relax, the odds of it affecting the animatronics are moderately low if you do it right. Besides don't worry too much about the name, you can set it to simply repress and compress the virus.

Jenna: *sigh* there's a computer in the office, if all else fails I can write a quick one there. It runs on a separate power source so I should be fine. *Soon the food comes out and they pull out they're laptops* Let's get to work.

They spend the next few hours eating and working on the anti-virus software to prepare for tomorrow night. After they're done Phoebe sends a text to Olivia asking for a vaccine as well as the serum, to which Olivia agrees. The two of them head home for some R&R and get ready for the battle to come.

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