All That Matters

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I wake up to see both of the Hamada brothers gone. I use my elbow to prop myself up. 'Crinkle' Tadashi left a note which makes a smile sweep across my face.

Using the back of my hand to wipe the sleep from my eyes, I begin to read the note.

'Good morning Yukiri,

Hiro and I are at SFIT today preparing for his big presentation. He graduated high school early just like you and now that he's seen Baymax, he wants to go to 'nerd school' after all. Mr. Callaghan only takes students who impress him at the presentation. Me and the gang are helping him. I left some money on Hiro's computer desk, take it and go get a cool outfit for tonight and I'll be back to take you to the presentation at 7.

~Tadashi. '

I slip on a pair of skinny jeans and a black and white baseball tee, and some black Converse. With the money in my pocket, I dash downstairs and glance at the clock. 1:00... did I really sleep that late? I've gotta work on that.

I wander the streets in hopes that I might find a good store that has my style of clothing. There it is. Hot Topic.

The girl at the cash register has a nose ring, snake bites and blue hair. She's got the scene look on point and it's kind of intimidating. I scan through the clothes racks and try not to focus on the keychains and backpacks and hoodies. Then I see a Nirvana tank top with the yellow smiley. I get the tank top, some shredded yellow skinny jeans and some black Vans. I try on the outfit and it looks GREAT. I hope they like it.

I hand the money to the cashier and she hands me a pair of fashion glasses. The frames around the lenses are black and the sides are yellow and black checker board. "Take em, it'll look good with that outfit."

"For free?" She nods and smiles kindly. She doesn't seem as intimidating as she did when I first walked in. "Thank you!" I say and go back home.

I look at the clock again and, SHOOT! IT'S 6:45!! I only have fifteen minutes. I throw my black hair carelessly into a messy bun. I put on a yellow spaghetti strap undershirt and the put on the rest of my outfit. I bolt out of the room to brush my teeth in the bathroom, almost slipping as I do so. I get done brushing my teeth and try to calm my nerves enough so my hands aren't too shaky to put on eyeliner that actually looks okay.

Just as I finish that and put on my glasses,"Yuki! I'm here! You ready?" I hear. I let out a huge sigh of relief and run downstairs to meet him.

"I'm ready, Tada-kun," I smile breathing heavily.

"Whoa, you look beautiful. Well, c'mon, we don't wanna be late." We get on his motorcycle and head to the campus. The whole room is full of highly advanced tech and things I could never even imagine. I wonder what Hiro's will be.

One of the presentation stages is clear and he climbs up to present his invention. "He-" the microphone blares a sharp ear-piercing shriek. "S-sorry... My name is..."

I see Tadashi flash an encouraging smile, "Breathe." I focus my gaze back on Hiro and for a moment our eyes lock. His face is overcome with a blanket of red and he begins his presentation again.

"My name is Hiro Hamada. And my invention is... microbots." He holds up a tiny robot. "It may not look like much but when it gets together with its friends..." The entire room is swarmed with thousands of his little microbots. They form a large rectangular prism on the stage, changing designs every so often.

"They're controlled with a neurotransmitter in this headband," he points to the white band in his raven mess of hair. Tadashi must have shown him my blueprints for that headband. We had been working on something similar to Hiro's work. I have my own neurotransmitter headband in my pocket.

He then removes it and the crowd stands in awe as the structure shatters. He replaces it and continues to on, amazing people as he uses them to basically glide across the ceiling upside down. "Transportation, construction, you name it. If you can think it , they can do it. MICROBOTS."

He breathes heavily as his nervousness alleviates. Jumping off the stage, he begins talking to who I understand to be Professor Callaghan.

While Hiro is distracted with Callaghan and Krei, I test out my headband on the microbots. 'Yes! It works!' I think to myself. I slide the band just above my forehead so it doesn't work.

"FIRE!!" Someone screams. Everyone in the building rushes out. I see Tadashi and Hiro.

"Tadashi! Where are you going?" Hiro yells.

"Callaghan is still in there." Tadashi runs into the burning building. Hiro gives me an exasperated look.

"Don't worry," I smirk. I follow Tadashi into the building, sliding the neurotransmitter on my forehead. Summoning the microbots, I encase Tadashi with them just as an explosion rattles the remains of the building.

"TADA-KUN!!" I yell with what little air I have left. The smoke from the fire intoxicating my lungs with every painful breath. I find his body and use the little remaining microbots to get us out of the building. My weak body clings to that of Tadashi, aware that he it still breathing with every up and down motion of his chest. I pass out due to burns, pain, and loss of air. But Tadashi is okay and that's all that matters.

Immortals(HiroxOCxTadashi Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin