Part 2:

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Once they ran away from the city and the woman, they noticed that they were now in a forest.

The forest was beautiful, the vibrant green of the grass, bushes, and leaves. Lanterns glowing, hanging from wooden arches, design to lead people down a path to somewhere.

The trio knew either they have to follow the path to somewhere else or have to go back to the city, obviously they'll not go back to the city and deal with that whole mess back there. So, they followed the path, going deeper and deeper into the woods.

Faintly away, they could make out some sort of entrance that leads to a village. The closer they got, they could see more of the village, but when they got near the entrance, they all stop from hearing something.

It sounded like a string instrument like a guitar playing, the melodies from it hanged in the air. When the three tried to find where the guitar sound was coming from, Makayla spotted it and told the other two while pointing "Look! At the entrance!"

When Bryanna and Dylan looked where their friend was pointing, they saw it.

Standing there was a little girl, her hair black as midnight styled up into a messy bun, three pink and one red flowers in her hair, pale white skin, a white kimono with red trimming and faint light pink flowers design on it, her head looking down that her face isn't showing, and playing the string instrument.

The little figure was just standing there, not moving from her spot. It wasn't until Bryanna moved closer to her that she disappeared. Without thinking for a moment, they all just continued walking into the small village.

The village was quiet and quaint, the houses all wood, lamp posts scattered around, and almost deserted except for one person leaning on one of the houses. He was wearing a brown button up shirt with matching pants, dark brown sandals, and the most noticeable item he was wearing was a Chinese rice hat. He looked like a farmer of some sorts.

The trio made their way towards the farmer, and once they approach him, Bryanna started off with "Hello mister. It's nice to see a regular human being in this place... Um... Listen we are trying to find a way out of this... Different world to get back to ours... So, I'm asking if you know how to get out of here." However, the farmer didn't reply, he just stood, his head looking down, and a blank expression on his face which made Bryanna sweat behind her mask.

Then Makayla try to ask the farmer "Please sir, do you know how to escape this place? We want to get out of here as soon as possible. There's a monster stalking us, so we want to get back to our world. Please mister! Please answer!", but the farmer still didn't talk and the same expression on his face.

Getting tired of this, Dylan said "It's no use! He won't talk. If we try to get an answer from him, we're gonna be here forever. Let's just go!" Giving up on the farmer to help them, Bryanna and Makayla turned around with Dylan, as soon as they were about to leave, the farmer finally spoke.

"I haven't seen you around before. Well, please be careful around here. My brother recently went into the city, and he hasn't been back since. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stay here. She's probably already watching us as I speak... If you've seen a lady playing the biwa, it's already too late. I have something upstairs you might need later on.", he finished talking as the three tried to take in what he said.

'Was his brother that dead villager in that maze?', 'Is he talking about that tall lady with the hat is watching us?', and 'That little girl was playing something, was it the biwa and it's too late for us?', was the thoughts that was going through all of their brains now.

The Mimic: Control (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang