Big Bro Is In

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"My point is... I really, uh, like you." He blushes and looks away for a moment.

"But you probably like Tadashi considering you moved half way around the world just to see him in person," he mutters with a saddened face.

"Hiro, I like you too. If I wanted to be with Tadashi, don't you think it would've happened by now? Besides, he's 4 years older than me."

"I guess, but wait- you like me back?"

"Uh, duh. For someone as smart as you, I thought it would've been obvious." I chuckle at my own statement.

He twirls his fork in the noodles on his plate and just stares wide-eyed at it. "Oh. My. God. You like me back."

"Hiro, let's go to Hot Topic," I smile. We pay the bill, grab ice cream cones from the desert bar and go to Hot Topic.

"Look at this hoodie! Yuki!!! It's got Pikachu on it!!" Hiro exclaims ecstatically while searching through the racks of hoodies. He then walks away with two white hoodies. A man starts to spray paint them and my amazement at the artist's work style completely distracts me from his actual work.

Hiro tugs at my arm and he begs me to walk around with him while the paint dries. We look at band shirts and pins for my backpack and anime plushies and all of the other stuff you find at Hot Topic(I mean, seriously you guys ;-;). After about 15 minutes of nonsense, Hiro forces me to close my eyes. I feel the hoodie being slipped over my head and he does the same. Then he puts his arm around my waist and mine around his. Stumbling a little, I walk with him to the mirror and he grants permission for me to open my eyes.

Mine has the word 'Forever' spray painted in black with a blue background and pink and green outlines. His is the same except his word is 'Always'. There's a black ampersand (&) on each side of both hoodies so if we stand side by side like we were now it will say 'Forever & Always'. Or the opposite, 'Always & Forever'.

I stand in awe and just stare at the mirror.


I glance at her in the mirror, hoping she liked my surprise. She just stares at the hoodies in the mirror. Blush starts to spread vigorously across her face and I can see the tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"Hey, there's one more thing," I say. I pay for the hoodies and lead her to the jewelry store. On the short walk out of the store to the other, I half-expected her to remove her hand from my waist, but she never did. I can't believe it. I'm finally about to ask her.

I sized her ring finger while she was asleep one night and ordered custom rings. Hers was a silver ring with a delicate and intricate looking design. There was one main diamond and there were black diamonds going down the side. Mine was a regular silver band with two small white diamonds embedded in the middle. I had the words, "Never Forget a Promise" engraved in both of them. I hope she likes it.

The clerk recognizes me from the picture I used to place my order. "Mr. Hamada, here are the..." then she notices Yuki. "Here's what you ordered," she smiles. I mouth the words 'thank you' and she nods with an approving smile. I stick the boxes in my pocket and we go back home.

Tadashi walks in and greets us both, hugging Yukiri and sitting on his bed.

"I'm gonna go steal some food from the bakery. Be back in a sec!" she says.

"You know, we have food in the fridge for a reason," Tadashi chuckles but she keeps on walking. The he yells after her,"We're gonna go bankrupt if you steal any more!" and then he laughs to himself.

"Tadashi, I need to ask you a favor."

"What's up, lil bro?"

"Can you drive us to the cherry blossom trees by the harbor? The hill with the big willow tree on top of it and the cherry blossoms surrounding it?"

"Oh, that hill! Are you finally gonna do it?" he asks sympathetically. I can feel my face heat up a little then I nod and quickly show him the promise ring that I got for Yuki.

He hugs me. "Look at you, my little brother getting a girl before I do. Way to go, champ! Haha, sure, Ill take you," he replies.

I thank him and hug him one more time. I slip my 'Always' hoodie back on and drag Yukiri out of the bakery before she eats all of our source of income.

"B-but FOOD!!" she whines which makes me giggle although I try not to let her see it.

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