Chapter 3: An Old Story, Truths Revealed, and Forgotten Bloodlines

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"My puppets better end you three... Otherwise I have to do the dirty work again..."
Part 1:

Back with the B trio, they were standing near the edge of the shoreline, looking forward to know where they were going next.

The ocean in front of them was breathtaking as the floating lanterns shined a reflection down on the water, but something about it had a sense of something nightmarish. Hopefully this is just a feeling they felt, but after escaping the shadow woman, the mastermind of this alternate world won't make it easy for them now.

But they can't give up... not now... they already made it this far... so giving up will make everything they've been through seem like a waste of time... They must continue...

"So... Should we go and follow the lanterns?", Dylan asked, wondering if the girls are ready for what's in store for them. Makayla was a quick one to respond "If it's the only way to go... then yes. I'm ready for anything." Bryanna also agreed with a hum.

They walked towards the water, about to get in it, before Bryanna stopped them with a 'Wait!' The two stopped in their track and looked behind at the bunny girl. "Bry? What's wrong?" Bryanna took a second of breathing before replying to the beanie girl "I have to do something before we head forward. I'm going behind that tree and... Can you two look away from me for a moment please?"

The two were confused at what their friend asked them to do. But being the good friends they are, they concede.
Bryanna quickly went behind the tree and did... whatever she was doing. Both Makayla and Dylan had their backs turned to her and could hear her doing something. What was this girl doing?

After a minute or two, they heard her yell "Done!", and turned around. What they saw both surprised them and didn't surprise them at the same time.

Bryanna was now in the Japanese school girl outfit she kept from the school. A white long-sleeved shirt with a purple sailor collar and cuffs with a white line through them. A red bow on the collar with a rainbow gem with a gold rim surrounding it. Purple pleated skirt with another white line sewn through it, white high knee socks, and pink shoes with rainbows on them. On her back was a cute white bunny backpack. Her hair was styled differently, it was shorter thanks to her pulling almost all her hair back into two cute ribbon-like buns. The only things that were not different were her mask and pink spiked choker.

"I've should've known... Why did you change your clothes?", Dylan asked unamused, disappointed with himself for not noticing and disappointed with the bunny-masked girl for doing a quick change in the middle of their situation.

Bryanna nervously laughed "Well... My clothes were getting dirty, I wanted to change into clean clothes. Then I remembered that I had these, so I decided to change into them." This made Dylan more irritated.

"Where did you even find those?"
"Back at the school, in one of the lockers I was searching in the locker room."
Dylan was about to speak once more when Makayla stopped him "Okay! We don't have time for more chit chats. We must hurry! So, let's not worry about her outfit which is cute by the way. Let's just get across the water." They all focused once again and walked into the ocean.

Surprisingly... It wasn't deep when they stepped in. The water only reached their waist; it was shallow. But that didn't make sense, how the heck did the giant samurai appear from it if it's shallow?

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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