Chapter 288

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Will's POV: After hearing that Gabby Dawson has cancelled her appointment after being exposed to COVID-19 after her brother tested positive for it, I got nervous considering my brother has also come into contact with both Matt and Gabby as well as Antonio recently. With Erin being pregnant and them being newlyweds, I wanted to check on them. Heck, they must be petrified. That's when Jay called me. "Jay, how are you and Erin?" Jay then spoke to me quite calmly. "We are isolating a home and Hank has given us time off so that we con't miscarry the twins."

I was glad to hear that. Honestly, that was something I was really scared about. This must be so worrying for the both of them and it was a known fact that stress wasn't good for pregnancies. I saw it first hand considering Natalie found out she was pregnant right when Jeff was deploying to Afghanistan. We were just friends back then and heck, we are still just friends now that she is dating Dr. Marcel. Maybe it was a mistake not giving her a second chance when she remembered everything that happened. God, COVID has me re-evaluating my entire life. Maybe hers?

"I am glad to hear that. Sorry, I am just really scared. When I heard yours and Erin's name as well as come into contact with COVID, I got scared. I mean, you guys are pregnant with twins. God, that is still crazy." Jay laughed when I said that. "Gives us a mini-honeymoon at home. They making you isolate?" I sighed. "I am too far out. Since you do not have symptoms yet, they aren't considering me potentially exposed. Antonio is starting to show symptoms. He has been admitted to the hospital. By the way, you do not share this with anybody else. HIPPA."

Jay agreed with me. "I already knew that Will...don't worry. Listen, you shouldn't be on the phone too much because you have patients to take care of. Unfortunately, I am going to need to ask you to stay away for now okay? Listen, I get you want to help us through this pregnancy but...I need to protect Erin and the twins." I understood his stance and agreed with him. "Of course Jay, I promise that I am going to stay away. You guys just keep me in the loop as to what's happening okay?" He agreed when I said that and we ended the call.

That's when I heard Natalie walk into the doctor's lounge. "Will, you okay? You look like you're really worried and even like you've seen a ghost." I sighed when she said that before turning to look at her. "Antonio Dawson has COVID. His sister has been exposed and so have my brother and sister-in-law." Natalie looked at me when I said that. "When did Jay get married?" I laughed when she asked me that. "A couple hours ago. It's why I asked Goodwin to let me off for an hour. They wanted to get married before COVID got too bad. Something about proxy and stuff."

Natalie nodded when I said that. "I can only imagine what Erin is going through. I am already scared out of my mind because of Owen. He's with Helen and I have decided to keep him with her." I nodded when she said that. "Honestly, I feel for you Nat. I am just hoping this doesn't last for too long so that I can meet my nieces or nephews." Natalie then looked at me when I said that. "Holy shit, is Erin pregnant with twins?" I nodded and smiled. "And they already have a kid. Jay got a service dog for his PTSD." Natalie nodded when I said that. "Wow, it's that bad?"

I nodded. "Yeah, arm flailing and stuff like that. He says ever since he left the military, it has just gotten worse and worse the longer that the military is in Afghanistan. It's hard on him. However, I am just glad they are safe. That's all that matters." Natalie nodded when I said that when we heard the paramedics come in. We then both looked at each other. "You going to take it with Dr. Marcel or want to take it together?" She then smiled. "Hey, for old time sake." I laughed when she said that, secretly hoping that this might bring us back together...I secretly missed her.

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