Chapter 303

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Matt's POV: After getting Louie some juice in his sippy cup, I went to fill up me and Gabby's water bottles while I also got my mom some water. Carrying all the water over, I smiled at my mom. "Here mom, stay hydrated." She then smiled when I said that. "Thanks." I nodded and agreed before going to give Gabby her water bottle. "Same goes for you miss." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when she felt Louie get on the couch with her and cuddle up to her baby bump. I smiled when he did that because I know how much he liked to cuddle up to her. "You love cuddling up to your mommy don't you Louie?" Louie nodded. "I love cuddling up to daddy too."

I mom smiled when he said that. "So, what convinced you guys to adopt while you are pregnant? I hope you don't mind me asking." I then looked at Gabby. "Do you mind if I tell her the story or would you rather tell it?" Gabby then smiled at me. "I want to hear your version." I nodded and smiled at her. "Well, this is actually the same little boy we tried to adopt when we first got married. Did I ever mention that to you?" My mom nodded and agreed with me. "That reminds me, not happy that I didn't get to watch my only son get married! I already missed your sister's wedding." I nodded and laughed. "Believe me, you should consider yourself lucky."

Gabby turned to look at me when I said that. "Let me guess, complete shit show?" I then looked at her when she swore in front of Louie. "Babe..." Gabby then looked at me. "Matt, he's heard that word and worse before. You should really talk to your employees about the language that they should use around the house when me and Louie are there." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Okay, I will. But it was. I mean, he was drunk most of the night and of course me and Hallie got into a fight so, I got drunk and ended up wasted in a hotel room."

My mom nodded when I said that. "Have you talked to her parents in a while?" I shook my head. "Not since the funeral. I was never close to her dad. I asked for his blessing but that's it. She wasn't from Chicago. It was another sticking point in between us. She wanted to move to Northern Chicago...I wanted to stay in the loop." Gabby then looked at me. "Why do I see a pattern here? Not wanting to move with your fiancé and then your wife..." I nodded and sighed. "Okay, we are not getting into this. We made it work from a distance."

I smiled when she said that. "And a few great romantic surprises along the way. Remember in how we spent New Year's Eve 2019 in New York City at the World Trade Center at that party/dance at One World Trade Center?" Gabby smiled and agreed as we both thought back to the time we spent together in New York City.

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