Chapter 15

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We are currently driving in the dark towards our last hope "Sedrick's Motel".

My heart is still raising from the hug Enzo gave me.

The area is still dark but the trees are scares and the road is getting smoother.

We are heading straight and according to my calculations the motel should be to our left soon.

A few weeks ago I never would've imagines what my life has turned out to be right now. I didn't ever think that I'd be getting lost in a strange area with Enzo Cambell.

Nor would I have thought that I'd be thinking about him this much...


' "Hey do you know when Jordans going to get home from practice?" I ask Enzo.

I'm currently standing in the kitchen at the Cambell household leaning against the marble counter. Across from me is Enzo looking through the fridge. I'm waiting for Jordan to get back. We arranged for me to come over and help him with maths for his up coming test. He's already half an hour late and I've been standing here.

"He's supposed to be home but I think he's avoiding you for obvious reasons." He replies.

He he reaches into the fridge and pulls out what looks like a protein shake. He closes it and walks over to the counter across from me and puts it next to his backpack.

"Yeah, he clearly hates maths." I state.

He nods his head and starts looking through his stuff.

"Where you heading off to?" I ask.

He looks at me with his usal dull, pissed- off look.

"Gym." He says.

I lean against the counter and look at his stuff in depth.

"Why are you taking a full backpack to the gym?" I ask.

He takes his shake out of his bag and starts chugging it. He's wearing black sweatpants and a grey tank top.

He's face has a slight stubble and his hair is neat. His stong cologne smells up the whole room.

"I'm going to shower there afterwards." He says.

I look at him with a questionable look. Somehow I still can't believe that.

"You have a perfectly good shower here why do you have to shower there?" I ask.

He bangs his shake onto the table and looks at me.

"What's with the questions?" He asks, looking really annoyed.

I know enough about him to know that he never showers at the gym coz the showers are dirty. He always complains about how the men are disgusting.

"I just don't believe that you're going to the gym." I reply.

He's looking to good for the gym. He must be going to meet someone.

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