Chapter 1: A Devastating Loss

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A.N. Welcome to my new story! This is just something I thought of for some reason! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing this! This takes place after Splinter dies in 2012 TMNT.

"Leo! Now would be a good time to open up that portal!" Raph yelled at his younger brother. They had been fighting Big Mama and losing. Badly.

"I'm working on it!" Leo yelled back before saying to himself, "come on, portal... come on, portal!"

He waved his sword in a bit of a circle formation and a portal finally opened up. Did Leo have any idea where it led? Nope. Well, he had an idea, but he just hoped it led where he wanted it to.

"Yes!" Leo shouted before turned to his brothers. "¡Vámonos, hermanos!"

He waved his brothers through the portal.

"Do you know where this thing leads?" Raph stopped to ask him.

"Does it matter?" Leo questioned frantically.

"Well, yeah, kinda!" Raph yelled.

"Would you just go?!" Leo yelled back.

Big Mama was running towards them with her henchmen.

Raph shrugged and ran through the portal. Leo was about to follow him when Big Mama grabbed him by the arm, holding him back. He had his other arm with the sword through the portal already. Big Mama tried to pull him back.

Then something happened...

The portal closed.

Leo dropped his sword and pulled his hand back through the portal right before it closed.

He heard a faint, "Leo, no!" from his brothers on the other side of the portal before it closed.

Now he was trapped. Big Mama had a tight grip on him and he had no weapon to defend himself. No brothers there to protect him. And no way to escape and find his brothers.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the portal that had just closed, Mikey picked up Leo's sword off the ground.

"Leo..." He said sadly, looking at the sword then at the area the portal was just in.

"Where are we?" Donnie asked, looking around.

"I'm not sure, but one thing's for sure. We have to find a way to find and save Leo." Raph said.

"And how do you propose we do that?" Donnie asked.

"I... I don't know. Look, we just need to get back to the lair." Raph answered.

"Is it just me or does New York look different to you?" Donnie asked Raph.

"Yeah, it does... Wonder what that's about..." Raph said skeptically.

That's when Raph noticed Mikey was sadly looking at Leo's sword in his hands.

"Mikey...? Are you okay..?" Raph asked, noticing how upset Mikey seemed.

"No! No, I'm not okay! Leo is gone! And he's probably gone forever by now! Who knows what Big Mama could've done to him?!" Mikey shouted, tears forming in his eyes.

Raph felt sorry for his youngest brother. Mikey had always been so close with Leo.

He walked over to Mikey and hugged him. "Hey, I'm sure he's okay. Leo is strong. He can get through this. There's still time to save him."

"I really hope you're right, Raph." Mikey said, looking up at his oldest brother, then down at the sword in his hands.

"Let's just go home." Raph said.

Little did he know, that would be a lot harder than it sounded...

A.N. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new book! I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you had as much fun reading it! Until next time, take care guys!

The Multiverse of Loss (A TMNT 2012/ROTTMNT Crossover Fic)Where stories live. Discover now