1. First meet

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Today is the first day of Xiao Zhan in his new school. One week ago he received a call to meet up the person who became his family. Xiao Zhan don't have parents nor relatives. He was living in his life all alone when his grandparents died due to flash floods until one day there's a rich old woman adopted Zhan and give shelter to him. This old woman considered Zhan as her own son but her family disowned Zhan after knowing that he is gay. Zhan always end up beaten because the husband of the old woman want him to be a real man. Zhan  tried to be straight just to accept in the family, he really dream to have a family but he really can't do what people want him to be, he's not happy lying himself coz he's born in this way. A gay who can't accept in this society. The old woman can't stand seeing Zhan being hurt emotionally and physically by her husband so she decided to move Zhan from her house and give a condo that Zhan can freely live.

"This will be your class. Just go directly in room 204 before the class started" the teacher said and Zhan nod.

"Thank you Ma'am" Zhan politely said and leave the office. Heading in his room Zhan felt nervous. As he reach in the room he greeted the home room teacher.

"Good morning Ma'am I am new student in your class" Zhan said and notice the chaos in this room. The homeroom teacher nod at him.

"Quiet!!!. You have a new classmate. Please introduce yourself" the teacher said and Zhan obey.

"G-good morning. I am Xiao Zhan your new classmate." Zhan simple introduce himself. And darted his eyes to someone who is seating at the last row staring at the window and not minding his surroundings as if he's having in his own world. His heart jump when the person he is staring, stared him back with stoic face. Zhan smile at him but this guy replied him with glare and he look away.

"You can seat  beside Mr. Li" the homeroom teacher said.

"Who's Li Ma'am? " Jili ask.

"Bowen. On the last row" the teacher replied.

The teacher knew that Wenhan don't want someone seated beside him. Even his friends he don't like it. Bowen raise his hand. That's the cue of Zhan to go to Bowen's chair. As he started to walk his heart beat didn't stop it's not because he is nervous but this beat is different. When he comfortable sitting beside Bowen he can't help but to look at the person he stared awhile ago.

"Yibo. Wang Yibo" Bowen said. Zhan flinch when he heard Bowen voice he stared at Bowen. "The person you're looking at is Wang Yibo. Don't mess or get close with him. Might as well stay away from him and his squad." Bowen wants to add but he stop himself because Yixuan stared at him. So Bowen stop talking and listen to their teacher. Meanwhile Xiao Zhan can't help it but to take a glance every second to this handsome man named Wang Yibo.

After the class. Xiao Zhan leave the room last. He is like this he doesn't like to make friends. He want to be alone. He don't want to be attached of anyone to not get hurt at the end. But there's something of Wang Yibo that he really wishing and hoping that they'll become close. There's something on him  that he want to get to know Wang Yibo and want to know why his seatmate Bowen said that don't mess up with him and his squad. That he didn't know as of now since Bowen didn't mention to him the names of his squad.

Heading now in cafeteria to order his food as he finish ordered the food and looking for vacant sit he accidentally fell off worst his tray landed to someone. When he lift up his head he saw Wang Yibo face that looks like he wants to kill someone. Xiao Zhan immediately distance himself he don't know what to say when Yibo yelled at him.

"Shit. What an idiot nerdy that I encountered right  now! You know how much I treasure this shirt?! " Wang Yibo yelled and hold Zhan collar.

"I-I'm s-sorry" Zhan said between his sob while looking down. Yibo lift his chin forcefully.

"What a gay. You are crying even it's your fault?! " Yibo shouted and Zhan flinch. They stared for a moment.

Damn what a beautiful eyes behind this lense. Didn't he is the one who smiled brightly at me in room?. Yibo in his thought.

Xiao Zhan why you didn't follow your classmate warn Zhan in his thought.

The student in this school don't have the guts to help Xiao Zhan coz they know they'll end up being beaten. Meanwhile Yibo's squads are  now amaze what the scene they're saw. Yibo and Zhan who is really close to each other that they could smell each other's breath.

"I found a new target" Yixuan said while laughing.

"I know who you are talking too is that the nerd Xiao Zhan our new target? our classmate. Teachers favorite and I hate it." Sungjoo said he heard a lot compliment of Xiao Zhan when he accidentally ear drops in faculty room.

"Poor Xiao Zhan" Seungyoun.

"I'll be the one who make a plan in our new target. See you at our hide out" WenHan said and leave.

"Wang Yibo. C'mon don't waste your time to him" Youn said and drag Yibo out of Xiao Zhan.

Because Yibo is not in the mood so the squad didn't eat in the cafeteria and leave the cafeteria as if there's nothing happened. As soon the squad leave in the cafeteria Zhan breath heavily. He thought he is going to end up being beaten judging Yibo the way he look at him he surely end up being hospitalized now. Good thing there's someone saved him. The student look at him pity and scared at the same time coz everyone know if you bump Yibo and his squad they won't leave you until you're the one who leave in this school.

When Bowen saw the scene he want to saved Xiao Zhan but he's fraid of  Yibo and his squad so he remain silent. Who wouldn't afraid every student they bully here end up being hospitalized and not coming back anymore in this school worst the parents of the victim don't have a chance to complain because the family  of this squad are powerful esp. Sungjoo who's the son of the owner of this school.

"Xiao Zhan here" Bowen shouted. When Zhan hear his name he's hesitant to go there. He's afraid now. He want to go home and never comeback when Bowen felt Zhan that he is scared he stood up and held Zhan hand until they sit in the table. Zhan didn't speak up. So JiLi open the topic.

"Transfer back Zhan. If you want to be alive" JiLi said hearing this Zhan felt shiver in his system.

"Sorry Zhan I really want to help you but even me I am afraid to meddle. Yibo is scary to be an enemy. Sorry for being coward" Bowen apologize and let a deep sigh.

"I-It's fine I understand. I don't want anyone help me in that kind of situation I won't forgive myself if someone will get hurt because of me" Zhan said in his low voice.

"Anyway I am JiLi" he introduced himself and Zhan just nod.

"Do you want to transfer again? " Bowen ask and Zhan shake his head.

Zhan don't want to transfer anymore he don't want to be burden to the old woman. The reason why Zhan transferred was because he often bully in his past school. After dismissal he always have bruise and the old woman happens to see that at first Zhan hesitant to tell her the truth but at the end he told the truth that's why the old woman transfer him now here in his new school but guess he is always fund of bullies. What should he expect. Sometimes he really want to give up from his life, he is really tired of everything. Physically tired and emotionally.

"I am afraid. If Yibo pass this day not beating you surely his is plotting now what will he do to you tomorrow. Zhan I am sorry  I can't really help you but I'll treat your bruise or v-visit you in the hospital? " JiLi said. Zhan smile.

"Don't scare him" Bowen said and nudge JiLi.

"You know what will the result Bowen after he mess with that superior squad" JiLi said and concern what will happen to Zhan tomorrow.

"Why don't you skip class tomorrow? " JiLi suggested. Zhan shake his head.

"It's fine I can face that Wang Yibo and his squad. If beaten me is the repay for ruining his treasure shirt. I accept it. " Zhan said and smile. JiLi and Bowen look at him pity.

Zhan is the person who always wear smile even though how hard his situation is. He born to be like this. Showing his brightest smile but behind that he is really not happy of what's happening  in his life.

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