I'd Love To

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The smell of a sterile hospital room tickles my nose. My eyes struggle to open but they manage. My gaze immediate lands on Hiro sitting across the room asleep in the guest chair, then to Tadashi, who also fell asleep right beside me, holding my hand. My limbs are stiff and my entire body aches. It feels like someone took a sledgehammer and just hit me like a birthday piñata. Trying to move, I stifle a groan which cause Tadashi to stir.

"Y-Yuki, are you awake?" he grumbles sleepily. I slowly move my hand to gently cup his face. That's when I get a look at the horrifying burns on my upper arm. It can easily be covered by a long sleeve shirt but it still hurts like hell.

"Yes, I'm awake," I whisper.

"You...saved me. Thank you."

"What are best friends for, Tada-kun? I couldn't have just let you die. I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"But what about Professor Callaghan?" he asks, obviously a rhetorical question.

"I don't know, Tadashi...We'll figure it out."

I lay back on the pillow of the bed because the strain to sit up becomes too unbearable.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Yuki-kun. They said you be here for about a week. You'll have to get used to it."

I nod and he stands up and heads to the door. "Want anything to eat, Yuki-kun?" This makes me smile. He never called me Yuki-kun unless it was over video chat. He hasn't called me that for the whole time I've been here.

"I want a sausage biscuit!" Hiro exclaims suddenly. I giggle a bit. "I want a chicken biscuit and some grape juice. Thank you." He leaves, leaving me alone with Hiro.

"Hey, I'm.. I'm..."

"Hiro Hamada, Tadashi's younger brother, a child prodigy. Just like me...y'know, minus the Tadashi's younger brother part. I'm Yukiri Takahashi, but you can call me Yuki, nice to meet you."

"You, uh, you saved my brother. Thank you so much. I feel like I owe you." He blushes a little and looks up at me through solemn eyes.

"Hey," I smile softly, "I told you not to worry, didn't I?" His face lightens up and he nods in agreement.

We continue to talk about robots and my life before I moved to Sanfransokyo and how I met Tadashi. Hiro also asks me how I saved Tadashi.

"Well, you did say Tadashi helped with the neurotransmitter. I'm the one who designed that headband. I had mine in my pocket."

Hiro chuckles at this and replies,"Because, hey, you never know when you could use a 'neurotransmitter headband'. Because they're totally common among normal citizens."

I laugh a whole lot harder than I should at this and that's when Tadashi walks in and smiles at us.

"Well, I see you two hit it off pretty quick," he grins handing us both our food.

"Food!" Hiro's face lights up. I eat my food and continue to talk about random things with Hiro. And we both end up sleeping face to face that night.

"Yukiri, wake up," I hear the familiar sound of Hiro's voice. "C'mon, Yuki."

My eyes flutter open and Hiro is tugging lightly at a chunk of my hair. "You've been asleep for a few days. The doctors say you can come home now!" he cheers, smiling. I notice the small gap in his teeth. That makes him even cuter. Wait, what?

'Yuki, he's just a friend. Tadashi and Hiro are just friends.' I think to myself. Hiro sets a pile of clothes in my lap. "Aunt Cass is washing all of your clothes because she didn't want them to smell bad because of the plane. Tadashi's clothes are too big and Aunt Cass has none to spare, so a set of mine'll have to do."

I thank him and go to the bathroom just across the room to change. A red T-shirt, a black hoodie, some dark cargo shorts and some brown sneakers. Cracking the door just wide enough for Hiro to hear me, "Can you hand me a hair tie?" He reaches for the one of the table and hands it through the crack in the door. I pull my hair into a messy bun and step out. Hiro just stares at me.

"What?" I ask.

"N-nothing," he stutters. "You, uh, you look good." He blushes a little.

He so cute when he blushes and stutters like that. WHY DO I KEEP THINKING LIKE THAT?! But I do like him... I mean he is basically just like me.

"C'mon, when we get home, we can eat all kinds of food and watch movies and play video games. OH, an maybe I can show you some of my bots. Or maybe... we can build one together?"

His spark of enthusiasm lifts my spirits for the time being.

"I'd love to, Hiro."

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