Chapter 1: Venture into the Darkness

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"They arrived... Perfect... Let's welcome them to their curse..."
Part 1:

"Okay...we arrived at our destination point. Let's get out now.", Dylan said to the two girls who awakened from their slumber.

All three of them got out of the car, each grabbed a flashlight, a walkie talkie, the camcorder, and a med kit. After grabbing what they needed, they looked ahead to see the now abandoned high school, once that used to be filled with happy memories to now a dark nightmare ruin. They know they don't have time to remember the good 'Ol days, they have to stay focused on finding their missing friends.

Makayla grabbed the camcorder and started to record. "Okay, let's try to check the gym first for any clues. It's better to try to inspect the bigger rooms, then the smaller ones.", Bryanna decided, and her two friends agreed as they all went to the entrance to the gym.

Bryanna reached the knob, grabbed it, and tried to open the door, but no luck, it was locked. "Hm... It's locked maybe there's another entrance."

So, they went around till they saw another door, Makayla rushed towards it to open it, but it was also locked "This one is locked as well, I think I remember there was a door behind the school."

The B trio went to the back to the school until they saw another door, they all rushed to it, Dylan twisted the knob, and surprisedly it was unlocked.

Once the door opens, all they can see in there was a whole trashed up, dark locker room. Grass and vines grew in, the lockers all bust up and broken, no lights illuminating the place, and in front of them, they could just be able to see big bloody footprints leading somewhere. It still freaked them out.

"Uh... Let's calm down... Um... Let's do a brief check around the locker room before checking the gym. Okay?", Bryanna suggested to distract her friends from getting freaked out and they both agree.

Dylan checked the back of the locker room to only find nothing, Makayla checked each door and try to see where the footprints lead, and Bryanna decides to check each row of lockers for anything useful, but just found nothing and abandoned backpacks. However, she did find a clean Japanese school girl outfit and a bunny backpack that she decided to keep just in case.

After searching the locker room, Dylan and Bryanna met up with Makayla at a door where the footprints are leading.

"Welp, I found nothing at all in the back."

"Nothing much in the lockers."

"Okay, well the doors in here are lock, except for one where the footprints lead. So, I think we should follow them."

They all follow the footprints which lead them to the gym, as expected the gym was in wrecks as the school and locker rooms were. Broken holes around, grass and vines were also grown in, the whole gym was just in damage. The footprints led to the right where there were double doors.

"I think I remember that the pool was on to the right.", Dylan said as he opened the door to see the pool.

Pool tubes and equipment were out, trash bags around, and the pool water was all murky and dark like a swamp. The B trio followed the footprints until it was gone, to see that another set of footprints coming from another door leading to a shed.

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