Chapter 1

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It's finally summer break. I've been waiting for this all year. I'd love to go to Europe where my parents are right now, but we've got the house to ourselves for the summer and I'm not missing out on that opportunity.

My sister Merlyn lives with me and our best friend Candy lives right next door. We'll be going over to her house later to get ready for Jordan Campbell's iconic end-of-year party.

He's the hottest guy in school according to Candy and he is pretty popular. Fortunately for us, we're friends with him we grew up together. All our close friends live in the same neighborhood. That's how we became friends and then eventually we all attended the only school in our area Rocky Highschool.

The spot where we hang out the most is South Beach in our city Shandy Shores. It's a calm and coastal city more of a town to be exact. Not many people go to this particular area of the beach. They mainly go to North or East Beach but West Beach is unspoken of. Luckily for us, we have the South-side all to ourselves.

It is currently 10:00 am on a Saturday.

I'm dressed in my running clothes ready to go for a quick jog. I slowly start running up the street.

I like taking a small run in the mornings. I never used to like running it only started in the past year. It's good stress relief and I used to be unhappy with my body. It helped me overcome that.

I feel a strong breeze against me as my face and my legs move quicker up the path. My mind flows with random thoughts.

Suddenly I see Jordan's car pull beside me on the side of the beach.

He gets out of his car. His golden hair blew in the air and I can't help but notice his muscles through his tight, basketball tank top.

"Hey, Jordan!" I start walking toward him seeing that there's something wrong with his facial expression.

"Hey, I need to talk to you," he says with a serious face.

"What's wrong?" I haven't seen him this worried in a long time. For a chilled guy like him, it's got to be something serious.

"It's Jason, he's back".

He immediately pulls me in for a tight hug when he sees my face turn pale. I feel like I'm gonna break into pieces. It's just a huge shock. How could he be back?

"He wants to talk to you before tonight. He's staying at my place for now. He said he could meet you at the beach around 2:00 pm. I don't know what he wants to say, but I think this problem has been too long. We have to sort it out this summer. I promise he won't ruin it, he's back to normal."

"He's staying at your place? Jordan are you and Enzo ok with that and what do you mean back to normal?"

I start getting a little relieved after the surprising news.

"He's Jason, you know good old Jason!"

He laughs but that laugh was fake and I could tell that Jason being back is bothering him. How could he go back to how he was after what happened?

"So I must meet him at the usual spot at 2:00 pm?" I say a little nervous.

"Yup, so I'll see you later. I've gotta go to basketball now." I give him a smirk.

"Yeah, I know." I laugh.

"You only know cause you can't stop checking me out." He smirks and I laugh.

"Don't flatter yourself, you're the one who always calls me short. So my eyes are facing directly on your chest."

He laughs. I'm not short for a girl. He's just tall. I used to have a crush on him in middle school but we both know that nothing would ever happen between us.

I Know What You Did The Summer Before Last...Where stories live. Discover now