Chapter 5

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Candy is pregnant...

She is not in a relationship. She hasn't been sexually active for a while. Not that I know of at least. She would've told me I'm her good friend. I've always told her everything that Jason and I have done.

Who is the father? I swear they got it all wrong.

The nurse let us know that Candy has to stay at the hospital overnight.

I have soo much going through my mind at the moment. Candy's pregnant and Jason's back. We kissed in Enzo's bathroom and I don't know how I feel about it. Mia's probably going to spread nasty rumors around.

What only really hit me now is Mia brought drugs to the party. Cocaine to be exact. That's illegal and it's also very personal for our friend group.

"Cherry, I'll stay with Candy and go on home with Jordan and them. You need to get rest you've had a long day." Merlyn assures me.

"Are you sure I can't stay with you?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm sure good night." She assures me and we make eye contact.

We share the same green eyes but our height is different. She is slightly shorter than me.

She gives me a long hug. I could smell the honey shampoo on her thick blonde hair.

Merlyn looks a lot like I do. She's only less than a year younger than me. I wonder if she even saw her boyfriend Richard at the party tonight? He's very lucky to have someone like her.

I walk to the guys who are waiting for me by the exit. Enzo and Jordan are arguing over who's going to drive.

"I drove here. I can't drive you don't understand." Jordan shouts.

"Just drive, it's not that bad dude," Enzo replies.

"Fine, I can drive." I offer and they go silent.

"No, you look like you've been fucked by a ghost. No way." Enzo spits.

"Oh sorry, Jason didn't mean to call you a ghost." Enzo laughs.

"Nah man, we would've used your bed for that." Jason laughs back.

I roll my eyes and start walking to the car. Enzo and I don't get along but we've had a few decent conversations. We're more alike than it seems.

"I'll drive," Jason says. He takes the keys from Jordan's hands and starts following me to the car. He unlocks it and climbs into the driver's seat.

Enzo and Jordan get in the back. Leading me with no choice but the shotgun.

I hope in next to Jason once again. He places his hands on the steering wheel. I notice a new tattoo on his right wrist but I can't quite make out what it is.

His hands are big and have many veins. He has the iconic silver bracelet that his grandfather who lives in Brazil gave him. The way his hands grip the gear as he reverses the car brings chills through my body. How is he so attractive? His hair has grown a lot. His muscles are bigger and more bulging than before.

I dig through my purse for a new CD. I pull out my Alice In Chains album and take out the previous one and replace it.

I stare at the road as Jason drives and reverses. Knowing how crazy it drives me to see him move the wheel. My favorite song from the album starts playing. (Nutshell)-by Alice in chains.

He was the one who introduced me to the band. He used to have a record player in his house.

Before he moved away. I'd sneak out and climb through his bedroom window. We'd slow dance to this song on repeat. If I had to choose a song for us. It would be this.

I Know What You Did The Summer Before Last...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ