The Quarantine Begins

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2 Hours Later at the hotel Matt & Gabby will be Quarantining in:
Matt's POV: As I stand on the balcony off of our hotel suite that me and Gabby will be staying in to Quarantine, I just sighed because we aren't going to be able to get our tests back for a week due to the massive backlog. We grabbed some lunch on the way here because we didn't want to have hotel food but now...we were entirely dependent on what the hotel gave us. I just knew this was killing Gabby not having Louie here but it was for the best. We already told him what was happening and I just hoped that Gabby was doing better already.

However, I wasn't. I felt this was my fault. We just learned that the entire 1st shift at Firehouse 51 has tested positive for COVID-19 and that means we are all stuck in here until we have tested negative. Yes, we are all here at the same hotel. Actually, Kelly and Stella are just next door and they are actually standing on the balcony just like me, something I only just noticed when Stella yelled for me. "CHIEF!" I then turned to look at her when she said that. "Shit, you scared me. Sorry." She then looked at me and nodded. "You waiting for results too?" I nodded. "They said it could take a week to get results. We are quarantining here."

I was confused when she said that. "But you don't live with anybody?" She nodded. "Yeah, we live with Kelly's mom who came because she was scared." That's when Kelly came out. "Who you talking to babe?" Kelly then went to kiss her head and sighed as he looked at me. "Matt." I nodded and sighed. "We're good right?" Kelly nodded. "Yeah, I get you are chief and you need to be the one in control." I nodded and laughed. "You better have brought your laptop. You are going to work while you are here." He nodded and agreed. "Yeah, I have my recordings on PVR." He agreed and smiled. "By the way, where's the little guy?"

I then chuckled. "That's the one bright side of mom brought him to the Chicago Children's Hospital to get him tested. They had to results pretty fast since there isn't much of a waitlist for kids to get tested. He tested negative thank god." That's when I heard Gabby come out. "Can you explain to me why you are sharing our son's COVID-19 test results with complete strangers babe?" Gabby then went to rub my back and looked at Stella. "Oh, they aren't strangers." Stella nodded and sighed. "Funny that you are quarantining here." Gabby nodded and agreed when we heard someone behind us.

"And you guys are not the only ones quarantining here. Turns out that we got the room in between the two Dawson and Casey siblings." Gabby looked at him when he said that. "No way." Grabbing her phone, she went to call Antonio and put it on speaker. "Hey sis, what's up?" Gabby then went to speak to him. "Come out onto your hotel balcony." Antonio was confused when she said that. "How do you know what hotel we're at?" Gabby laughed when he asked her that. "Just do it and you'll understand." Antonio then (finally) did as he was told.

Coming out onto the patio, he looked around when he saw us and just hung up. "You're kidding right? All 3 of us are here!" Kelly then turned to look at him and nodded. "Oh great, we are in between the two couples that have some of the loudest yellers when it comes to fights." I then looked at Kelly. "That also means that we can talk in person when we are working on OFI cases together. I am going to help out. We are going to work the big fire together." Kelly nodded and agreed with me. "Sounds good." That's when we heard someone join our conversation.

"Okay, this has to be really creepy. I knew that I recognized some of the voices out here." Turning to look at Jay, I smiled at him. "You guys too?" Jay nodded as he looked at Erin and wrapped his arm around her while they both stood on the balcony. "We have a nice whirlpool bath in here we are going to enjoy." Erin smiled when he said that and nodded before going to kiss him softly. "Oh yeah we are." Jay then looked at Antonio and waved at him. "Hey Antonio." Antonio smiled and shook his head when he heard someone from up above. "What's up with the rack out here?"

I then went to look up where the voice came from and just laughed. "Hermann?" Hermann then looked down at saw me. "No way." I nodded. "You are right above Antonio and my sister Christie. Severide is right there, we are here and Jay and Erin are behind us." We all waived when I said that when we heard another voice. "And I am right above my new subordinate." Looking at Cruz, I laughed when he said that. Meanwhile, Severide just shook his head. "Okay, if that's a cop above you guys...that's going to be crazy." Mouch then came out with Trudy. "A combination."

Hermann then turned to look at Mouch and laughed. "C'mon, you couldn't be next to us." Mouch then turned to look at him and shrugged. "By the way, hi Halsteads." Jay then looked up at Platt and agreed with her. "By the way guys, there are some people from the firehouse I think you guys know. They came right here. We have been here for a while but I think we know them." That's when Gallo came out yawning. "Gallo!" Gallo then looked up at us. "Wow, talk about same hotel?" I nodded and agreed. Meanwhile, he went to yell for his neighbor.

"Hey Ritter! Adams!" That's when another two of my firefighters came out from their rooms next to Gallo. Looking up like him, we all laughed and shook our hears. "Who's next to you Adams?" Adams then shrugged. "I have no clue but he is so loud. Honestly, I can hear him have sex with his girlfriend all the time. Some Adam dude." Jay then looked at him and went to send a text. "Hold on a second." We all agreed and nodded when we saw something come out onto the balcony confused. "Yep, exactly who I thought it was. Ruzek, three across, one up!"

Ruzek then turned his head and then laughed. "Seriously?" Antonio then looked at him. "Great, I have the sex addicted couple underneath me!" Ruzek and Burgess then looked up and laughed. "Wow, this is crazy. By the way Antonio, your ex is one above, three across." Antonio was confused when he said that when I looked at Antonio before sending a text to Sylvie. 'Come out onto your patio.' Sylvie was confused when I texted her that. 'Why?' I then laughed. 'Just do it.' Sylvie then (reluctantly) agreed and came out to see us all there. 

"Holy shit, are we all quarantining here?" I nodded when she said that. "The rows go from left to right on your row...Hermann, Cruz, Mouch and you. Antonio, Severide, us and Jay Halstead. And then Burgess and Ruzek, Adams, Gallo and Ritter. By the way for Firehouse 51...I expect you all to work for OFI while you are here. I e-mailed them and said that's how you can earn a paycheck. Work 9-to-5 on your normal shift days or every day and you get paid your shift pay." We all agreed when I said that. "Listen, how about we all agreed to talk every once and a while."

We all agreed and nodded when I said that. "Just come out whenever you want and we'll talk." Antonio agreed. "Gabby, I am going to call you when we are inside okay?" Gabby then sighed. "Can you give us a bit to unpack and check on Louie first? We'll call you." Antonio understood and agreed. "Of course, talk later." We then all made our way into our individual hotel rooms to get settled.

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