Chapter 313

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby came out of the shower, I went to grab my phone since it was flashing for a while. I had a bunch  of e-mails and a text message to get back to. Going to walk over to the bed before sitting down, I went to see what was going on when I saw our COVID results were back. "Babe, I got our COVID test results." Gabby then came out when I said that, seemingly shocked that we had them already. "How do we have them already? I thought I read online that you had to wait a couple days to get them." I nodded when she said that. "Me too."

I then went to think about it. "But, the CFD uses an outside lab. I think I submitted to testing when we checked in and the CFD got a hold of it somehow. I might have told them to send it there. So, I have my result already and yours in here too." Gabby then walked up to me. "So, do I need to pack up the bags or are we stuck here?" I then thought about it and turned to look at her. "You know, we could still stay...we have the place for a while for free." Gabby then looked at me and shook her head. "Matt, if we are in the clear...then I would rather leave. Louie is scared."

I sighed when she said that. "He already expects us to be away for tonight. Is it bad that I want to still stay away?" Gabby then looked at me and went to hug me. "Matt, he's our son...he shouldn't have to be consoled by his grandmother because he's scared. He should be able to sit with his parents in bed and just hold them close when he's scared. That's our job as his parents." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before going to wrap my arms around her. "Then we are going to do just that, be his wonderful parents. After I take you on a quick date."

Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "What are you thinking?" I then smiled. "I can take you to McDonalds, we can pick something up and just go sit by the lake in the car while we eat supper together in the car. Just something simple. How does that sound?" Gabby then smiled when I said that and nodded. "Honestly, that sounds like the perfect date. Just the two of us as we eat together." I smiled and agreed. "Plus, I already packed a nice shirt and some pants that I could wear because I was going to do it right when we were cleared anyways." 

Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Let me guess, you put a dress for me to wear in there?" I nodded and smiled. "How about you try it on and we can see whether you want to go on a date for a while? I know it'd just be McDonalds and us sitting in the car'd be something where we are together, having a simple date." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. She then went to walk over to her bag to find the dress I brought for her. Grabbing it, she then went to grab some underwear and a bra. "I will go try it on."

I then looked at her. "You'll like it. We can do a walk by the waterfront before we go home. Does that sound nice?" Gabby nodded and smiled as she walked over to me. "Pack up our things. We are going home. Wait, first let's check the tests. What are they?" I then went to open the e-mail and went to check our results. "Chief Matthew Casey - Negative, Gabriela D. Casey - Positive,  Kelly Severide - Positive." I stopped reading after that line and Gabby turned to look at me when I said that. "No, he's positive?" I sighed and turned to look at her, nodding.

I then went to check the entire rest of the house and saw the everybody but him and Stella were cleared. "It's only him and Stella that are positive." Gabby sighed when I said that. "I still want to go out for a quick date. I'm sorry if our friends have it but..." I turned to look at her and nodded. "Yeah, that will be good. I need to distract myself a bit first okay? Once we are done eating and I've calmed down...we can go home to Louie okay? Or actually, how about we go grab him on the way? I mean, he's going to want a toy." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that.

Quickly walking over to me, she went to put her hand on my cheek and stroke it with her thumb. Leaning up to kiss me, she smiled. "You are such a sucker for our son. Now listen, I am going to get dressed. You get dressed too and then we can call Severide together. I know it's going to be a hard call for you to make. Maybe tell everybody else first and leave him for last?" I nodded and agreed with her. Grabbing my phone to start calling the rest of the firehouse (I was just going to do a conference call with everybody that's cleared), I started to get dressed at the same time.

And, I was also thinking of how to tell Severide he was COVID-positive.

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