Promises and Brotherly Betrayal

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Tadashi drives us to what I call Widow Hill. It has a huge, beautiful, full grown willow tree at the top and there are literally dozens of cherry blossom trees surrounding it. I think this is the perfect place for me to do this.


I saw a beautiful willow tree atop a large hill surrounded with cherry blossoms. "Why are you guy taking me here?"

"It's not me," Tadashi smirks,"I'm just the taxi driver haha."

I see Hiro blush a little and he helps me off of Tadashi's little motorcycle.

"Thanks, bro," he says and hugs Tadashi. He puts his arm around my waist and walks me up the huge hill to sit under the tree.

We sit under the tree with our legs completely extended out and I rest my head on his shoulder. We make small talk for a few minutes. Then, Hiro's face becomes serious. I could tell he was focusing really hard in what he was about to do.

"Hiro? What is it?"

"I've known you for about a year now... and I've decided that you mean a whole lot more to mean than a friend. SOO much more than just a friend.." Then he reaches behind his back and pulls out two small boxes.

"Hiro..." I choke, almost unable to comprehend what he's saying. "Hiro, stop joking..." I say almost in tears. He pulls out a regular silver band and slides it on his left ring finger. Then he opens the other box. It contains a beautiful, intricately designed silver ring with a main diamond and three black diamonds going down each side.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Oh my god, Hiro, yes!!" I cry. He shows me the inside of the ring's band. It has the words 'Never Forget A Promise' engraved in it.

"Yukiri, I promise I will love you and I will protect you no matter what. I will never fall asleep angry at you, and I will refuse to let you fall asleep mad at me. We may only be 15, but I can tell that what I feel is no silly crush. This is LOVE. I promise."

"I promise, too."

He leans over and kisses me. It's not a quick peck on the lips either. It's a full on passionate make-out. I grab Hiro by the beginning of the hood on his hoodie and I force him to the ground. I climb on top of him and continue to kiss him. He runs his hands through my hair and I do the same to his. We get a little carried away and caught up in the moment until we hear Tadashi whistle. When we look up, we see that Tadashi had his phone out recording the scene from the bottom of the hill.

We stand back up and readjust ourselves and walk back down to Tadashi. "Woo, that was great. It's definitely getting shown to the rest of the gang. I mean, WOW, the moonlight created the perfect lighting. That was some serious lip lock, little bro!" Tadashi poked fun at his younger brother.

We get on Tadashi's motorcycle and go home. I immediately change because I'm exhausted from the long night. But when I get done brushing my teeth and my hair, I find myself fidgeting with the promise ring Hiro gave me. It's so beautiful. I climb in the bed with Hiro and fall asleep soundly on his shoulder.


After I realize that Yukiri was asleep I look over at Tadashi who is reading a book.

"Yukiri was my first kiss," I sigh happily.

"Mine too," Tadashi says with a pained look on his face.


"She was the first person I told about Baymax. When I showed her, I guess excitement got the best of her and she kissed me. She said she didn't mean it, but I kissed her again before she could finish her sentence."


"Hiro, she didn't know you then. Don't blame her, please?"

I grunt and huff a little, furious that Tadashi got to Yuki before me. I'm mad at the both of them but I can't really be mad at either of them, because he's right. She didn't know me when it happened and Tadashi didn't know that Yuki would fall for me.

Now I feel guilty. I feel like I stole Tadashi's girl. She was interested in him, she wanted HIM until I came along.

"I'm sorry, Tadashi." I blurt without thinking.


"Because Yuki was yours and I took her from you. I didn't want to hurt you."

Tadashi's wide eyes gave way to a shocked look. "H-Hiro, I'm fine," he says while trying to re-immerse himself in the book he is reading to get his mind off the truth.

I get up, gently sliding out of Yuki's grasp. Walking over to him, I hug him. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have even thought about liking her. She was YOURS."


"She was YOURS." Hiro says while hugging me tightly. Although I'm proud of him for finally getting a girlfriend, and I'm happy that Yuki loves him, he's completely right. I wanted to make Yukiri my wife one day... now my chance is gone.

"Yukiri wasn't anyone's," I reply bluntly, trying not to let my anger and sadness show. Deep down underneath, I'm SO angry and jealous. I make fun of them kissing on the outside of me, but on the inside I want to rip Hiro to shreds. I want that to be ME, not him.

"No, you know I'm right," Hiro continues to press. "I shouldn't have interfered. I want to give her back to you, even though it would kill me, but I made a promise. I can't break a promise."

He can't break a promise but he broke my heart. "I said, I'm fine."

Hiro accepts defeat and climbs back in bed with the love of my life. I get up and slam the divider shut, turn off my lamp, and go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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