Part 3:

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Why are we here? What led us to this world? How can we escape? Will we be able to find our missing friends? Why us?

Those questions of confusion ran through their heads. All of them were just tired. Tired of everything. They just want to go home. This world is nothing but pain and suffering for them. All these monsters hunting them and for what? What did they do? They were just stuck into this hot mess. All they want is to go home now.

The trio opened their eyes. Around was like an old Japanese dungeon. Huge wooden walls with carved designs standing tall. There's no ceiling, the night blue sky with tiny stars shining. Lantern posts on each side, lighting the way. Below them was a stern dirt ground. A path in front of them was leading somewhere and that's where they must go.

"Well... it's not over yet... The only way to go is forward...", Bryanna said as the other two were looking around the area.

Dylan then said "Yeah... it's our only option... Hopefully this might be the last place we see... Let's go..." The two were about to walk forward until Makayla stop them with her shouting "Wait!" This caused Bryanna and Dylan to stop, and the bacon boi ask "What? Why did you stop us?"

"Sorry, but I wanted to tell you guys that our flashlights are not working anymore." After she said that, the two checked their flashlights. It was true. Their flashlights were dead. No light or even a tiny spark from it.

"Well, great... Without our flashlights, we're just roaming in complete darkness. And we can't use our phones still, this alternate world is messing them up. So, what do we use a light source now?"

While he was talking, Bryanna was looking around for anything useful. She couldn't find anything of use to them, so she was about to give up. That was until she spotted something next to one of the lantern posts. She went up to the lantern post and looked down to find three lanterns, already lit and ready to go. Where did they come from? Who knows? But it's lucky for them.

She picked up the lanterns and went back to her friends while saying "Guys! I found lanterns! We can use them as for now." She's handing Makayla and Dylan the lanterns while holding hers. Once they made sure everything was fine, they all headed down the path.

The lights soon started to disappear, leaving them in a dark, narrow hallway.

At the end of the hall was an entry archway leading to a bigger area. It was a good thing that they found lanterns otherwise they would be walking around in the dark. The three walked down the hall and continued down. That was until they noticed something coming from the left corner and stopping at the end.

When they look closely at the figure, it sent shivers of terror down all their spines, especially Bryanna. Dylan and Makayla had never seen the figure before, it was their first time seeing it. But to Bryanna, she had already seen it before... Back in the room with the giant broken chains. The figure was...

The lady in black...

Her alone freaked the skeleton out of Bryanna. Dylan and Makayla noticed how bad their friend was shaking. It terrified them to know how afraid their bunny-masked friend was of this woman. Before they got even more scared, the woman spoke which sounded very familiar to them all.

"So... We finally meet..."

What? This doesn't make any sense... Then the woman vanished...

The Mimic: Control (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant