April 1st, 2020

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Matt's POV: As I finish taking a shower and getting dressed for breakfast with Heather that morning, I was extremely nervous. I mean, how is she going to react to meeting my mom...the woman who killed her father? Oh and how is it going to be for my mom to meet her late husband's bastard daughter...who just so happens to be my late best friend's widow. And then Ben and Griffin are probably going to be so lost...I am now their uncle Matt. God and what is Severide going to think. I already texted him the news and was just waiting for him to call me.

That's when he gave me a call and I just went to answer. "Hey, how are you feeling man?" I knew he was still dealing with COVID but...this was a bit too important for me not to tell him. "I just hope that I am not hallucinating when it comes to what I just read in your text. You are telling me that you and Heather Darden are half-siblings. That means Andy was your half-brother-in-law and Ben and Griffin are not just your godsons but...they are also your nephews." I laughed when he said that. "Yeah, pretty much." That's when I saw Gabby come into the washroom.

She was wearing a tight dress and I loved the sight of it as she went to do her hair. "You look hot babe." Standing behind her, I went to kiss the side of her head while holding her close. "Oh and what do you think about me having supposed to have a twin?" Severide then laughed when I said that. "God help us all if there was another female version of Matthew Casey." I then got mad when he said that. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean." He then laughed. "Dude, it's a joke and you can't get mad at me because I have COVID." I agreed with him. "How are you guys?"

Stella then went to speak for them. "We are on the mend and should be back at work in a couple weeks." I agreed with her. "I already e-mailed OFI for you guys and you can work there. Just know that I am going to want you guys to take it easy when you come back. You are going to be on reduced service so that you can workout and get your strength back." Stella didn't like the sound of that. "Chief, we are going to be fine." I sighed when she said that. "Stella, I already have the scientific data...you are going to have a bit of issues post-COVID. Please believe me."

Severide agreed with I said that. "We are going to believe you okay Chief. By the way, how are you and Heather going to tell the boys?" I then sighed and shrugged. "Honestly, I am not even sure. That is crazy. Oh and then we have to tell Louie that daddy's late best friend's widow is actually his half-sister." That's when I heard Louie run in. "Daddy...how do I look? Grandma helped me." I then turned to look at him and smiled when I looked at him since he was matching me a bit. "You look really handsome little man." I then went to pick him up and smiled.

My mom then walked up behind us and smiled. "You want me to make some breakfast Matt?" Looking at her in the mirror, I smiled. "Sure, that'd be great mom." Severide then went to speak to her. "How are you feeling about this Mrs. Casey?" I then looked at my mom. "It's Severide, my best friend since the Fire Academy. He's also my Squad Lieutenant who has COVID." She agreed and nodded. "I am still lost and honestly...it's going to be a bit awkward meeting my late husband's mistress' daughter." Severide then didn't like the sound of that. "Hey!"

I then sighed. "Severide, stand down. To her, that's what she is. She was married to my dad at the time and yes, Heather was the product of an extra-marital affair. That means that yes, she was my dad's mistress' daughter. Just be glad she didn't call her illegitimate or a bastard." My mom then looked at me when I said that. "Oh hush up mom, I know that's what you're thinking!" She sighed and agreed with me. "Fine, I am going to make us some breakfast. Pancakes good?" I nodded and agreed before looking at Louie and smiling.

"Hey Louie, how about you go help grandma make breakfast? Then, you are going to meet some of your cousins today." He nodded and agreed before walking away with my mom. That's when it hit me that my godsons are my nephews. "Wow, it just hit me that my godsons are my nephews. Oh and by the way Severide, I have another piece of news to tell you. We are changing our daughter's name." Severide then laughed. "Again?!?" I nodded and smiled. "Her new name is going to be Hanna Maria Casey. That was what my twin sister's name was supposed to be."

Severide agreed with us when she said that. "So, what does this mean for the Darden boys and Firehouse 51. I know that Heather was opposed to them being firefighters because of what happened to their dad. What is she going to think now that her brother would be their chief?" I then sighed when he said that. "Dude, I haven't even thought about that. All I can think about is how I am going to tell my godsons that I am their real uncle and not just their uncle because their dad worked at the firehouse." Severide laughed when I said that. "Awkward."

I laughed when he said that. "Tell me about it. Oh and I also kissed my half-sister way back when...remember that?" Severide laughed and agreed. "God, this is just going to be awkward. Are you going to tell the rest of the house?" I agreed. "Yeah, I am hoping she can come around more so I can see my nephews. God, I still can't believe that...all the time we worked together, Andy was my brother-in-law. That means I..." Gabby then went to rub my back when I started to think about that. "Hey, look at me and relax. You are not going to think that."

I agreed with her before wrapping my arm around her. I then went to kiss her softly and smiled. "Listen man, can we talk about this later? I would rather not be crying when I meet my nephews for the first time." Severide was confused when I said that. "Okay, that's not true though..." I then sighed. "I am seeing them for the first time as their uncle and not just Matt. I am uncle Matt for them today. It's weird. Oh and my sister is coming. So listen, I have to get going. I'll tell you how it goes later." He agreed and nodded. "Okay, talk later man." I agreed and hung up.

Looking at Gabby, I took a deep breath and looked at her. "Hey, do you mind if I tell Antonio that you have a half-sister?" I shook my head before turning her so that she was looking at me. Bending down, I went to kiss her and smiled. "Not at all. It's not going to be a secret anymore...we are going to fully embrace her as part of the family okay. I am sorry to say this but, I am going to fully embrace my new half-sister with open arms. Family dinners, holidays and everything okay. I mean, if you are okay with that." Gabby nodded and smiled. "Of course."

I smiled when she said that before giving her one last kiss. "I love you and I will see you downstairs." Gabby nodded and smiled. "Just remember, it's just Heather...we have been friends for ages. Don't get too caught up in the half-sister part of it." I nodded and agreed, smiling as I gave her one last kiss before slapping her butt and leaving to go downstairs. "Matt!" I then smirked at her and nodded. "Love you." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Love you too."

Dawsey: Starting a Family Part 3Where stories live. Discover now