Chapter 323

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Matt's POV: After having pancakes as a family, I smiled as I did the dishes with Heather. "You sure that you wouldn't rather be in the living room gossiping with the other girls?" Heather then laughed and shook her head. "Nope, I would rather be here with my brother considering I need to talk to you. I heard about the outbreak at the firehouse and I remember everybody there. How is everybody?" I sighed when she asked me that. "Only Kelly and his fiancé Stella have it." Heather nodded when I said that. "That's good. By the way, I saw the memorial for Otis."

I nodded when she said that. "I am thinking of having one commissioned for Boden in the spring. Either that or when this is over. But, I want you there both because of the fact that you were Andy's wife and he served under Boden...but because you are my sister. Oh and if you ever need help from the CFD, you can personally call the Firehouse and I will send my people there." Gabby then turned to look at me when I said that. "Oh hush would want me to do the same for Antonio. Anyways, I was just reinforcing it...Heather's always been my sister."

Heather agreed with me when I said that. "Literally. I think I actually might change my name to Heather Casey-Darden. I don't care what my birth name was...I want to be a real Casey." I nodded and agreed with her before looking at Gabby. "Hey, you guys are Catholic right?" Heather nodded. "Yeah. I've been praying. Why do you ask?" I then smiled while looking at Gabby. "Hey Gabby!" Gabby then turned to look at me. "What's up?" I then smiled at her. "What do you say we have Kelly and Heather be Matt, Jr's godparents?" Gabby smiled and agreed.

Heather just smiled when I said that. "That sounds perfect Matt, I would be honored." I smiled when she said that. "However, just know in my heart...Andy would've been the godfather. Kelly is just a great stand-in." She laughed and smiled. "Andy would've loved that. And god, he would've loved being your brother-in-law. Imagine what you guys would've done." I then sighed. "Had I known...he probably would still be here. I would've taken extra care of him." Heather sighed when I said that before going to hug me. "Matt, don't blame yourself okay?"

I then sighed and looked at her. "It's just all coming back. The thought that he sister's husband died while he was under my command. That is hitting me hard. And to know I was partially responsible for the death of my nephew's father...that is so hard to deal with right now." Gabby turned to look at me when I said that. She then looked at everybody and excused herself so she could walk over to me. "Hey, come here." I then sighed as she walked up to me. Going to hug her, I just held her close. "Is it weird that I am feeling all the guilt come back?"

Gabby shook her head and sighed. "Matt, it's okay to feel just can't let it eat you up. I speak from experience Matt. You know there are so many patients that sometimes, I wish I could go back in time because I could've saved them...I knew I could. But, we can't. Heck, it happened sometimes in Puerto Rico." Heather then looked at Gabby while she was walking away. "Right, I heard that you went there. How was it?" Gabby smiled. "You know, I wouldn't mind sharing some stories. Heck, we have some. Matt came for a couple weeks I think it was 2 summers ago?"

I shook my head when she said that. "No, I didn't go the first summer because we weren't in the best place. I was just thinking it was going to be a couple weeks. Then it became permanent and we did long distance until December." My mom nodded when I said that. "I am just glad that you guys stayed together. I mean sure, I haven't really gotten to know Gabby much but...I can see that you make Matt really happy and I am ready to be a grandmother again." I smiled when my mom said that. I then went to sit with Gabby on the couch and wrapped my arm around her.

"Actually, funny enough...the longest time we went apart from seeing each other since Thanksgiving 2018 was 6 weeks. We always came back and forth." Gabby smiled when I Said that. "Yeah, it was fun to come home every 12 weeks. Just nobody knew." Antonio then looked at her when she said that. "Thanks for tell me that you were here every 12 weeks." Gabby laughed and smiled. "Yeah, sorry about that. I just had a weekend though and I wanted to spent it with Matt. It's hard to do long distance when the cell reception is horrible."

I nodded when Gabby said that. "Oh god, sometimes I actually called her in what you could think was the worse time possible. However for me, it was the best time possible. Once she was in the shower. And let's just say..." Gabby then went to cover my mouth when I said that. "Okay, calm down don't need to tell my brother, your sisters and your mom what we did." I agreed and nodded when she said that before laughing as we all sat around, catching up on each other's lives. 

NOTE: I am going to give you and update on Jay and Erin next chapter while Matt, Gabby, Heather, Antonio, Christie and Nancy (Matt's mom) talk for a while.

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