Chapter 331

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Matt's POV: After having lunch with Gabby, I smiled as Louie offered to bring our plates downstairs for us. "You sure buddy?" Gabby then looked at him. "Do you just want candy that grandma gives you?" I then looked at her. "Wait, my mom gives him candy?" Feeling Gabby lay down on my chest and cuddle up to me under the blankets, she nodded and smiled. "Yeah." Turning to look at Louie, I smiled at him. "Ask grandma to give me a piece too okay?" Gabby then slapped my chest when I said that. "That was not the right answer. Don't encourage it."

Wrapping my arm around her back, I smiled at her. "Gabby, one piece of candy a day is not going to kill him." I then went to kiss her softly. "And you shouldn't say anything considering you get something sweet on an hourly basis." Gabby smiled and nodded when I said that. "Louie, go ask grandma to give you a piece of chocolate okay?" Louie nodded and agreed as he made his way downstairs with the plates. "What made you change your mind?" Gabby then smiled as she laid down on my chest and then moved her legs in between mine while cuddling up to me.

Wrapping my arms around Gabby when she did that, I smiled while going to kiss her forehead. "I think I just found out. Somebody wants to get all comfortable with their husband in bed." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. I then went to rub her back and just smiled while we held each other close. That's when I decided to run my hand up her shirt and undo her bra. Feeling me do that, Gabby blushed and smiled because she wanted me to do that. Unclipping her bra, I went to kiss her softly while holding Gabby close to me. "I love you."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "I know and I love you too." Kissing her forehead, I just smiled while moving my hand to her stomach. "And daddy already loves the two of you little ones. I can't wait to meet you Hannah and MJ." Gabby smiled when I said that and then went to rub my chest. "Honestly, I love how we chose to honor your twin in our daughter's name." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her softly. "I am just sad that I never got to meet her. Is it weird that I want to mourn for somebody I never really met?" Gabby shook her head. "No."

I looked at her when she said that. "Matt, we mourned for our baby we never met...we mourned for the triplet we never met. It's the same thing but your sister." I thought about it and nodded while going to kiss her forehead. I then went to whisper to her. "I just feel weird knowing that I was supposed to have a twin but...that I never knew about it until now. I feel like I have been betrayed out of 30 years of mourning. I have to do it 30 years later." Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "Matt, you saw how hard it was for your mom to even say it today."

Thinking about that, I nodded. "You're right." That's when Louie came upstairs with a Disney Movie that he got. "What you got there buddy?" He then smiled. "A movie grandma got for me." I then looked at him and went to reach for it. Walking over to me, Louie got on the bed and gave it to me. "High School Musical." Gabby smiled when I said that. "I like that movie too. I like how diverse the cast is." That's when I heard my mom at the door. "Exactly what I thought when I bought it for him. You guys going to watch it up here or do you want time alone?"

Turning to look at my mom, I bit my lip. "I think we want to spend time with Louie. You should take a break and relax mom. I know you had a hard day today...must've been hard to talk about Hannah." My mom then sighed as she walked in. "Do you mind?" I went to sit up more and just looked at her. Going to sit on the end of our bed, my mom looked at me. "Listen, I never meant to hide it from you okay Matt? It was just hard on me." I nodded and understood while going to grab her hand. "Mom, I'm not mad okay? I know how hard it is to loose a child."

Gabby nodded when I said that. "Yes, we do Nancy so please do not feel like you need to hide how you are feeling. If you need to talk to us, go get changed into something comfortable and join us up here." I then turned to look at Gabby when she said that and gave her the side eye. "Or not...maybe this can be our private space." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss Gabby softly. "Good answer." I then laughed while going to get up. "Louie, how able you cuddle up to mama and I will put the DVD in?" My mom then shook her head. "I got it."

I then went to give it to her and smiled. "Thanks mom." She then went to walk away to the TV and went to put the DVD in for us. "You guys have a good afternoon okay? I might just relax today. I have been worried sick about a friend of mine. I have just gotten a text with an update." I sat up a bit more when my mom said that. "She okay?" My mom then sighed. "She tested positive for COVID so...we aren't sure. I haven't seen her in a month since she was in Florida." Gabby nodded when she said that. "Well, you let us know what happens okay?"

My mom nodded and agreed. "Of course, I will. Now, I am going to go relax." Walking away, I could tell my mom was hurting. Grabbing the TV remote before going to grab Gabby's hand, I went to intertwine our fingers. "I feel so bad for my mom. Having just learned she lost a baby just like us...and then now her friend has COVID, that is so hard." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to kiss me softly. "Listen, let's just pray everything is okay. But right now, start the movie." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that, going to start the movie for us.

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