Chapter 2: A Dire Situation

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The three turtles arrived at the lair, unsure of what they were going to do. Mikey held Leo's sword in his hands the entire way back to the lair.

          Upon entering the lair, they realized something wasn't right. All the lights were off and their home looked... different, from what they could tell with the lights being off.

          "Be on your guard, bros. Something isn't right here." Raph said.

          As if on cue, a chain came from the darkness and wrapped around the three of them.

          They struggled, trying to break free of the chain. They were brought to the ground and saw four pairs of glowing white eyes in the darkness.

          "Who are you?" Raph asked, struggling against the chain.

          "We should be asking you the same thing." A low voice answered from the darkness.

          The owner of the voice stepped out of the darkness, revealing himself to be a mutant turtle with a blue mask, pointing a katana at the three turtles who were chained up. He almost looked like...

          "Leo...?" Mikey knew it wasn't his Leo, but he knew it had to be a Leo.

          "Woah, dude! He knows your name!" Another voice called from the darkness.

          Another turtle, one with an orange mask, stepped out of the darkness, holding the other end of the chain that tied the other three up.

          "Woah. He kinda looks like you, Mikey." Raph said to his brother.

          "Who are you guys?" A third turtle stepped out of the darkness. He had a red mask.

          "Ok, this is getting weird now." Mikey said, struggling against the chains some more.

          "Guys, I think they're... us... from another dimension!" A fourth turtles stepped out. He had a purple mask.

          "What are you doing here? And how did you get here?" Leo asked, pointing a sword at them still.

          "Well, if you unchain us, we'll explain everything." Rise Raph said.

          Leo seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding at 2012 Mikey to pull back the chain, which he does.

          "Well... we were mid-battle back in our own dimension. We needed to escape. So our brother, Leo, used his mystic sword to create a portal for us. He had no idea where it led, but we needed to get out of there." Raph explained, standing up.

          "And just as he was about to jump through the portal after us... he was grabbed by the villain we were battling and didn't make it through. He lost his sword in the process. So he doesn't even have anything to defend himself with." Mikey shows them the sword in his hands.

          "And you said this sword can generate portals?" 2012 Donnie asked.

          "Yes, but none of us know how to use it. Leon was the only one who could use it..." Mikey said sadly as he looked at the sword again.

          "All right then. Donnie, do you think you could help them find a way home?" Leo looked at his brother.

          "I think I may be able to, but I might need some help." 2012 Donnie responded.

          "I'll help. I may know a thing or two about this." Rise Donnie offered, showing no emotion whatsoever.

          2012 Donnie nodded and gestured for his alternate self to follow him into his lab. 2012 Mikey and both Raphs followed the Donnies to the lab. 2012 Leo started to, but realized that arise Mikey had snuck off to the dojo.

          Curious, Leo followed the counterpart of his youngest brother to the dojo.

          In the dojo, Mikey sat on the floor, looking sadly at his brother's sword.

          "Mikey?" Leo questioned to get the younger turtle's attention.

          "Oh! Hi, Leo..." Mikey said, not even trying to hide how devastated he is feeling.

          "Mind if I join you?" Leo asked.

          "Go ahead." Mikey gestured to the spot across from him.

          Leo sat down and looked at Mikey. "You're worried about your brother, aren't you?"

          "He's probably gone already... I miss him..." Mikey said, tears forming in his eyes.

          Leo felt bad for the younger turtle. "I know what it's like to lose someone close to you... My brothers and I lost our father... our sensei... not too long ago..." Leo looked down.

          Mikey looked up at the older turtle in shock. "Oh... I'm so sorry for your loss..."

          "If there's even the slightest chance that your brother is still alive, we are going to save him. I promise." Leo looked at Mikey with determination.

          Mikey smiled at the older turtle. Mikey realized that this Leo was clearly very different from his Leo, but not so different at the same time, because that is something that his older brother would say.

          Mikey hugged Leo tightly, "thanks, Leo. That makes me feel a lot better."

          Leo smiled and hugged Mikey back, "anytime, Mikey. Now let's go see if the others have found a way to get you back home yet."

          Mikey nodded, stood up, and started to walk out of the dojo. Leo followed him, smiling at how similar this Mikey is to his own little brother.


          Leo lay unmoving on top of a rooftop back in his home dimension. Big Mama smirked at the sight, before walking away slowly...

A.N. I thought it was a good idea to have a fluff moment between 2012 Leo and Rise Mikey for obvious reasons! Hope you enjoyed! Byeee!


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