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The planning for your date decided to be much more worrisome than you predicted. You thought it would be a simple few step process: call Hitoshi's parents to tell them about your plan, order two tickets for the festival, and then finalize everything. Simple 3 steps, right?


What should have taken you an afternoon or two, ended up lasting until the day before White Day.

On first day, after figuring out about the festival, you went online to buy tickets since it wasn't open to the public. That was when the first bump in the road hit. What should have been a fast transaction ended with a tedious trip to the bank, your card had been compromised that morning. You hadn't known since Mina treated you to the cafe.

After figuring that out, the next day you went to order the tickets and there were still a good amount available. It went smoothly, luckily, from then on with the purchase. However, then came the next obstacle. You went to call Hitoshi's parents, which you thought would be easy enough, but you didn't take one very important consideration into account. You didn't know their number. Everytime you had spoken to them it was on Hitoshi's phone.

So the next 2 days were spent trying to figure it out without telling Hitoshi. Until you finally seemed to turn your brain on, and thought about the fact that you could send a contact to yourself and then delete the text on Hitoshi's phone. You had to wait until he left his phone unlocked and unattended, since you didn't know his password, but eventually that moment came.

That part of the unravelling issue was solved and you spent that same afternoon calling them. Of course though, they didn't answer the first hour you tried, since they weren't home. You were starting to think all of this bad luck may have been happening for a reason.

God, maybe I should have listened to Mina. The fucking sex would have been so much easier to plan. You listened to the phone ring as you thought out loud.

"Hello, who is this?" You heard a feminine voice through your speakers, it was Mayuko. You introduced yourself, first and last name just to be sure.

"Hello Mayuko! I was hoping to catch you sometime today, glad I finally did."

"Oh honey, lovely to talk to you again. How are you? Considering everything going on." You knew it would come up at some point during this call. She is a parent after all, it is her job to worry for the people important to her son.

"I'm actually doing quite well, especially since that wonderful birthday surprise Hitoshi did for me. Thank you again for recommending the restaurant for us. It was amazing."

"Oh, I knew you two would like it, I know I did all those years ago when I went there for the first time."

"Yeah we really did, anyways, I'm calling you because I need to ask you for a favor. You see, since Hitoshi did such a nice thing for my birthday, I wanted to repay the favor to him. There is this music festival happening near your home, and I bought tickets for him and I to go to it. I was wondering if we could stay at the house this weekend while we go?"

"Oh it would be wonderful to see you two again! Of course you can stay here, you don't even need to ask. Like I said, our home is your home. Come here whenever you'd like."

"Thank you so much! In that case, can I ask another favor?"

"Of course honey, what is it?"

"I have this box that's just been sitting in my room for about a month. It's full of things from my parents house and I was wondering if I could bring it with us to store it there? I don't think I'm quite ready to look through it and it's practically been staring me in the face for the past few weeks."

"Oh of course, that's perfectly alright. You can put it in our office closet I'm sure. Or even in the attic, wherever is best."

"Thank you Mayuko, I'll say it has been increasingly stressful putting this date together. Except now that I've made this call, I feel like I can finally relax since I'm almost done planning it."

"Now that you have our house number, call whenever you need to dear. I know how tough things can get sometimes with everything happening."

"I will, thank you again. I'll see you all soon. Tell Hatori I say hello as well."

"I will...Oh and speaking of Hatori, him and I have plans most of this weekend too. So the house will be yours."

With that she hung up. A weight lifted from your shoulders. Immediately you notified Mina that everything was a go, finally. To which she remarked that it took you long enough. You couldn't help but roll your eyes.

I swear if I didn't appreciate her existence so much I would punch her in the face.

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