Chapter 16

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I hear a knock at the door.

"What? What's wrong?" Enzo asks.

I get off of him and pick my towel up from the floor.

I immediately rush to the bathroom and yank my clothes on as fast as I can.

"Pizza's here." I say.

I don't know if I should say fuck you or thank you to the pizza guy for stopping what Enzo and I were about to do.

Enzo sits up fully on the bed and leans his head in his hands. Yes. I hope I teased you a bit.

I walk to the door. I heard them knock earlier while we were in our moment...

I open up and behind the door stands a really short guy.

"Hello, Pizza?" The guy who clearly can't speak much English asks.

I grab the boxes and pass him the money.

"Thank you soo much!" I say.

I look back behind me and see Enzo sitting in the bed.

"Hows your hand? Does it still hurt? Maybe you should get that checked out." He says.

It actully really sore now that I think about it.

"It kind of hurts..." I say.

I walk to him with the Pizza and sit down on the bed next to him.

"Here let me see." He says.

He gently takes my hand in his and takes a look at it.

I look at him looking closely at my hand.

His lips look soo plump and kissable.
His pupils are dialated. His breathing is still heavier from our moment earlier.

I still have a tingly feeling in my stomach. I can't believe he saw me naked...

My hand is red. I think I'm going to have to get it checked out.

I open the box of pizza and grab a slice.

"How'd you know I like Four Seasons Pizza?" He asks.

I'm a very observant person...

Maybe it's because I always remember every detail.

"I just remembered from when we ordered pizza once." I state.



"Cherry and I are ordering pizza." Jason says.

We are hanging out at the park near Anita and Danielle's house.

It's a very aesthetic park. It has swings, a merry-go-round and many other things.

Candy pulls out a bottle of vodka.

"You guys better be back in time before this bottle finishes" Candy smirks.

Jason just wants to be alone with me.

"Bro, can we take your car?" Jason asks Enzo.

He laughs and nods. He's already had a few beers.

"Don't fucking crash it." Enzo replies.

He throws Jason the keys.

We say bye to everyone and walk towards Enzo's car parked on the side of the road.

We reach his car and Jason gives me a smirk.

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