First Time For Everything

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The driver stops in front of the Lucky Cat Cafe. This must be the cafe that his Aunt Cass runs. I smile and hand the driver the money and exit the vehicle. The trunk pops open and I grab my things. The engine sputters as he drives away. There are caterpillars hatching in my stomach, then they grow into butterflies. An enormous amount of butterfly wings pounding against my sides. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this."

I step into the cafe and find a place to put my things. I hope I look okay. my outfit is comprised of a messy black bun with side-swept bangs, an orange T-shirt, a black hoodie, red Converse, and camo cargo shorts. The total tomboy. I go up to the counter and ask the woman for Tadashi. "Is he here?"

"He should be. He's upstairs, follow me." I follow the kindly woman to the door of his room. "T-" she says but I cut her off.

"You're Cass, right?" I whisper. She nods. " I'm Tadashi's penpal, he doesn't know I'm here. I want to surprise him." She smiles at my statement and gestures toward the door.

I hug her and whisper once more,"Thank you."

"It's nice to meet you, Yukiri. He's told me so much about you," she whispers back. "Now go ahead! I wanna see his face!" I giggle a bit and knock on the door.

"COME IN!" Tadashi yells.

"Tadashi! Come here!" Cass replies.

He flings open the door. "Wha-" then his eyes focus on me.

"Hey, Tadashi," I smile.

"Oh my god, Yuki!" he smiles and wraps his masculine arms around my thin frame. I hug him back and tears start to well up in my eyes.

"Why are you here?" he asks, almost out of breath.

" She, uh.. was murdered. So I used the money they gave me to come to you. You're the only person I have."

His eyes soften. "C'mon," he says and leads me to the bed on his side of the room.

"Where's Hiro?"

"He's... out. He does illegal Bot fights and he gets a lot of money for it. I usually end up getting him out of things like that though." I nod at his response.

"Well, I could show you around Sanfransokyo if you'd like. I could take you to SFIT a.k.a. 'Nerd School'," he says with a sarcastic tone.

"That'd be great," I smile. We walk downstairs together and retrieve my things from the cafe. Then we walk through Sanfransokyo together.
"Oh! You said you liked Thai food right?!" Tadashi asks with 100% childish excitement. "Look, this is the best restaurant and I only ate here because of you."

He leads me into a red colored building full of intricate traditional Japanese artwork. "This is beautiful!" A waitress seats us at a table and we catch up on things. I tell him the gruesome story of my mother's death and he tells me of his friends. Gogo, Honey Lemon, Wasabi, and Fred. They all go to SFIT with him.

"Wait, you missed something," I blurt.


"How is Baymax going?"

"I can't believe I didn't remember to tell you about Baymax! He's been doing great, I actually finished him." Tadashi and I finish our food and exit the restaurant. He offers his arm to me and I link mine around. My head rests on his shoulder for the short walk to SFIT. He introduces me to all of his friends at the college. "Gogo," a girl pops her gum and continues to work on her bike. "Woah, electro-mag suspension!" She just stares at me.

"Less resistance, faster bike," She grabs the floating disc and tosses it to a bin containing similar ones,"but not fast enough........YET."

Then, "Wasabi." He's working on sort a of plasma laser slicer thing. I can't find the word for it. "Wait," I shake my head, searching for the words. "Laser induced plasma?"

"You got it!" he smiles.

"Honey Lemon, and Fred." Then he brings me past everyone to his own lab. He lifts me up and puts me on the 'x' on the floor in front of a red compartment. I examine the compartment but then I feel a sharp pain in my right side. "Gahh, oww!" I seethe. The compartment unfolds and Baymax appears.

"Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. I heard a sound of distress. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your pain?"

"A....6?" When I reply, he presses his hand against my side and sends a cold sensation through me, then it heats up. The pain immediately subsides.

"All better?" he asks.

"Yes, thank you Baymax."

"Are you satisfied with your care?"

"I am satisfied with my care."

He returns to the little red bin and deflates. I turn my gaze towards Tadashi and I hug him tighter than I ever have before. "You did it! You did it! You did it!" I cheer. Then, with no thought at all in my mind, I kiss him.

He looks at me wide-eyed. "Tada-kun, I'm sorry, I didn't me-" then his lips return to mine.

"It's okay, Yuki.." he smiles and we go back to the cafe.

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