What's Your Point?

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I've been playing BioShock 4 with Hiro for a few hours. Tadashi is still at SFIT. My stomach grumbles as we beat the level in the game.

"Hiiiiiiiiirrrooooo!!!! I'm staaaaarrviiiing!!!" I throw myself in his lap. He looks down at me and he gives a mischievous grin. "Hiro...don't you dare..." Then he tickles me. EVERYWHERE.

I break in an uncontrollable fit of laughter and giggles. "HAHAHAHA--UN-HAHAHAHAHA-BELIEVEABLE- HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! HIRO, STOP IT!! HAHAHA!!"

He finally lets me go and grabs my hand, leading me toward the kitchen. "Where's Aunt Cass?"

"I don't know, Yuki. But what I DO know is that there's some French Onion dip in the fridge."

I grab the dip and the family size bag of ruffled potato chips and we return to playing BioShock.

"We've been playing that game for hours. Why aren't Tadashi and Cass back yet?"

"Hey, yknow, we can do something more interesting if you want."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's go to a bot fight."

"Hiro, Tada-kun said that bot fights were illegal."

"C'mon, I'll take you to that Thai restaurant that Tadashi loves so much. Then we can go to Hot Topic and get some new hoodies and stuff."


We make our way through the dark and damp alleyways of Sanfransokyo. We approach a crowd of people circling around two bots. A very large man is sitting on one side and a girl with pigtails and steampunk goggles just stares wide-eyed, jaw dropped as her opponent's bot rips hers to shreds.

"Hiro, are you sure we can take this guy?" I whisper cautiously.

"He might have a tough bot, but watch this," Hiro's sweet smile turns into a sly, devilish smirk.

"I'm next!" Hiro says shakily. What exactly is he up to? He pulls MegaBot from behind his back and places ten $20 bills in the plate. The man opposite of him chuckles.

Hiro sits down and grabs his controller. The other man's bot pulls MegaBot apart piece by piece. Hiro gives a defeated look and the man laughs, apparently amused.

"Wait, one more try..." Hiro places a $50 in the plate and the man places $100.


Hiro's innocence is completely deleted by this point. "MegaBot....DESTROY." Hiro's controller expands to accommodate more buttons and controls.

The bots dance around the ring and Hiro's bot annihilates the other man's bot with ease. He didn't even have to try. He takes the money and stuffs it in his pocket. He comes towards me and says,"That adds up to be a total of about $450. Let's go, Yuki."

"Umm...Hiro.." I manage to say. The opponent looks like he's about explode. I pull out my hoverboard and jump on. "HIRO, LET'S GO!" He wraps his arms around my waist and we zoom away from the bot fighter crowd.

"Whoa, electro-mag suspension!" he says.

"Gogo taught me how to create it and I designed a hoverboard. I can make you one too if you want."

"Yeah!" Hiro cheers and I stop at the Thai buffet. "The food here is great and all but I don't know why Tadashi loves it so much."

"Because of me.." He gives me a confused glare. "Tadashi had never tried Thai food until I told him it was my favorite. I never knew he ate here all the time though."

"He told me it was for one of his Internet friends. That was... you?"

I nod and we fill our plates.

"Y'know, Yuki, you're one of the coolest people I've met. I mean, who graduates highschool early?"

"You," I laugh and point my finger at him.

"Well, yeah.. but really? It's not common for people our age to know what we do."

"Hiro, what's your point?" I ask curiously as we sit down to eat our food.

He looks down at his food and picks at it a little. A hint of blush starts showing through his perfect complexion. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, only adding to the suspense.


"My... my point is...."

DUHDUHDUH!!!! SUSPENSE!!!!! But.......not for long cuz I do almost immediate updates lol. Thanks for reading this far ^_^

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