Chapter 10

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Merlyn stares at me.

"I know there's something I don't know about so don't try to lie." She says.

She looks angry. You do not want to cross an angry Merlyn. She's like a buzzy bee waiting to sting you.

"Fine...come sit down." I sigh.

She walks to my bed and sits on the bed with her arms crossed. There was no way I was going to tell her the truth. Not yet at least. As much as I hated thinking about it, someone has to be there for Candy even if she's a liar. I still love her after everything she's done. All of me can't be there for her after knowing the truth. Merlyn can't know.

"Why are you calling Enzo all of a sudden? Did you guys hook up?" Merlyn asks.

My face goes red at the thought. We did not hook up. We just spoke for a long time. I see why she would think that though. Enzo is known to have many women. I have emotionally wrecked after Jason and I's argument earlier. It would only make sense for me to want a rebound. The fact that the drive home went from 10mins to more than an hour makes it seem like there may have been something going on between us.

"No, we did not hook up! I just called to thank Enzo for earlier than Jason started talking to him about me. He kept me on the call so I could listen to everything he was saying." I sigh.

I look at her face and she bursts out laughing.

"Enzo did that? That doesn't sound normal. Well, I'm glad you guys didn't..." She laughs.

It's not like him to mess around. He kept me on a call to listen to Jason's private rant about me. I should appreciate this more.

"Yeah, I'm shocked myself. It helped though. Jason said a few things he wouldn't be able to say to my face." I state.

"Like what?" She asks.

"He said that he regretted how he treated me and that he felt something when we kissed," I repeated his words.

"That's crazy. I guess it was worth it then." She says.

She stays in my room a little while longer while I eat my pizza.

She eventually leaves and I go to bed.


"Wake up." I hear a deep voice say.

"Wake up." He repeats.

I flutter my eyes open. It is bright in my room.

It's Monday morning. I must have slept through the whole night. My last thought was finishing my pizza and Merlyn leaving my room. Also, everything else was going through my head.

He pulls my blanket off me which wakes me up.

I look up to see Enzo standing with his eyes closed. I'm guessing he didn't want to see anything like the last time he lifted my sheets. At the same time, I feel like he just did it out of respect. He'd never turn down the image of a half-naked girl.

"What time is it?" I ask in a sleepy tone.

I rub my eyes and look at my watch on my bedside table.

"It's noon," Enzo says in a dull tone.

I slept for soo long. I didn't even have a dream. I usually get vivid dreams and sometimes even nightmares.

"How did I sleep soo late!?" I ask in surprise.

I stand up and look out the window and see cars outside.

"How must I know?" He replies.

Of course, he's moody as usual. I think he needs a good fuck not me like he said "behind" my back.

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