Shadow Figures

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We walk into the cafe to see Cass asleep on the couch. Tadashi leads me upstairs back to his room. "Hiro's still not home yet? It's nearly 12:30!" I say.

"You stay here. Get changed and sleep in that bed." He gestures to his side of the room. "I'll be back as soon as possible. Try to get some sleep." He grabs a helmet, kisses my cheek and bolts out the door. I shut the door and open my suitcase. My outfit for tonight is a pair of blue short shorts and a black tank top. The locks click back shut and I return the suitcase to its position in the corner.

My mouth feels disgusting, time to brush my pearly whites. I find their bathroom and start brushing my teeth. The minty taste of the toothpaste immediately alleviates the nastiness and filth that I could sense building up in my mouth. I spit and take a swig of grape flavored mouth wash, which surprisingly didn't taste disgusting due to the toothpaste.

I return to the bedroom and slide under the covers. I can't help but toss and turn and wonder if Hiro and Tadashi are okay. Hopefully...

I jolt awake from the sound of a loud bang. Eyes half-lidded, I make out the form of Tadashi and a boy that looks about my age. That must be Hiro. The strain to keep my eyes even the slightest bit open becomes overwhelming and I slip back into unconsciousness, but before it consumes me, I feel Tadashi climb into the bed.


Short chapter, I know. but there's so much more about to be coming in the story. I guess I usually like to cut the chapters by scenes, so when she wakes up----NEW CHAPTER!!!

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